Goerge Floyed Death

I’ve been seeing that a lot lately, in that the US Democratic Party funds leftist hate groups… a bit like our Momentum over here, but I think they’ve been shut down over the course of last year, as I haven’t heard or seen them in the area/Corbyn territory.

Read MagsJ’s message above…!

I’ll give an example of black entertainment (maybe it’s different outside of America) that is pure shit!

Tyler Perry.

Pure shit. The whites LET him be worth hundreds of millions of dollars as a sign of black empowerment.

He writes, directs, produces and acts. His movies are pure shit!

I’m sure in this mans brain that he thinks he’s a black empowerment genius! When white people see his movies and television, he’s laughable, like, fucking pathetic.

I don’t think he sold out. I think he’s so stupid he actually believes his hype. That’s why the whites prop him up. America is an extremely racist country.

One aspect of reparations though is with television commercials.

Blacks are only 15 percent of the US population (they commit 52 percent of the homicides (mostly on each other!!)). But they are in about 50% of the commercials on television now. They are over-represented in AD campaigns… that’s a small but noticeable step towards reparations (as long as the commercials don’t use the television and movie stereotypes of “black culture”)

That is nothing but laughable.

110000 US citizen died because of corona in last three months and ssome wise people are still calling it fake news. That s great.
If that is the mindset of some US people, It is not surprising that trump behaves in that way. It is not his fault but of those people whom he is representing.

God Bless America.

With love

I don’t understand calls to defund the police, when it’s donations from the military that make the police force more militarized. It’s not like the black budget of the government will be revealed in order to be adjusted.

Some white people simply have never been treated unfairly or even felt stress based on skin color, so they can’t relate to the experience.

Rodney King was thirty years ago. Police brutality was just as obvious then. It’s clear that human beings are unfit to hold authority over other human beings.

However, I don’t see us resorting back to some type of neighborhood chief who resolves third party problems. Which means power will continue to be abused according to those same human flaws that uniforms can’t hide. I hope I’m wrong.

America is America.
In America (and Canada hopefully), the experts don’t matter, the media doesn’t matter, the politicians don’t matter, the INDIVIDUAL and what he or she thinks matters.
China and India have always been full of sheep and they probably always will be full of sheep, that’s why your countries are shitholes.
Stay the fuck in India, you’re not welcome in North America.

If you don’t respect the individual, don’t come to North America.

Who went and pissed-off Gloom…? Oh yea, Zinnat.

Sanjay/Zinnat is an individual.

In what way are you respectful of Sanjay or Sanjay’s opinions?

It’s not just Zinnat, his mentality is becoming increasingly prevalent in society.
Cults, whether they’re religious or secular, are not what North America is about.
Marxism, which has permeated academia and media, is a cult, and while science can be good or bad, scientism is a cult, anything that puts itself ahead of the individual.

I respect people to the degree they respect me and others.

Oh. He wasn’t respectful of your opinions.

So that gives you permission to respond in a racist way?

What does his race or nationality have to do with it?

While there are some individualistic South and East Asians, more Asians are collectivist than Europeans.
It’s not necessarily just race, it could be agency, culture, geography, population density, there’s probably lots of reasons why they’re like that.
It’s not an accident constitutional democracy and individual liberty is largely a European thing, there’re reasons.

The west is in crisis right now.
If we continue to allow Marxism and scientism to proliferate, the west will not survive.
Those who’re fundamentally opposed to constitutional democracy and individual liberty should leave or not come here in the first place.


When he stated that your position is “laughable”, you attacked him based on his race and nationality.

Candace Owens for President 2024.

Look carefully at what Zinnat said before you cover for him:

Not only did he explicitly attack my opinion, but he implicitly attacked DT and the Americans (around 50%) who support him.
He initiated the nationalism and racism, he was just a bit more sly about it than I was.

Her argument is that George Floyed was a vicim of a serious crime but is not a hero.
And that the officer has been apporpriately charged (third degree murder) for the crime.

Sound fine to me.

9 unarmed blacks killed by police in 2019.
Sure, they were unarmed, so excessive force was probably used in some of these cases.
But just because excessive force was used, doesn’t mean all or some of them weren’t up to no good.
Of course by definition excessive force is never justified, that’s not my point.

Let’s say there exists a city.
In this city there exists two races, reds and greens.
The city managed to miraculously eradicate all racism centuries ago.
The red race has a population of 1 million and the green race 1 million.
Does this mean they have an equal number of unarmed slayings by police?
Not necessarily.
The reds are 10 times more likely to be killed when unarmed by police than the greens.
If there’s no racism, how could this be, happenstance, luck of the draw?

While the reds commit the same amount of felonies as the greens, they commit 10 times more petty crimes.
Because they commit 10 times more petty crimes, this brings them into more contact with police, and while most police are decent, some are psychopaths, some are rookies and some are just incompetent, more likely to use excessive force (in)deliberately, so because they have 10 times more contact with police, they’re 10 times more likely to have excessive forced used against them on occasion, and that’s why reds are 10 times more likely to be killed when unarmed by police than greens.

So that’s my point, blacks commit more felonies, and more petty crimes than whites.
And this may account for all, or most of the disparity.
Of those 9 unarmed killings in 2019, how many of them were completely innocent?

To put it another way, if you shoplifted everyday for years, your odds of having excessive force used against you by police would dramatically rise, doesn’t matter what color you or the police are.
The same is true of a population group, doesn’t matter if they’re white, brown or black, doesn’t matter if they’re Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or scientologists, if they commit 10 times more petty crime (or more unarmed felonies for that matter), they can expect to be slain more often by police.

If you swim in the ocean, you’re more likely to be eaten by a shark, it’s nothing personal.

Some thoughts: 1) if you are a black shoplifter (or just regular customer) the chances that you will be suspected of shoplifting are much higher. So this is going to change the statistics you are basing your judgments of blacks on. Likewise drug related crimes and other crimes. The suspicion and expectation will create results that will see to confirm preconceptions. 2)nThen you have to look at convictions, which also play a role in the final statistics. Here again race plays against blacks. Also class. Your class affects how the courts and prosecutors look at you, along with race.

You are extremely skeptical of corona statistics. Well crime statistics come out of a skewed system also. They are not the result of unbiased focus on certain categories of suspects and prosecutors are not unbiased in whom they charge and for what crimes and the courts are not unbiased. This produces statistics that seem to confirm the correctness of bias. Blacks tend to be poorer so weaker representation and class biases will also affect statistics.

Analogy: Not all Pitbulls bite, in fact most don’t, especially if they’re taken good care of, still they’re much more likely to bite than say Labrador Retrievers.
Consequently we should be more apprehensive when dealing with Pitbulls than Labs.

Let’s say you have a family, and you want a family friendly dog.
You go to a pet store and two dogs are available, one a Pitbull the other a Lab.
You ask the shopkeeper for information about the dogs and their behavior.
He says both dogs have been well behaved in his care and the previous owners said they never had any trouble with them.
Still you err on the side of caution and purchase the Lab.

Even when information about them as individuals is equal, the Lab is still much less likely to bite than the Pitbull, only if this particular Lab has a history of biting or other bad behavior does it make more sense to purchase the Pitbull if safety is paramount.
And if there’s little-no information about them as individuals, then it really makes sense to go with the Lab.

In the same way, if a black man and white man show up at a job interview with equal qualifications it may make more sense to go with the white man if there’s only one position available from a strictly economic standpoint, altho you may want to go with the black guy over the white guy sometimes if you feel sorry for them and you want to give them a chance.

When a black man and white man have equal qualifications, the white man may still be a bit more likely to outperform the black man.
Perhaps employers are finding this from experience and sharing this info with other employers.

The most prominent cult in the US is Trump and his followers, at least for now.

Secondly, I am not interested in settling or visiting US anytime soon so it is irrelevant to me whether I am welcome there or not.

With love