Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.

and ya know whatā€™s so comical about all this? a long, long time ago a small handful of british bourgeois cigar smoking elites read spencer and darwin and got it into their head that what they were doing wuz the only ā€˜naturalā€™ wayā€¦ believing that vicious market competition was a healthy expression of the motto ā€˜survival of the fittestā€™. then you add to this nonsense an assortment of christian narratives that also appear to justify private property and ā€˜giving to a nigga his due, whatever, whateverā€™, and you have a perfectly complete ideological crapshoot that would defend both capitalist ethics and economy and become the intellectual foundation for western civilization.

but hereā€™s the thing.

none of that bullshit is true, and its all been thoroughly refuted several times over. and if its been refuted, it means it never wuz trueā€¦ which then means that there was something else driving these lazy fatfuck fancypants as they sat around complimenting each other on how great they were. iā€™ve explained this phenomena before as a kind of pseudo-neurosis that evolves as a defense mechanism (the rationalizing away of oneā€™s self contempt) to justify oneā€™s natural disposition to be a lazy fatfuck that doesnā€™t want to work. so itā€™s not that there was some philosophical troof out there waiting to be discovered, one that would not only explain the necessity of a competitive market (in either evolutionary or scientific terms) but also justify it as the only possible way. what happened wuz, you had groups of lazy fatfucks spanned out over centuries (going back as far as ancient grease) of time, making this shit up as thy went along so they wouldnā€™t feel embarrassed in each otherā€™s company for being lazy fatfucks that didnā€™t contribute anything to society and were totally useless to it.

and this crap has existed for so long that itā€™s become part of the philosophical furniture. but we fixin to clean house, bro. we fixin to get woke af.

Iā€™m not a communist or Marxist where as a state fascist even I can see these assholes fucking over the American working class bigly. Violent working class revolution and insurrection when?

It doesnā€™t take a communist or Marxist to realize that the United States government has been fucking over the working class for decades where its latest moves with the Coronavirus is just blatant in your face criminality.

Death to the organized American oligarchy and plutocracy!

So last week on Monday a bunch of yuppies were celebrating spring break despite the ongoing viral pandemic.

This is what resultedā€¦


It gets even better, after enjoying spring break during a viral pandemic this is where they traveled afterwards tracking cellphone usageā€¦


You know that when American fascists, liberals, and communists are starting to agree on certain things especially concerning economics shit is getting bad in your nation.

Under normal circumstances all three groups would normally despise and hate one another yet during these unnormal times I find it interesting weā€™re coming to similar consensus on things, although few would like to admit such openly of course.


Yo, you forgot to point out the Dow is now headed back in the right direction. :wink:

Yeah, I was thinking about having Steve Mnuchin as the weeping widow below also. :laughing: :sunglasses:



Revised image as per request. [Biggie]


Coming to a town and city near you Americaā€¦


Update: Itā€™s Martial Law Timeā€¦ :evilfun:

Heads up folksā€¦ :-"

[youtube][/youtube] ā€¦ ronavirus/

Donald Trump- "I have a good beautiful feeling about Easter Sunday, America will open right back up for Easter Sunday. "



[youtube][/youtube] ā€¦ 52807.html

Some people might be confused with some of my communist theme posts today, so allow me to clarify.

In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s the American republican party came to be dominated and taken over by neoconservatives. The neoconservative movement interestingly enough politically was started by a bunch of ex Trotskyists and communists that immigrated to the United States. What they did in their sick, twisted, and perverse mindsets is inverse communism along with socialism where instead of a communism aimed at the poor it was flipped upside down to where it became an inverted communism for the wealthy only where todayā€™s too big to fail mentality comes from aided by the printing press of central banks. This in essence is privatizing the profits and socializing the losses, an inverse economic communism for the very wealthy only at everybody elseā€™s expense. The wealthy receive their own form of socialism and for everybody else there is only a darwinian jungle of rugged ruthless individualism.

The modern republican party becomes an inverted form of neo bolshevism that calls itself neoconservatism.

This is the root and origin of American crony capitalism which really upon more investigation is communism for the rich and wealthy only where everybody else is reduced to living in the global [United States] gulag archipelago.

Itā€™s communism for the wealthy masquerading as crony centrally planned state capitalism.


So, how does our inverted communism for the wealthy and neo bolshevism that calls itself neoconservativism work in our current atmosphere? It was Marx and Engels that believed in order to transition to a communist state capitalism would have to be taken over temporarily into a sort of directed organized state capitalism to get there. Somewhere either out of disillusionment or greed our ex Trotskyists and ex communists in the United States calling themselves neoconservatives now did just that by transforming the nation into a centrally planned capitalist state however unlike communists before them they never had any intentions of creating a communist state for the working class where socialism would be afforded to a majority of the population where instead an inverted perverse form of socialism came to be for the very wealthy only. They of course transformed the United States into a centrally planned capitalist state through the Federal Reserve as a part of their collective aims.

What the Federal Reserve is doing now concerning our present economic dilemma is basically this, as the economy collapses the Federal Reserve through the government treasury will bailout everybody and buy all the financial debts thus propping up the markets by their ability to expand money out of thin air. After this goes on for a couple of years the Federal Reserve and government [which it owns through a variety of corporate conglomerates anyways] will own everything and everybody. So in essence just like state communism where the centrally planned state owns everything transforming it into state property to which everybody just rents. [Remember, our centrally planned capitalist state in reality is a communist state for the very wealthy.]

A rentier state form of capitalism was merely the final stages of achieving state communism or the inverted socialism of the wealthy weā€™re discussing here.

Unlike communist governments of the past controlled by the proletariat this inverted communism and socialism for the very wealthy only is a revolution of the politburo or the intelligentsia. Unlike classical libertarianism or laissez faire capitalism where everything is organized via privatization by the majority of the population, here you have a politburo that essentially owns everything where everybody is renters with the illusion of private property. The inverted communism here is the revolution of the politburo or intelligentsia not the working class proletariat.

In many ways this inverted communism for the very wealthy only is a kind of neo feudalism but unlike the historical feudalism of the past where feudal lords failed or thrived by their own individual merits where there was some semblance of natural competition in equilibrium the inverted form of communism for the very wealthy is one where the entire politburo collectively has all the public welfare, safety nets, and economic socialist musings for themselves only where they create an environment for themselves where they have all the rewards of such a system but mitigating also where they have no individual risks or losses. They eliminate all forms of natural competition that they find endangering themselves concerning their naked acquisition of raw power.

They create a pure form of socialism for themselves reducing everybody else to the unwashed masses, peasants,chattel, servants, and slaves meant to serve under them as they reduce everything to state property to which they effectively control all the means of production that they socialize for themselves upon everybody elseā€™s loss or financial expense. You must remember here, in the eyes of these individuals a majority of people in a given population are cattle or human livestock only to be harvested for themselves. Youā€™re merely a depreciating human asset or resource to be utilized and then disposed of once you lose your usefulness for them. You exist only to serve them, you exist only as a means to their end.


Meanwhile in New York state hospitalsā€¦


That environment doesnā€™t look too healthy.
Unless I felt like I was on the verge of death, Iā€™m not going to get tested or treated.
While generally Iā€™m not squeamish about germs, when youā€™re already quite ill, being in a crowded place like that, not only do you have your own strains of corona, flu and cold viruses to deal with, but youā€™re being exposed to hundreds of other peopleā€™s strains of corona, flu and cold viruses too.
No wonder millions of people die in hospitals every year, lol.

Oh, I saw that post of yours where you said Denmark passed a bill permitting law enforcement to forcibly test and inoculate adults.
Very interesting.
I found an article the other day corroborating what you said.

I guess social distancing sort of goes straight out the window once you enter some hospitals, particularly small, underfunded ones in poor neighborhoods.
Goes to show you how much the political and financial establishment really loves people, especially poor black people.
This is why Iā€™m skeptical whenever government says it wants to keep us safe.
Keep us safe is code for gather, fleece and slaughter the sheep.