Unite Against Racism

I meant to respond something else there, pardon - I don’t know what happened there

Okay - the talk of talks.
But to be fair I do not recognize how racism has anything to do with the deterioration of the Earth surface. The focus on it rather distracts from all other issues - even to the point of governments allowing mass gatherings despite, you know what.
Its a hoax of sorts.

Police violence does exist and is a very good anchor for a revolutionary passion. And perhaps indeed this is the way to end it all.
To be fair if that would be all it did, it would all be worth it.
And to be fair all we can do is wait and see, and keep guard against our own risk of falling prey to thoughts about race.

Fuck race.
Think about Ancestry.

“Oregon’s Lincoln County has created an exception for non-white residents in a new compulsory face mask order, citing concerns over racial profiling,”

It’s hindering… to progress, to maturing as a planet, to planetary cohesion etc. etc. etc., and so it’s mind-numbingly dull, which hinders creativity and thought itself.

Samsara, anyone? anyone? How masochist a routine… because it is a routine, isn’t it. But when will it end and Nirvana achieved, but there’s no money in that/in a resolution.

This isn’t about winning or losing, but about resolving and moving on… for good.

Pleases me to see such sentiment so radically expressed by a moderate type.

What is standing in the way I can tell you. All my philosophy and Ollies has been about this. What is lacking is the Great Style.

take the Earth.
What a magnificent thing it is.
To be masters of it, as we are by our means of destruction but not by our means of creation.

Not only racism stands in the way of this, but lack of imagination foremost. Will and Imagination; I fear perhaps not until I thoroughly reread Schopenhauer will the world attain its glory.


This has always been, and always shall be, my stance on the matter of racial planetary in-fighting… so thanks. :smiley:

When the old ways and methods cease working, it’s time to implement and utilise new ones… the masses want appeasement, and the rest of us want closure on the matter.

Stay safe, my friend.

I believe much of “Racism” has been progressed and solved, for the most part. At least, throughout most of the US, most people are not ‘racist’ in the negative sense. People generally agree, and want, equal-opportunity and a society where ‘race’ does not impede. For the most part, it doesn’t. But for the parts where it does, in the slums, ghettos, Detroit, Minnesota, and for the handful of true “Racists” still around, there are big flare-ups. These flare-ups are unjustified. The Fake News, Mass Media, is stoking the flames intentionally, to their own gain. Do white cops kill black criminals? Yes, but white cops kill white criminals, black cops kill black criminals, and probably, some black cops kill white criminals. It cuts all ways. To focus on “white cop kills black criminal” is a trend, and it benefits those who want to exploit racism and cause division across America.

These are the internal enemy, agents of chaos, who want to burn everything, because they have no investments in the future.

Modern-Post-Modern “Racism” is a Chimera, a fictional beast, a monster that doesn’t exist. People are battling internal-demons, not external reality. “White man” is not “keeping you down”. Rather, you need to rise-up, regardless of race, and with exception to it. Prove everybody wrong. Reject victim-culture and victim-mentality.

Become an individual. Race has nothing to do with it.

Thank MagsJ

Urwrong, you’re perfectly right.


One must ask and answer the question “how does one unite with another/others?”

Naturally it is easiest when the other party shares your experiences, but what if you do not share experiences? How often does someone reject the input of another who does not share the same experiences on principle, no matter how well intentioned, empathic and reasoned they may be?

This simple psychological phenomenon is the origin of identity politics and the resulting exclusion and silencing of voices that come from a place that lacks the experiences being addressed. In many cases it doesn’t even matter if the best attempts are made to empathise and reason with the best of intentions - the input will be rejected.

This in itself is a dividing force, a kind of psychological revenge for all the prior history of isolation, that doubles itself through reciprocation - such that it is felt in both directions instead of just one. The effect of deflecting back this negativity is easily taken as a gesture of hostility, easily reverting both parties back to their primitive impulses to physically war with one another.
Have we united yet? Just the opposite.
Does the side retaliated against, accusing and advising the retaliators help? Absolutely not - it only deepens the division and prevents unity even further.

Even relating the division to your own different terms diminishes the unification of two sides: “I know and fear your plight because of some similar plight and fear that I have” either intentionally or unintentionally distracts attention away from the specific plights and fears being retaliated against. It’s taken as an insult because it dillutes the problem - and those most wronged need to feel that their plights and fears are specifically being addressed. I choose the word “feel” rather than “think” carefully here.

Are there instances where plights and fears are so entrenched and malignant that they cannot possibly be resolved? I expect so. Even infinite sympathy would probably struggle to assauge such conditions. Here enters the temptation to offer “tough”, compromised love - to order the ordered to remain ordered to some extent and at least in large part remain where they always were this whole time. Are we united yet? Still no.

I’ll believe anyone here knows how to “unify” as soon as they repeatedly convince even those who stand in very different camps.


Of course we’re all human and we all have our differences, racial, ideological and so on.
On the far left, we have nonwhite supremacists, separatists and segregationists.
Left of center, some people think whites owe nonwhites, blacks in particular, ‘anti-bias training’ or more ‘reparations’.
Right of center, some people think whites don’t owe nonwhites any reparations.
On the far right, we have white supremacists, separatists and segregationists.

Can we find any common ground ideologically?
Now, we’re definitely not going to get anywhere with the black supremacists and white supremacists who want to enslave and exterminate others, so let’s exclude them, which leaves the rest of us.
How bout this, while we have our differences, they’re not worth rioting over.
They’re not worth murdering, assaulting and vandalizing over.
They’re not worth tearing the country down.
Violence begets violence, if Antifa and BLM start tearing shit up, it’s only a matter of time before rightwing militias respond in kind.
Any person or group advocating rioting needs to be called out, boycotted, canceled and perhaps sent to jail, that includes politicians and mainstream media.

What we really need is dialogue, accommodation, collaboration, compromise and most importantly, acceptance.
Accept half the country may never see eye to eye on these issues.
We need to solve our differences civilly, democratically, or through nonviolent, nondestructive civil disobedience.
And we need to accept we will never be able to solve all our differences.
Perhaps our differences are too great and some states or counties may need to split from the union or remain, but go in a radically different direction, but violence won’t solve anything, it’ll just lead to our annihilation, and in that vacuum you will either get endless gang warfare, black gangs, white gangs, leftwing gangs and righting gangs fighting each other for supremacy, or a radical rightwing or radical leftwing totalitarian dictatorship, and no one in their right mind wants that.

So let’s start here, we know what our differences are, the media reminds us of and embellishes them incessantly, but what of our commonalities?
How bout a commitment to nonviolence?
To civility, dialogue, democracy and human rights, in spite of the fact we sometimes disagree over which rights are most important?
If the vast majority of us can’t at least get behind that, then we all lose, and America, the west itself, is doomed.

And politicians enabling rioters is bullshit too.

It’s your duty to protect the lives and property of your constituents.

If you refuse to do that, you should be discharged, perhaps imprisoned.

On 2nd thought, scratch dialogue, most conservatives are tired of this race shit.

We’re moving on, if most liberals can’t accept that then civil war is inevitable.

But of course this has nothing to do with race, the powers that shouldn’t be are using Covid, Antifa and BLM to tear western civilization down so they can replace it with the communist, technocratic UN.

Say whatever you want about conservatives, they’re corrupt as hell, but at least you don’t see them rioting or calling for bloody revolution, unlike Antifa and BLM, whom democrats, the UN, Bank of America, Walmart, the Gap, Nike and so on support, bank of America alone just gave BLM a billion dollars.

They enable and endorse the rioting.

The liberal establishment have been radicalized and weaponized to take out western civilization, a plot that goes all the way back to the banksters and Karl Marx.


For 1!

1.) not a single US ballot has been counted in 30 years

For 2!

2.) all that matters to the propaganda ministry of the United States is how to be successful (and EVERY news outlet in the US is controlled by the propaganda ministry!!) is how to get people in the US to accept the larger plan

What’s funny about people like you to me, is that you actually believe the narrative!!

You really believe in antifa and blm… you really believe that shit is real! You really believe in liberal and conservative narratives!

You haven’t done your fucking homework!

The United States took over the entire media platforms including the internet 20 years ago.

We live in Nazi germany lite. The kinder Nazi germany, where when they fuck you up the ass, you don’t feel it! (In tribute to George Carlin).

Fox News, cnn, msnbc, Alex Jones, Qanon, ALL of Hollywood … ALL the publishing companies! All run by the cia!

Congress? Bought and paid for.

President? Bought and paid for.

Supreme Court? Bought and paid for.

You may ask, “really, the Supreme Court?”

Yes! They ruled in he mid 90’s that if you call yourself a news organization that you never have to report a single fact!! Look it up!

I hate explaining this shit to people


Don’t get me wrong, I’m actually more inclined to believe what you say than not, just I’m unsure.

Maybe the whole thing has been completely rigged since 1776.

Maybe all our history is a lie too, maybe 1776 didn’t happen like they said it did.

Yea for the most part I agree with you.

I rechecked the Fox News lawsuit story and they’re claiming that an affiliate (which fox owns) is not representative of the corporation (a lie).

The lawsuit was brought by a story - against Monsanto - being buried. Which is true. They published a probe of complete fiction (through editing the original story) and claimed it was fact. The ruling in effect decided that news corporations don’t have to tell the truth.

I thought it went to the Supreme Court. I’ll do some more digging.

The seekers of the lawsuit were however paid 425,000 after the ruling.

I guess for me it’s more shades of gray, or shades of black rather, whereas for you it’s all pitch black, but still I’m more in agreement with you than not.

Yes. For me it is completely black.

If everyone in the US understood that their votes haven’t mattered in 30 years. There’d be big change. What are the odds of that happening? Zero percent.

What terrifies global elites more than anything is people votes actually being counted correctly.

But even then, control of the media, and who is seen as a candidate still forces people into a box.

People also need to understand that ALL sides of exposure and the debate (the narrative if you will) is under absolute control, not only to divide us, but to force who we see.

These vote machine people are so arrogant too… They flaunt it right in front of everyone! What’s the name of one of the largest companies for vote counting machines ? “Diebold”. Literally, “die bold”. Literally “if you fuck with us, we’ll assassinate you”

This is old news now, it’s gotten much worse since then.
