Unite Against Racism

Yes. For me it is completely black.

If everyone in the US understood that their votes haven’t mattered in 30 years. There’d be big change. What are the odds of that happening? Zero percent.

What terrifies global elites more than anything is people votes actually being counted correctly.

But even then, control of the media, and who is seen as a candidate still forces people into a box.

People also need to understand that ALL sides of exposure and the debate (the narrative if you will) is under absolute control, not only to divide us, but to force who we see.

These vote machine people are so arrogant too… They flaunt it right in front of everyone! What’s the name of one of the largest companies for vote counting machines ? “Diebold”. Literally, “die bold”. Literally “if you fuck with us, we’ll assassinate you”

This is old news now, it’s gotten much worse since then.


Thanks for sharing.
I haven’t done extensive research on voter fraud, and I really should.

Actually, it has a lot to do with race.

Under Neo-Marxism, blacks will be on top, whites on the bottom and others somewhere in the middle.

It’s really amazing what’s happening in North America, Brazil, Western Europe and Australia, how wealthy Jews and wealthy, traitorous whites are weaponizing poor blacks, poor Muslims and poor, traitorous whites to enslave and exterminate whites and their civilization.

What culture though, Christendom?
Nonjewish Abrahamists are always blaming the Jews for everything except what they actually did, namely give them their Gods.
But yeah. Christendom is clearly not up to the task here, of defending anything whatsoever.
What do they have to defend? Wretched lies, hypocrisy, sexual deprivation, pedophilia, bad writing, solipsism, weakness in general, – ??

I make an exception for Eastern Orthodoxy. But then these aren’t the sort of Christians to be blaming races for their troubles. In fact Eastern Orthodoxy is rather a continuation of the worship of Zeus.
Priests can marry and wear patriarchal beards.

Christianity in the western form is, ritual and symbol wise, a broken form of Osiris worship.

In any case - the destruction of Christendom is hardly the destruction of European culture. In fact Christendom was the destruction of European culture.

I like this kind of historical idealism, which in some sense makes Christendom little more than a footnote in a much greater, long continuous progression of theistic thinking, that just happened to have some notable best-sellers along the way, of which Christianity just happens to clearly demarkate a period of European decadence.

I find these bigger picture conceptions a lot more illuminating for the purposes of deducing root causes and predicting the longer term effects of these overall trends.

In my estimation, this kind of thinking is the only way to look far back enough, and far forward enough to really resolve what’s going on with things like Racism.

Beyond such the primordial truths as fire and ice, pain and pleasure, the world is mostly a question and, when respected as such, of infinite beauty. When a human is presuming knowledge of the natures of others, he is unable to see the worlds beauty, as indeed to such categorizing eyes, nature likes to hide.

This connects to an insight I had yesterday into Freuds dichotomy of Eros vs the Death Drive. I had set to thinking about Eros anew through Perpetualburns recently described vision of a wet-golden cross which he related not to Christ but to Eros, and I had meditated on his vision and then realized (what is known in general but I had not personally realized) that Eros is the basic emotional orientation toward the future, engaged with risk taking and uncertainty, feeling freedom in that rather than panic. I then understood that Freuds death drive is the opposite; being concerned with the past, in the sense of scrutinizing causes, remorse, Oedipal neurosis, regrets, thus a troubled view on the future, thing to justify it beforehand to even be allowed to engage in it.

However I have been involved in ancestral magic for a few years now and have thereby been liberated entirely of my feeling that I am responsible for things I cant change, and thus have a very free spirited relation with the past now, I realized that this death-drive is only a threshold, bottleneck, “veil”. beyond which, if we look even further back, there is again Eros, an untroubled will to freely relate whatever comes spontaneously in true relation.

To pile on somewhat, take it to slightly before Christ, to what seems to origin of European decadence; this spontaneous relation is free of the automatic categorical relations that our, Id say Aristotelean era (Aristotle is really the crux of Christian ecclesiastical thought) compels us to place in advance of our thoughts so as for these thoughts to be safe and have a place, may well be related to a priori categorizing in terms of race, as a prior categorization seems to have become a thing mostly by virtue of Aristotle, and I find Aristotle the most decadent of all philosophers.I find it significant in this sense that he was proven wrong in his theorem of a ring-sea of the world by his youthful pupil Alexander who simply physically went to what wasn’t supposed to exist. Aristotle, who was so elementarily presumptuous and inadequate before the world, determined much of European thought for over a thousand years. Im sure racism could indeed be related to a priori categorizations, be of the same presumptuous nature as the idea of a circumferential sea to which the philosopher was the center.

To be fee to ones roots is to happily endure the unknown.

Modernity in all its variety is a big part of what western, white civilization is, insofar as others are modern, they’ve appropriated it.

In as far as modernity has produced anything it is essentially Venetian. Which means, socially liberal, opportunistic, favouring the arts and money-lending and leaning heavily on foreign trade. Much interest in foreign ideas. Isolation seen as a form of misfortune, a debilitation.

Greek Logic and Mathematics was passed on to us through the Arabs, if not for whom the White Christian Lords would have burned all of it.

Both civic and ethnonationalism are a part of what modernity is, along with civility, individuality, republicanism, the nuclear family, science (but not scientism) and so on.
Globalism, Marxism, postmodernism and posnationalism are a kind of hostile reaction to modernity.
I’m not against internationalism, some voluntary collaboration between nations, but I am against replacing or subordinating the nation state with or to world government.
Christianity and our customs, traditional art, literature, music, cuisine, fashion, medicine and so on are also a big part of western, white civilization.
Our languages, Germanic, Romantic, Slavic and so on are another.

The key word there is Greek, as in western, white.

That being said, I’m not against any and all socialism, only toxic, utopian socialism, which I consider Marxism to be a part of.

Im not going to pretend white people do not have magnificent culture. But the fact that Marxism could arise in it speaks to the weakness of the Christian soul.
Marx simply secularizes the Christian slave-revolt. Like the character of Jesus, by claiming metaphysical victory. His categories are different but his methods of seduction are the same; recognition of an absolute adversary is one of these methods. The fact that this method is successful speaks to what Silhouette calls decadence.
All in all, Europe has simply failed itself for very long, despite peoples wonderful works. If it had not - do you think we would be in this position?

They failed us, brother.
We must do better.

Well not Viking. Greek. Not Rus, not Frank… only those divine Greeks did that.
Western civilization is part of Greece, not the other way around.

Not only our science is Greek, the New Testament, the story of Jesus, is written in Greek, and bad Greek at that. That goes to show how little it is worth compared to what we get from Homer, or even Sophocles.

To claim ethnicity is not to claim the accomplishments of geniuses, even though one may bask in pride at some proximity to them; the true roots of the ancestral soul lie in more primordial things. And perhaps in such primordial things it is that the genius arises; but contact with them is not given, one must actually find these roots, through much sacrifice of mind and energy, and then once they are found, cultivate them with what are generally folk-magical practices. It is a time consuming part of ones being, one cant be pagan like one can be monotheistic; a promise doesn’t suffice. You need to treat the gods as family.

Ay kind of commerce, politics, Institution, big Tech, any kind of superstructure that serves as infrastructure is not going to be able to hold to any ethics except extortion - it being superstructure.
Marx has called this capital, but I believe that to be inaccurate;
Capital is good, it is necessary to have a bit of capital to enjoy some peace of mind; ideally a business, a house, a car, some savings - but more than that, some abstract power to go and do what you please without taking things that don’t belong to you. I believe that to be capital; power to acquire quality of life without politicking. Freedom.

What Marx was up against and what we are even more up against is profit as a singular aim - profit detached from the value of that which is being produced. Marx is within this error, as he too never spoke of the value of that which is produced - yet this is the crux of all economy.

Profits and values must be tied together, and the incorruptible, pure conductor Gold has always been representative of this contract. I believe this is significant in all forms of economy current and classical; we can not escape, if proper regulation of Earth is our aim, the nature of the Earths elements. Minerals - in all senses - are all that stands between us and chaos. Minerals represent order, and we will only ever build orders in shapes analogous to those that make up minerals. Our task is really quite… elementary. But it does require the greatest imagination and ingenuity to perform. It is up to us to become equal to nature; this is what we mean when we say “be true to the Earth”.

Not like Socrates, who decided that existence is not worth having because one cant be certain of any abstract knowledge. What a testament to the corruption of the human mind! This elementary corruption, which was Greek as well, against which Greece tried to fight but which cleverly used its own death as its own agent, (a pattern repeated in the magic of Christianity) is still not resolved; it remains my conviction that Schopenhauer was the first to address it, and Nietzsche the first to make sense of it and partly overcome it, partly purify the intellect from the error of believing in a truth value granted by its mere existence, the elusive phantom Sokrates created.

A pagan does not seek to prove the existence of his god, at the most he seeks to prove his own existence to this god. Sokrates demanded that god prove himself to him and because none did (there was no such god as woud be petty enough to appear fully clad enclosed in reason), Sokrates figured that the whole of existence had been proven to be a bad thing, and he became very famous. That is the decadence the Greeks gave us even before we existed! That too is their doing.
So perhaps what we are after now is not more ingenuity and genius, but simply a return to Zeus, and the other gods of our ancient peoples; the gods that did not ritually sacrifice their own children at all, let alone for the purpose of humans being freed of accountability for their existence, for their conscience; what was gained by rejecting Zeus, and the Olympos? How did life become more conscious? Only in matters of depreciation.

Sure it was a process that had to happen. We can say that of everything, but it is done now and we should be done with it - which means to bring back what this process had to suppress in order to be able to unfold.
We’ve reached the end of the self-negation of spirit. It began with Sokrates, went to Jesus, then Hegel, and now reaches its peaks in America.

In a sense it was the creation of the Ego.
Sokrates did not understand why he exists, therefore his existence has no meaning, therefore existence has no meaning, except in the hypothetical case that it could possibly understand its ground and discover the Good - this initiated the fanatical drive against the whirlpool, humans became trouts, spirit fighting against itself, and proudly sitting atop this fight, ignorant of it, is the modern I. And this I is racist, or any kind of -ist. It has no particular nature of itself.

Sokrates gave man the idea that in his puniness he is most significant.
That is really a neat trick, as the gods nor the earth are puny so neither can influence man, as neither can relate. The Gods can simply stand back, though have to accept the loss of much love. The Earth is ravaged and many of its species are killed off. Nothing matters.
Man is now caught in the race with himself for the ultimate consequence of puniness.

The weird thing is, Sokrates wasn’t even puny.

Well, civilizations rise and fall eh, whaddaya gonna do?
Maybe we’ll finally get our shit together but not without going through hell first.

Nope, democracy and freedom arose independently multiple times in the west, for example the Vikings had them, and they had little-no knowledge of Athens and Rome.
And it was other Europeans who were most able and interested in emulating and developing Athenian and Roman civilization, not Non-Europeans.

Double nope back at you:

-We were not talking about freedom and democracy but about mathematics and logic, if you’ll recall:

Much of mathematics and formal logic is Greek of origin. That said, India has done much work on it as well, as have the Arabs. Illustrating that, “Algebra” is the name of Arab thinker Al Jabr.

-Concerning freedom and individual liberty and democracy, this is something which has existed in very many cultures, to exemplary degrees in Native American tribes. In fact it is thought that the first American caucuses were inspired by native tribe meetings.