Trump moral? Xians say yes.

He looks to me to be Mr. Magoo, with a pathological compulsive bullshit disorder (PCBD) … fake hair … and nukes. But that’s just me.

It is my belief, that Trump simply had cellular toxicity poisoning that can happen through everyday foods and pharmaceuticals… that does turn one’s brain to mush, when physically trying to manifest one’s thoughts into words. Modern woes…

He has been much more coherent and succinct in recent days, so it is obviously wearing off… and hopefully his provocative manner and words along with it.

Will that make a difference to how he is perceived by the opposite electorate? Imminent time will tell…

I don’t know about that. Is it real? I just saw a collage of videos of his speakings concerning the coronavirus. It’s obvious that he’s a stereotypical caricature of a fat bullshitter con man. And he doesn’t care if we know he’s lying. It’s improvised lying. It’s comical but frightfully serious.

Tremendous tremendous tremendous tremendous, nod nod nod nod…

I think you’ve done an incredible, incredible job, Felix, and I’m proud to have you on my staff. Together we could make biyyins and biyyins of dollars.

Trump prolly thinks his turds are tremendous. “I had a tremendous crap this morning! Magnificent for the country. Greatest in history. Such a relief for everyone!”

Nah all bourgeois hold themselves secretly in contempt at the awareness of how small and weak they are in the company of those they exploit. This is what doubles their toxicity and turns simple motives to profit into actual expressions of revenge. They recognize they would be nothing if not a parasite, and this enrages them. Secretly, as it were. And to further this self disgust even more, they recognize that those of their own class also know and experience the same thing… therefore making any admiration and respect between them utterly fake. To relieve themselves of this self contempt - through a kind of catharsis - they hate those they exploit with envious shame. Put Trump in a room with a soldier, or a steel worker, or a master composer, or a professional athlete, or a doctor, or any other productive member of society, and you’ll see an expert actor at work trying to maintain a persona of integrity.

George Conway: ‘Don’t Be Fooled’ By Donald Trump’s Change In Tone On Coronavirus
“It doesn’t diminish his incompetence, ignorance or propensity for administrative chaos,”

I haven’t caught any more news clips of him, so as to make a more valued judgement on his mental well-being.

More interesting than that, is how global affairs are going to evolve over the following days, weeks, and coming months.

To go back to the original topic, I was thinking more about this, and I think “white evangelicals” are more of an ethnicity than a religion. had a friend growing up who identified as Irish Catholic as his ethnicity, even though he was an avowed atheist. I suspect something similar is going on here: people who describe themselves as ‘evangelicals’ are talking more about tribal membership than about creed. Taken that way, there’s no tension between identifying as an evangelical and supporting a reprehensible incompetent.

Is Covid-19 killing Globalism? RIP - how can that work?

My implication was not about Covid-19’s general impact on Globalism, but more about what will happen next, in regard to it.

Morality must prevail.

Why must morality prevail…? Doesn’t exactly have a great track record at prevailing so far lol. And which morality are you specifying…?

Yes there’s a long history of people interpreting Christianity according to their ethnocentric interests. This they often do even as they are unconscious of the ethnic biases that underlie their beliefs. White evangelicalism is one more instance of this. And indeed we may ask if there is ever a religion which in practice doesn’t do this to some extent.

Going all the way back to the Old Testament and the cult of Yahweh only Israelites.

Why should it not?

…in the general sense of the word.

Will Christians (and all other Faiths and Religions) say Yes, if faced with a mandatory Covid-19 vaccination?

If there is a global mandatory vaccine, there is already talk of needing to know what is in it… right down to the very last ingredient and base solution, as most anaesthetists don’t even know what is in anaesthetic… even though we are told to confer with them to discuss any concerns and allergies we may have.

See if you can spot a trend among today’s New York Times Headlines:
Mail Delays Fuel Concern Trump Is Undercutting Postal System Ahead of Voting
John Lewis Was the Anti-Trump
Trump’s Coronavirus Testing Chief Concedes a Lag in Test Results
Trump Still Defers to Putin, Even as He Dismisses U.S. Intelligence and the Allies
More Than Just a Tweet: Trump’s Campaign to Undercut Democracy
Does Trump Want to Save His Economy?

Never ending fake news is their trend.