Determinism, free will and time

Is the argument for determinism based upon time, one being confined to the present moment in any and all moments and so is restricted due to such? Is this the trap of Will? If one uses one present moment to achieve an understanding for the next present moment, is ones will less restricted by determinism than it was in the previous present moment? And therefore it would be slightly more free?

What is the point of knowledge, wisdom or working to be better if one is still restricted? Are these not tools to determine oneself more free? Is freedom power? Is power, freedom?

Is knowledge not true power?

Let’s consider freedom as a sensation instead of freedom as an objective fact.
When you get to choose things, that is freedom as a sensation.
It is a feeling of empowerment.
It is a release from being weighted down with things in life that we may not want or need.

A = B is determinism.
Random will is also a thing.
You can’t predict it, but that alone doesn’t make it free.

We’re rolling down a series of hills in existence.
Most things we could want are impossible and so we learn to only want that which is possible.

I don’t think determinism depends on the limitations imposed upon us by time anymore than it depends on the limitations imposed upon us by matter, energy or space.

Matter, energy, space and time go together.

Indeterminism is the degree to which we can transcend any and all conditions and constraints, material, energetic, spatial, temporal, physical, mental, emotional, you name it.
Limits like you are this, you are capable of that, you are here, not there, you were affected by this like that.
Determinism is definitive, A = A, indeterminism is indefinite, all/none = all/none.
Indeterminism is freedom, potential, spontaneity, unpredictability.
For determinists, nothing is indeterminate, just unknown.