
Hmm… well Constantine converted to Christianity himself, and made life for those that weren’t Christian dangerous - emperor Julian, at great risk, turned Rome back the old religion for a a few years but was murdered on an Asian campaign (good book about him by Gore Vidal) and then the way was fully paved for Christianity.
Whatever the case precisely may have been, all of that was very shadowy, very dark.

Ok, the Baptist and Magdalene - a vast culture exists worshipping these two in sex magick.
Some say the Baptist is actually the real prophet. Some say Magdalene and Jesus ritually drank wine or blood from his severed head. He is connected to the figure of Bafomet, a gnostic Luciferic figure.

Of course, the shadow of the puritanistic Christianity is bound to be a sexual shadow. Magdalene, the “holy whore” is connected to what in todays occult cultures is called the “whore of Babalon” (not Babylon) and would function as the central axis of the shadow of the Christ. The Baptist is always somehow closely connected to her. Don’t ask me the ins and outs - Ive spent years trying to find out. All I could find out is that there is power there, and quite a lot of it.

Back to the Demiurge for a moment; this is, essentially, an ueberdeveloped concept of the Shadow avant la lettre.

The creator of a dark world who tempts the strong human to overcome the baseness of this world and, through alchemy, become golden. The Demiurge was traditionally connected to Saturn.
Who, as it happens, is right now transitioning from Capricorn, his own sign, to Aquarius.

The last time this happened was in 1991, at the moment the Gulf War commenced.

I wrote a song about this guy a few years ago. Some of the lyrics go:

This is the doorway, the passage to the other side
the placating message, the intersection
the false inspection of events that never happened
the dweller on the threshold, Saturn.

(images courtesy of Parodites)

Some speculations about the Baptist and his esoteric meaning.

Much that is knowledge in both exoteric (public, free) and esoteric (for initiates, comes at costs of things such as allegiance) is simply reversed when it passes through the veil (exo/esoteric meaning outside/inside the Thuros, the curtain); so one might do this operation with the connection of John the Baptist and lord Jesus Christ. Exoterically the Baptist is merely Jesus’ announcer. Esoterically, Jesus is his announcer.

In this scenario, we might speculate that the arrival of the Baptist could be what is announced as the Second Coming of Christ - and that this is the culmination of the whole of the preparatory Aeon of Pisces, which will be followed, or is now being succeeded by, the age of Aquarius, as in, the completion of a 12th of the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes.

Whatever the case - portions of Christian wisdom which have been repressed, or voluntarily hidden (or both) during the past two thousand years have been coming out into the open for about a century now - starting with the Order of the Golden Dawn and certain aspects of Theosophy, running throughout the hippie-age and coming of age in the publishing of the Royal Blood/Holy Grail theorem, which holds that the Holy Grail is the translation of a reading error; that the word is not San Graal but Sang Real, holy blood, blood of Jesus (and presumably, Magdalene).

That is the general gist - this narrative includes Masonry and all its works as preparatory for Revelation; another reversal; in Masonic Cathedrals (such as the Notre Dame de Paris) the good are inside and the gargoyles are masoned to the outside, snarling into the world. Reverse this, and one gets the soul who on the inside is tormented and on the outside brings enlightenment; or, the person who hides a dark heart behind a radiant countenance - mind you, Im not preaching, just mentioning a half-hidden thought-structure Ive disclosed for myself through research.

Always central is the figure of the tempter - but what is drastically different is his (or her) role: the function of the temptation and mans “proper” (evolutionarily advantageous) response to it.

Hey bro, thanks. Looks like a lifetime of material there to explore. And yet there’s more. For example, check this out:

Dude, that is awesome.

I was looking for a gif of a circle being drawn to post but then didn’t find a good one and posted without and then I looked at my signature lol.

:slight_smile: When the shadow gives way to the light… a reprieve.

Random happenings… don’t you just love em. ; )

we’ve got two shadows.

One, the shadow lurks. Second, the shadow conceals.

Active and, passive.

Like we’ve got the shadow of the sun and then, in the shadow of the earth, the shadow of the moon.

So three shadows.

America’s shadow is the Indians, their sorrowful, neglected presence.

“Reservations”… Christ.

Okay, so there is the pain the reservations about being an American qua Earth, if this is really as simple as it seems now, all you have to do is make these places central to our whole culture, force children to learn wigwam making from cow to storm-test n the first years of school - force them to learn the values of the true goods, the animals.

Actual paganism.
I can see a loooong time coming.

Yet here it is - the true reason for paganism is our relationship with animals. Which isn’t there under Christendom.

Okey. So here is the mechanism as it works on da erf.


Human: s/he who sacrifices animals to gods. Who stands in the cosmic order, between god and animal.

This went, from high to low


(animals gone)

gods are sacrificed to humans by humans.

Oof. Now I know how the shadow hides.
The destroyed people is seen as an actor in a children’s game.
None of it was ever real.


Excellent, Felix. Thanks for the quotes.

Whats really fascinating is how my focus on Native American Indians fell synchronous with a lot of action in favour of them - most notably, the restoration of their sovereignty in Eastern Oklahoma.

Yes I see that. It’s spells a victory for unitive consciousness.

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote “at the end of the trail of tears was a promise”.

Here the Shadow takes on theological significance according to the principle of enantiodromia “a thing psychically transmogrifies into its shadow opposite, in the repression of psychic forces that are thereby cathected into something powerful and threatening.” This principle was explicitly understood and discussed in in Taoism and yin-yang and by Heraclitus. Yang becomes yin when it reaches its extreme, and vice versa.

And principally It’s mobius model, I dare say.

The strip flips as does every finite thing.

Here Aion, the god of eternity, stands inside of a Mobius strip-like zodiac suggesting that the cosmos itself flips: … h_W504.jpg

Jung’s notion of The Shadow corresponds with the guardian of the threshold " the spectral image which is supposed to manifest itself as soon as the student of the spirit ascends upon the path into the higher worlds of knowledge".

The Shadow/Dweller of the Threshold has obvious Karmic associations as in, for example, the projected apparitions experienced on the Bardo plane in the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

So Felix, Meno, FC
could you give some examples, say from the last week, where your ideas of the shadow
your individual shadows
Played out
in the context of your more abstract ideas about the shadow in general.

How do you work with the idea?
Was there a moment of integration?
an awareness of a problem related to your Shadow?

or the like?

Perhaps someone else’s shadow as you percieve it in a concrete recent situation/dynamic/event from your personal lives?

What we know of our shadow is the most private and more relevant even perhaps, incomprehensible part of our mind.
It is a somewhat frustrating question, because one would like to answer it…

Of course this is a very difficult request since we don’t like to look at or think about our shadow side let alone talk about it or disclose it to others.
Nevertheless the psyche appears to be dynamic. Every dimension of the personality has both a light and a shadow side. And if we allow the nature of the psyche to take its course we may find one side to transform into the other.