Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.



I don’t remember if I have said it in this thread before or not but I’ll say it again, wouldn’t it be interesting if this Coronavirus disappears overnight once they set up a global singular digital currency after crashing and collapsing all the national currencies or economies of the world? :sunglasses: :laughing: …And just like that the virus magically disappears overnight…

They essentially get a twofer out of the equation, heavily depopulate the world’s population with a deadly explosive viral pandemic and crash all the world’s national economies simultaneously into total chaos or anarchy priming up the entire world for a global singular digital currency organized under a singular global super structure state. Conspiracy theory? Maybe, but what happens overtime when it becomes a conspiracy fact? What will it be, the World Bank or IMF come to financially bailout and own the entire planet? An international convention out of Davos as the ring leaders?

Of course it won’t work if that’s the case because in this global engineered development of chaos and anarchy massive violence along with civil war will be the end consequence across the entire planet along with a complete mistrust in governments worldwide. Be careful what you wish for because you might end up getting it and of course the best laid plans can always end up in the worst of failures no matter how fantastically organized they may be…

You know if all of that turns out to be true, would they realize just how fast things could spiral out of their control over the entire planet? They’re not that naive, are they? :sunglasses: Or maybe they really are… :evilfun: :laughing:

I guess we’ll find out either way. :evilfun:



We’re Not “Writing Blank Checks” - Jay Powell Claims “Nothing Fundamentally Wrong With The Economy”’

Translation: We are buying credit and equity hand over fist because this sucker is going down!



3.3 million Americans filed for jobless benefits
WP newspaper headline

Wall Street reacts…
DOW 22,345.88, up 1,145 points

Let’s explain this.

They’re directly purchasing stocks, equities, and liquidity financially as a way of artificially propping up the stock market. These huge stock market gains and movements concerning momentum will be very temporary where it will end in tears along with blood.

Before the 1929 stock market crash there was also historic huge market gains right before the downward plunge, this time will be no different but I do imagine concerning the United States currently it will be much more significantly worse by comparison.

Update: Deaths from the Coronavirus in Italy are on the rise not declining.

In the United States deaths from the Coronavirus are increasing in Louisiana.

Who are they?

Look, I’m the first to admit my own understanding of how microeconomics and macroeconomics are intertwined and play themselves out here is on par with my understanding of technical philosophy.

But even though you want things to fall apart as much as others wants things to come back together, there are just too many variables out there to make the sort of predictions that you do here more than just what you do want to happen [for whatever personal reasons] rather than what you can actually figure out.

Unless of course I’m wrong.

We’ll see.

But what I never lose track of is how the bulk of any pain and suffering about to be endured will be heaped on the backs of those least able to afford it.

And, with you, I’m just not sure if your reaction reflects more a genuine yearning for a new world order more in sync with your own political prejudices, or if you see your own life in the toilet and want to see as many others as possible down in the toilet with you.

Schadenfreude they call it.

My philosophy is a simple one, at a certain point of chaos there is no stopping or containing it where absolute total destruction is guaranteed where complex systems collapse very quickly in an extraordinary fantastic manner especially as they become disrupted and unraveled.

I’m a nationalist not a new world order enthusiast where for me a global collapse is desirable in destroying the globalists and globalism, however the current United States is beyond saving where it simply needs to die where an entirely new nation can be built from its ashes or former ruins. I have no desire and wish to see the current United States preserved or restored where I indeed want to see it destroyed. I am more than happy to see the total destruction of the current United States government along with those parasitic vampires on Wallstreet.

As a member of the working class I don’t see our lives getting better until this happens and where revolution or insurrection is very much desirable. I very much see my own life having great opportunity to improve with such on a personal level and for nineteen years now I knew this reality we’re currently living in was always inevitable. And here we are currently…

NYT Headline…

Markets Shrug Off Jobless Claims
S&P Has Best 3-Day Run Since 1933 as U.S. Deaths Top 1,000

The moolah will soon be in their coolah!

Crony capitalism on steroids!!

So, where are the rugged individualist, small government conservatives now? :laughing:

It’s called a golden parachute, so basically all the wealthy capitalists and corporate business owners get a bunch of money which they’ll utilize stuffing their overseas offshore accounts along with buying land, resources, tools, or commodities with to weather out the storm [economic collapse] and even better the real possibility of the collapse of civilization itself across the planet. This sort of government organized financial looting will go on for a couple of weeks until the last ones are sitting pretty cushy where the last ones out will then proceed to turn off the lights on everything and afterwards it’s game over.

The financial looting and pillaging concerning DOW metrics looks nice on the stock market temporarily [like the last two days] but in reality it is one last high of euphoria before the lights go out completely. Enjoy the show, because from here on out it’s about to get a hell of a lot more interesting! :sunglasses: :laughing: :evilfun:

What’s going on now is the largest and most massive shell game of financial fraud along with blatant organized criminality to ever exist on the face of the planet.


Update: United States deaths from Coronavirus outnumber death rates of China.


Note: You can print dollars or with one swipe of the keyboard digitally add a bunch of 1’s and 0’s into a computer adding onto your balance sheet of available money, but what you can’t do which will not work at all is that you cannot print the essentials of oil along with petroleum. That has to come from somewhere along with the demand to keep the market going concerning raw energy supplies. If the oil markets collapses and craters there will be a financial ticking time bomb of American oil shale companies worth billions as they all begin filing financial bankruptcy or insolvency simultaneously. That would in essence knock out the very foundation of the United States stock market, its impact negatively would be felt throughout the American economy.


It’s time to grab the guns Cleetus…^^^


you’ve been…


Nice, very nice, exquisite…

What’s on your mind today fella? How are you holding up over there?

You wanna know what’s on my mind? I’ll tell ya what’s on my fuckin mind.


Deys a deep cove in falls lake off of 98 that I can’t get to on foot. Well I probably could but the brush is so dense that I can’t get a good cast off the shore. Now I know there’s large mouth bass all up in that fucker, and I gotta get there if it kills me. Deep water with lots of structure in there… and that’s where the lunkers hang out.

So I’m looking at fishing kayaks. Something less that 12 feet so I can get it into my van. Seen a nice’un on Craigslist for $500. Prolly shop around a bit more before buying one.