American Captive

Well, Meno, I just listened to American Captive using the Microsoft Word Audio feature, and it sounds CRAZY!

Do you think I should slap a cover on it? Maybe self publish it on Amazon?

Or should it just remain a guilty pleasure you like to critique on ILP? :-"

Kind of a dangerous decision, huh?


Can’t say, but one thing, ignorance at times proves expedient.

And in any case , to be perfectly honest, rarely does any one know the difference.

Decisions are rarely dangerous until they are made.

Sounds like a vote to keep it underground.

You have exited the Virtuplex. Hope you had an interesting trip.

Gary Lee Vickers, serial killer, is . . . climbing up the walls.


Time Wars by Jeremy Rifkin was also an interesting ride.

Summary: Examines new information about the biological clocks that govern all living organisms, and probes the dangers inherent in computer-based artificial environments where time is divorced from biological and environmental rhythms.

Bob Dylan Lyrics . . .

“We can hear the night watchman click his flashlight
Ask himself if it’s him or them that’s insane”

Great analogy. He may have wondered into Vampires’ lair.


good one, dude.

Wow, never heard that one by him. I like punchlines, because they make me laugh, and that’s the truth. Funny because it’s true, ect.

I’m afraid if I publish this E.B. Kingman and Frank Benzino might find me and kill me. So this song is for them.


Paranoid conspiracy.

“Just because you’re paranoid does not mean I’m not after you.”
Kurt Cobain

Some days I wish could delete this entire thread.
Some days I know I should not pursue sharing.


Goodbye and Goodnight

You are surprising.

Good Night, but not good by.

I am a compatbilist, however.

The interesting thing about this story for me is, I started it twenty years ago, when I was twenty, and now I probably think opposite of it’s main themes, a lot of which had to do with the fear of technology. Still, that type of fear does exist in this age for some people. So I share it, while stating that yes ideas and opinions can or will change over time. Just like everything else. #-o

I now hope technology will help us outrace the dying expanding sun.

No fear here for tech, for the race is internally preoccupied to try to go back, in order to fix the preexisting fissure between reason and sense.
Them, an escape is possible through a black sun, even.

How to go about it is less difficult then traveling to some far beaten path. Alpha Centauri , and the Queen of the Night.
