Cause for Concern?

“And then they ran an actual, literal dementia victim against Trump, losing in a landslide. And that’s why there’s an ice-free Arctic this summer.”
“Why did you let them do that, mommy?”
“Well darling they kept saying we were being very rude, and we didn’t want to offend anyone.”

Caitlin Johnstone.

The above quote appeared on my twitter page a few moments ago. Earlier, I was discussing American politics with my 100 year old dad. I explained that the Democratic Party appeared to favour Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders. Should Mister Biden get the nomination, then it would pretty much guarantee another four years of Mister Trump - for better or worse. The Presidential Debates would make uncomfortable viewing. It is clear that others share my concern. How should the Democratic Party handle what promises to be a delicate situation?

K: ah, Mr. Derlydoo, you know how much I admire you and think the world of you,
but you are under a couple of seriously wrong assumptions…

first of all, should Biden win, there won’t be a repeat of the last 4 years…
absolutely no one could be as inept and incompetent and criminal as
IQ45 has been these last 4 years…on his worst day, Biden is thousand times
better then IQ45 on his best day…

the second assumption is that Biden has mental issues… that is a
myth driven by the right wing media which is insane given that IQ45
has documented issues with cognition… he is senile or has dementia
or has Alzheimer’s or all three… the tell here is the fact, fact that IQ45
father died from Alzheimer’s… and those cognition issues are hereditary…
and biden’s father died from old age………

I too am in favor of Mr. Biden… but frankly, I would vote for a chimp over
IQ45… I see Biden being a transitional figure… he is 77 and won’t last a second
term… so, he is simply a placeholder until we can get someone who will survive
two terms and be democratic…

I am hoping be able to vote for someone substantially younger
the next time around…anyway, I hope you are fine this Sunday eve…

as it is late and bed calls my name, I shall be in touch…

your friend…


Edited. We must wait and see, Peter!

Peter Kropotkin: “the second assumption is that Biden has mental issues… that is a
myth driven by the right wing media which is insane given that IQ45
has documented issues with cognition…”

Looks as though you are right again, Mr. K.
I have just been watching the debate between Mr Biden and Mr Sanders. Neither man displayed cognitive impairment!

Peter Kropotkin: “I too am in favor of Mr. Biden…”

Why do you favour Mr Biden? Mr Sanders gave (me) the impression that he is far better equipped to deal with the challenges facing the USA and the rest of the globe. Biden appears to be ‘business as usual’, whereas, Sanders appears to realise that a much bolder, fresher approach is required. Of course, the Sanders approach will not suit one or two rich folk, therefore, Biden it is!

K: I was unable to watch the debate as I had to work…and I actually agree with you
that Sanders ideas are far more bold and fresher, but and this is important,
I think Biden is far more electable then Sanders…dramatic and necessary change
is required yes, but we must kick the village idiot out of the white house first…

The Republican brand is in real trouble in American today…

the GOP has no values, no idea’s, no compassion, nothing…
all the GOP is, is simply wealthy white men trying to increase
their wealth and how they do it is unimportant… the best way one
increases one’s wealth is simply to steal it…and the GOP has
that one down pat…every single tax increase is designed to steal
money from the middle and working class and give it to the rich…

that is all the GOP stands for, stealing money from the middle and working
class by tax cuts…

Recall Mr. Derelydoo, I was an anarchist for many, many years…
and I still have those notions of equality and fairness that drives
all anarchists… it is in my blood and by all rights, I should
be in favor of Mr. Sanders, but with IQ45 being an existential
threat to the human race, we must begin the long road to
an fair and equal society by getting rid of IQ45… that is
step one and we can debate about step two…
