
I’m hoping you can read the future, and can tell us who will win the November elections.


Being as such and logic were revealed to Parmenides by the goddess.

Please excuse me if I can’t understand all this. I haven’t been grabbed by the balls, as Peter claims is necessary. So I guess that’s why the dead being more alive than we are, sounds spooky to me. I don’t believe in ghosts.

“And we can’t know the power of now,” as Peter states, “unless we go back to the primordial past, so we can know where the power of now comes from,” seems to me to not be living in the now, but spending time instead in the past, and not in the now, that none of us can escape from, unless we’re dead.

But then, since he, and apparently Jung, claim the dead are more living than we are, maybe they know the power of now more than any of us, since the dead, or at least some of them, lived back then, and are in the now, even while dead … as they’re dead NOW.

And nothing, or no one, better be grabbing me by the balls, I don’t care what spiritual primordial depths they come from. My balls are off limits, and have nothing to do with the power of now.

We can’t live in the now, unless we change with it every nanosecond. We’re not in the now if we hang onto it, or if we turn to any past, including the primordial one.

Jung will be gone in a generation precisely because he will be in the past, and not in the ever changing now, and is dead, and not more alive than us now … sorry to say.

Lol. You are your presuppositions. Jung is more alive to me than he ever was before.

But isn’t that just literary Jung? Or maybe you’re conjuring him :

The Seventh Book of Moses

Literature that doesn’t evoke the spirit is nothing but dead letters.

Excellent video, Felix.

It does take a certain quality of, say, minerals, to be grabbed by the balls by he truth; or maybe we can just say, it takes balls.

Jung, with a handful of others, opened a psychological paradigm and will be of importance likely 2000 years from now, if not beyond that. I don’t think it is technically possible for him to lose importance as long as there are humans with courage.

Nihilism is so pervasive in our time that many who are in its grasp are unaware of it. It already has them by the balls and they call it reality. Like 1968, 2020 is a pivotal year. Our collective inner disease has externalized itself over the globe. For a few it will be a creative illness that will liberate them from the spirit of the time. If I were a man of prayer, I’d pray that their numbers be many, that their spirits be strong, and their influence would change the course of humanity from its destructive trajectory.

Quite frankly humanity has pampered itself at the cost of all other Earthly nature except perhaps cats, dogs and tulips. Nihilism is a result of this, our species languidly blurting out loathsome examples of sloth and ignorance, sustained by traditions of robbery and oppression. All humans are in a sense inheritors of this sloth but those that feel it most become nihilists - those in whom there is not the creative genius but merely the reproductive one, those that can only respond and mimic.

As for Jung, some can handle him, some

maybe not so much

What spirit?

You might like this FC :

Where reason abides, one needs no magic. Hence our time no longer needs magic. Only those without reason needed it to replace their lack of reason.

But it is thoroughly unreasonable to bring together what suits reason with magic since they have nothing to do with one another. Both become spoiled through being brought together. Therefore all those lacking reason quite rightly fall into superfluity and disregard. A rational man of this time will therefore never use magic.270 But it is another thing for whoever has opened the chaos in himself. We need magic to be able to receive or invoke the messenger and the communication of the incomprehensible. We recognized that the world comprises reason and unreason; and we also understood that our way needs not only reason but also unreason. This distinction is arbitrary and depends upon the level of comprehension. But one can be certain that the greater part of the world eludes our understanding. We must value the incomprehensible and unreasonable equally, although they are not necessarily equal in themselves; a part of the incomprehensible, however, is only presently incomprehensible and might already concur with reason tomorrow. But as long as one does not understand it, it remains unreasonable. Insofar as the incomprehensible accords with reason, one may try to think it with success; but insofar as it is unreasonable, 143/144 one needs magical practices to open it up.

The practice of magic consists in making what is not understood understandable understandable in an incomprehensible manner. The magical way is not arbitrary, since that would be understandable, but it arises from incomprehensible grounds. Besides, to speak of grounds is incorrect, since grounds concur with reason. Nor can one speak of the groundless, since hardly anything further can be said about this. The magical way arises by itself. If one opens up chaos, magic also arises.
~~Jung, C. G… The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon) (pp. 403-404). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.

Any spirit.

Even the ones that disguises as an angel of light? Be careful with spirits bro. Might be safer with the dead letter.

Safe and dead.


Modern man disenchants nature and turns it to meaningless shit for use and exploitation. This was supposed to be for the good of humans. But the price paid is that man himself is turned into meaningless shit for use and exploitation. This was modernity’s Faustian bargain–it’s deal with the devil. When Shit man looks out at the Shit universe, he is terrified:

…not realizing that he has created that universe by the presuppositions of his own mind which bar the way to mystic participation.

Clearly Jung was a magician. A psychic shapeshifter with multiple personalities like Merlin.

Haha! It’s all about our individual and then collective Magi… you ain’t getting mine, if I ain’t getting yours… such things don’t come for free!

Okay, okay, ya got me : Any friend of the devil is a friend of mine. Covid has got me needing friends anyway

So I wonder if you can help me. I’ve been reading the pages below, off and on, repeatedly, in The Red book, trying to get at the spirit of them. So I’m hoping that a spirit whisperer like yourself, or any others that might be spirit whisperers, can help me get past the dead letter :

Where reason abides, one needs no magic. Hence our time no longer needs magic. Only those without reason needed it to replace their lack of reason. But it is thoroughly unreasonable to bring together what suits reason with magic since they have nothing to do with one another. Both become spoiled through being brought together. Therefore all those lacking reason quite rightly fall into superfluity and disregard. A rational man of this time will therefore never use magic.270

But it is another thing for whoever has opened the chaos in himself. We need magic to be able to receive or invoke the messenger and the communication of the incomprehensible. We recognized that the world comprises reason and unreason; and we also understood that our way needs not only reason but also unreason. This distinction is arbitrary and depends upon the level of comprehension. But one can be certain that the greater part of the world eludes our understanding. We must value the incomprehensible and unreasonable equally, although they are not necessarily equal in themselves; a part of the incomprehensible, however, is only presently incomprehensible and might already concur with reason tomorrow. But as long as one does not understand it, it remains unreasonable. Insofar as the incomprehensible accords with reason, one may try to think it with success; but insofar as it is unreasonable, 143/144 one needs magical practices to open it up.

The practice of magic consists in making what is not understood understandable in an incomprehensible manner. The magical way is not arbitrary, since that would be understandable, but it arises from incomprehensible grounds. Besides, to speak of grounds is incorrect, since grounds concur with reason. Nor can one speak of the groundless, since hardly anything further can be said about this. The magical way arises by itself. If one opens up chaos, magic also arises.

One can teach the way that leads to chaos, but one cannot teach magic. One can only remain silent about this, which seems to be the best apprenticeship. This view is confusing, but this is what magic is like. Where reason establishes order and clarity, magic causes disarray and a lack of clarity.271 One indeed needs reason for the magical translation of the not-understood into the understandable, since only by means of reason can the understandable be created. No one can say how to use reason, but it does arise if one tries to express only what an opening of chaos means.272

Magic is a way of living. If one has done one’s best to steer the chariot, and one then notices that a greater other is actually steering it, then magical operation takes place. One cannot say what the effect of magic will be, since no one can know it in advance because the magical is the lawless, which occurs without rules and by chance, so to speak. But the condition is that one totally accepts it and does not reject it, in order to transfer everything to the growth of the tree. Stupidity too is part of this, which everyone has a great deal of, and also tastelessness, which is possibly the greatest nuisance.

Thus a certain solitude and isolation are inescapable conditions of life for the well-being of oneself and of the other, otherwise one cannot 144/145 sufficiently be oneself. A certain slowness of life, which is like a standstill, will be unavoidable. The uncertainty of such a life will most probably be its greatest burden, but still I must unite the two conflicting powers of my soul and keep them together in a true marriage until the end of my life, since the magician is called ΦΙΛΗΜΩΝ and his wife ΒΑΥΚΙΣ. I hold together what Christ has kept apart in himself and through his example in others, since the more the one half of my being strives toward the good, the more the other half journeys to Hell.
~~Jung, C. G… The Red Book: A Reader’s Edition (Philemon) (pp. 403-405). W. W. Norton & Company. Kindle Edition.

There’s much I could say, but perhaps you could first tell me what you find perplexing about the passage.