Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.


And to think, I was only off by my calculations of global economic collapse by only nineteen years…shit…

[Circa 2001]

Better luck next time around I guess.




I liked that.

Only I recognize that my political prejudices here are basically derived from dasein…and not from any analysis able to demonstrate that all rational human beings are obligated to like it. :wink:

Also, many were no doubt inclined toward the same political reaction back when, in 2008, the financial crisis was in full swing. Ten years later the Dow was closing in on 30,000.

Who really knows where capitalism is headed this time. This crisis is particularly problematic because it is driven largely by fear of the unknown. How bad will the pandemic get? When will it finally be contained?

Still, only a fool would count “the system” – the global economy – out.

Let alone come up with something viable to replace it.

Then the part where in gloating over the pain awaiting these fat cat bastards, they always manage to create conditions where the pain inflicted on all the “little guys” is “many a times worse”.

You’re absolutely right Biggie, none of this is real as it relates to ‘dasein’, it’s all just a ploy or creation of your own imagination. I wonder, how does the Coronavirus and a global economic crash relate to dasein? Curious people would like to know Biggie. Go to Wuhan, China and lick some doorknobs describing your subjective experience there afterwards. Make sure to video record yourself and post it online for public viewing. :laughing: :sunglasses:

Yeah, that song is pretty dope. I hope we see some Wallstreet suicides in the coming days.



Day II of global economic collapse and global viral pandemic. As the world [worm] turns…


Hey you mock me but a Billy Corgan ain’t easy. You try sounding like a thirty year old who’s got the voice of an angry post-pubescent teenager who despite of his rage is still just a rat in a cage.

You make a good convincing point regarding Billy Corgan.

His best song.



Still waiting for that message of hope. 8-[

I’m just waiting for them to lose control…

It will happen soon enough, I’ve been waiting patiently for fifteen years now. It’s pretty obvious watching this stuff for fifteen years now that they finally have lost control, they won’t admit such now publicly but pretty soon their hand will be forced. After that there will no longer be any denying, masking, or hiding it.



About what I expected. Dasein is no less subsumed in any and all objective facts that can be ascertained about the coronavirus around the globe. Instead, it is in how the objectivists react to it inside their religious or deontological or ideological or political fortresses that interest me.

You basically reek of the same self-righteous smugness that revolves around ilk who heap scorn on everyone who refuses to think about it all exactly like they do. Call it, say, the Satyr Syndrome.

You don’t give a fuck about the calamitous consequences that await the millions of people who are not the fat cats committing suicide. All you care about is that everything unfolds so that you can come into places like this and say, “see, I told you so!”

Or maybe your life is filled with just enough misery, you long for the day when everyone else is miserable too.

And the last thing you want to believe is that this reaction too is just another manifestation of dasein.

From my frame of mind, you are a species of reactionaries. As predictable to me as I must seem to you.

Only I know how wide the gap must be between what I think I know about all of this and all that can be/must be known about it in order not to feel as smug as those of your own ilk are.

On the other hand, maybe you are just here putting on an act. Playing a character. It all being basically tongue in cheek.

Uh, is that it?

Much as Iam will be amazed, I agree with him.

If, and to be honest I’d still be surprised, Amurka collapses, it’s a sad event. And it’s not like all those who are uninvested in the system have actually achieved anything, they just haven’t failed. Which is pretty terrible if that’s the only thing written on your tombstone.

At least America had a dream, even if they’ve fucked it up.

Except the global chaos that will unfold will not be restricted to the United States only or alone, it will be a global event.

Welcome to the global dark ages, there’s an app for that… :sunglasses: :laughing: :evilfun:

“Alexa, when will we enter the global dark ages? Right now motherfuckers! Thanks Alexa.”

I’m guessing they’ll still need a moron to flip burgers in the new global dark age, so you won’t be out of a job. Yay. Win.

The current normalcy bias you subscribe to won’t even exist as the current world order will be destroyed swallowed up in a vacuum of uncontrollable chaos.

And as far as the slaves are concerned with all the insidious pretenses of ‘freedom’ I would imagine they’ll be turning on their masters that have subjected them the last hundred years.

It will be like a colosseum of rich Roman aristocrats that will have swords piercing or thrusting into them by a bunch of escaping slaves and gladiators, there will be nowhere to run either unless the current elites have bunkers and even then it will only be a matter of time until they’re hunted down one by one.

Nobody is going to be flipping your burgers bucko. :sunglasses: