Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.

Update: The American Department Of Justice is still seeking indefinite detention capabilities without trial which is exactly a move you would expect from government if it was flying the possibility of enacting martial law.

Question: What do they know that the rest of us don’t know? Yeah, I would seriously start worrying about that right about now.




Not that I’m terribly concerned about debt, but that stimulus package could be toned down a bit by giving only wage and salary earners that $1500, and not business owners. Business owners get free money every day bro. This ain’t no welfare state and those fuckers need to get a job. In fact here’s an even better idea; seize all accounts and assets of business owners and distribute that money as a stimulus package. Whadaya say bout that?

At this point I will be happy with anything that brings both the United States government and parasitic Wallstreet down to its knees. =D>

I’m not an anarchist like you, however, on that account we’re both on agreement in wanting that same reality but only for different reasons.


[double post]

Wait a minute now. Imma anarchist before imma capitalist, and imma socialist before imma anarchist, but imma nihilist before imma socialist, as an anarchist I just go with this… despite its apparent atrociousness.

I don’t understand, I’m confused by your statement there…


Hahaha wtf where did you find that? It’s like what would happen if you put Alice Cooper with ELP. Those sixties bands that tried to be bold and scary are just adorable.

here check out Brian Augers. He’s one of the lesser known groovy rock-fusion guys from the 70s.

Yeah, I like a lot of those old 60s groove bands.

I’ll have to check him out. :wink:



very well done.

Look at the link in my previous post I just now edited in. :sunglasses: :evilfun:





Dammit bobby. Just read that I won’t get the stimulus check unless I’ve filed 2018 or 2019 taxes. taxes?! Ha! I stopped paying taxes when three of my constitutional rights were stripped from me after my 2010 wrongful felony convictions. These imbeciles think I’m gonna pay taxes? Not only that, but I’ve had payroll taxes taken out of employee checks consistently for months at a time (working for temp services), and never got any of that money back. So the way I see it, those fucksticks owe me. Furthermore… but this, admittedly, is a bit of my own legislation… I consider any profit made from my labor that doesn’t go to me, a tax. So, even in not officially paying taxes - which I am not obligated to do unless I am a citizen with all constitutional rights - I’m paying informal taxes everytime money I made goes into the pocket of a nuh muhfucker.

But that’s ah’ight. That’s ah’ight. Big gov wants to play like that, no problemo cabron.

I filed about four weeks ago where I’m waiting for a check in the mail, I still posit though that about the time they print the checks and people everywhere receive them the United States economy will have already crashed by then.

The good news however is that those twelve hundred dollar bills will go nicely with my fifteen packs of toilet paper. So there’s that.

Also good news, I managed to take a hammer banging on the starter ignition of my beat up car where I got it running again. That’s good because that means when shit hits the fan I won’t have to walk five months on the road to my bug out location.
