The wide awake club.. or, why are you still up?

En encore… pourquois?

Hello again dawn… but I awoke waaaay before you, only to fall in and out of sleep again… the only thing accompanying you these days, is bird song.

Oh how quiet the outside world is now… saving many from the anxiety-inducing sounds of a city that rarely sleeps.

…because I stupidly had an evening coffee, and now I’ve barely slept… the cat is prowling restlessly around the house, and the birds are up-early singing… they seem to currently have a lot to sing about. :neutral_face:

No more coffees after 2pm, for me. :confused:

I have been unsuccessful in evading a sleepless night, and so am currently still awake at this early hour in the morning.

Come to me sleep, and I shall embrace thee much.

Have you tried xanax?

I don’t do those kinda drugs… or the illegal kind of drugs.

I rather come here to write than rely on toxic waste.

The best sleep you can ever have is from being awake for way, way too long. Like the insomnia catches up to you and after skipping 2 nights you fall asleep sitting up straight on someone’s couch and just drool everywhere.

I can concur with all that, but the sitting up straight and drooling everywhere part.

Yes! I’m wide awake again. :neutral_face:

Whats also very good is the sleep after the day you don’t smoke weed after a while of smoking a lot.

Lol Fixed…

I started the (very late) Spring-cleaning of my abode, and now I’m shattered… so much so, that I’m already horizontal, but it’s been a good day… of food, and drink, and music, and dancing, and… most importantly, keeping the cat company whilst he does his catty thing in the garden.

…don’t know why, but I’m thinking bout breakfast already, but I should probably wait until it’s at least dawn.

Ate at 6… to the sights and sounds of an IG DJ set, so hours ago…

Might do the same today… eat dinner to the sound of the Saturday evening DJ set.

There’s some pretty good music on the radio these days.

I need audio (and) visual input these days… not listened to the radio in decades, and I don’t have the capacity to listen to any chatter, but radio has its place for sure. :slight_smile:

My attention is all over the place right now… until I grow tired and fall asleep, or settle on one.

Im in my car a lot and there’s a good dance music station, which I tend to listen to.

Ive grown very tired of any official chatter too, it is weird listening to absolutely 100 percent clueless sheep speaking out for “the people” and “informing” them. A bit macabre.

What does one listen to, when one can’t get to sleep? Why Chopin’s Nocturnes of course…

My current lullaby, that lulls me to sleep… wonder if it will work at this time of the morning, as don’t want to get up yet.

Party, at the top of the world…

One of my favourite musical nocturnals


On tonight’s playlist, amongst others… I like the quaint…


Tired :neutral_face:

Bed soon, but found a new lullaby to lull me to sleep… perchance to dream, but rather not… fuck dreams… rather not! :obscene-birdiedoublegreen:

…a case of early-to-bed.

But I don’t want to yet rise.

Sleep please revisit me once more tonight.