People want to be their own gods. Is that good or evil?

I was not disputing the reality of Yahweh even as I know he is fiction.

I was pointing out that Christians see their genocidal Yahweh as good when he is obviously evil.


You know that he’s fictional; I suppose that’s it then.

If foolish enough to think Yahweh is real, and you still kneel to that genocidal prick, you show how he can make moral people do immoral things.


What part of the world was that? and why serpent worship? were these poisonous ones by any chance…? to kill thine enemy with a snake bite or toss them into a pit full of snakes and so into an agonising death…

…or coexist in a harmonious union? One dominating over the other, has proved not to lead to the furtherment of humankind, but hinder it by the struggle of power and wills.

Unless man’s relationship with God is a “Duck Amuck” situation, with man being Daffy Duck and God Bugs Bunny.

I goofed on the timing. It is not 57,000 years. It is 70,000. It does not matter much but accuracy is good.

Is a python poisonous? … glish.html

Even if it is, you might remember that physicians use the snake as a part of their symbol and the bible shows that when the serpent bites, he give life and not death.

I think the serpent is revered world wide due to it sheading it’s skin and being reborn the way many want to be in heaven after their death.

To your last.

Cooperation is good, but if we do not compete for the best and fittest who have the best ideas, we will go extinct.

We are a hierarchical species and must have leadership. It is in our nature to want to be the fittest or to follow the fittest.


Not all humans are fools, and not all gods would be wise but simply well-equipped tech wise.

That ultimately depends on the actual state and content of the external world.

Morality wise, we have never changed.

We have improved on our understanding of some things but are still the same as when we left the trees and caves.


I read somewhere that human nature exists unchanged from the beginning of man.

Our DNA has and it is what hold our natures and instincts, so I would call that finding speculative.

It is a reasonable assumption but I don’t see how it could ever be proven.

Remember that we began as a shrew with a tiny brain. To think that a large brained animal would think and have the same instincts and nature as a shrew is quite the stretch. shrew, for instance, would always fear fire while a larger brain would learn to harness it. Shrews are also solitary while we are now tribal.

The more I think of unchanged nature, the closer I get to rejecting it. Best to say IDK.


If I believed in evolution, I’d probably agree.

I’m not a fan of that particular beast… I never trust snakes, of the human or reptilian kind.

Funny how in Catholicism the serpent is portrayed as evil, so maybe indicating that the old ways are not always the best ways for current times.

Well… to follow the most capable and knowledgeable, but are such types also the fittest? I’ve met quite a few ‘leaders’ and was not at all impressed, but that’s the non-filtering mechanism of nepotism for you.

Science denial is not my position and both religions and science now have God’s of the Gaps.

Science has a hell of a better track record of being right on things and using the reason and logic that you bible tells you to use.

Science has proven some of religions views, like us all being born sinners, do evil in secular terms, but to believe that there are real talking serpents and donkeys is to not use reason or logic at all.

If you think god gave you a brain and a moral sense, don’t waste it on a genocidal satanic god.


Good insight again, except you are a touch shy on the serpent.

And the Lord said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.
Numbers 21:8

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

Genesis 3 ;3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.


…so pretty much putting one’s faith in the Lord, in that they will not die? Cle-ver…

They are still a beast that I can never be fond of, but I guess humans utilised whatever tools and concepts helped them progress and keep going, in ancient adverse times of tribal warfare and daily uncertainty.

I guess that’s how we started out… as our own individual god, as only we know ourselves and our needs best, and how could that ever be seen as an evil thing… unless it is (a man)made (concept) to be so, and the coercion through religion, began.

I disagree on how we started.

I think we first saw god in nature, the serpents and other animals, then had goddesses for 20,000 years at least, then the male war gods were invented and we have had 5,000 years of war to think men for.

We naturally think that there is something else we are not noticing. I have forgotten the term, but it is universal.

Coercion is normal in any tribe, especially the fascist religious tribes like our mainstream religions.


I’ve been hearing of a so-called collective human-amnesia… is that what you are referring to? in that every time we try to focus-in-on and think of our innate knowledge, it evades us.

Yes, you are right… we were ruled by Nature first and foremost, then other Idols, as our sentience developed and sharpened over time.

Depends what brand of coercion it is… I’m not a fan in being coerced, unless I’m privy to the intended outcome, so as to make a valued judgment on my part in any given situation.


You mean deteriorated over time for the profit of the liars and con men.

If you have read of the older and wiser religions, you will see that they were more pure before the modern literalist era.

Scholars have been urging us to return to the smarter ancient thinking of god as an abstract and not as an entity.

As to coercion. Every law tells us to discriminate negatively against sub groups in our societies. Those sub groups could be murderers or thieves.

In Canada, if I do not let myself be coerced into discriminating against those sub groups, for instance, I am liable to be seen as an accomplice to the crime.


One must find ones ancestral Gods.
Or it is very heartily recommended that one does.

MagsJ, it was good to hear of your spiritual heritage in the other thread.