Dr. Erickson COVID-19 Briefing



Rebuttal please…

kget.com/health/coronavirus … n-society/

Now all we need are the definitive team of scientists to settle this once and for all. That way all the government officials can either sustain social distancing or re-open the economy objectively.

Allowing one side here or the other [at ILP] to finally declare themselves the winners.

These are “the definitive scientists”, little Lamb.

Try again.

Let me guess, Kid: because they share your own particular political prejudices here.

Or do you actually have incontrovertible proof that no other scientists around the globe are more definitively authentic in regard to the issue here than them?

Links please.

Lol, fuckers took it down from youtube.


See how authoritarian they are?
All of us, including prestigious doctors and scientists are only allowed to express our opinion if it conforms with the opinion of big government, big pharma and MSM.

It’s not like they’re disputing the earth is round here.
They’re offering an opinion at the very least well within the realm of possibility.
I hope they and the many doctors and scientists who share their opinion don’t have their licenses revoked.

Yup, Dr. Erickson’s points refute all of Dr. Amin’s points.

Dr. Erickson is making points based on new, more complete data but Dr. Amin is making points based on old, more incomplete data.

BitChute mirror: Part 1

BitChute mirror: Part 2

Another interview with Dr. Erickson and Dr. Massihi:
