The wide awake club.. or, why are you still up?

I am old but I am not cynical as I accept the human condition in all of its various manifestations
I avoid emotional involvement so my sense of detachment helps to keep me relatively grounded
I merely watch the world from a distance without getting involved for that is not how I function

I do not accept without any evidence your claim that most nervous systems are reliant on prescription drugs
I know you believe in holistic methods of treatment but I am too sceptical to just accept it without question

Go away and leave me alone!

Up and awake again, and alone with my thoughts from yesterday, of which Jakob and Meno know what of… I feel better for it, but not intrinsically so, and probably never will. We don’t care about an ad on YouTube or any other minor inconvenience pour le jour… COZ THERE’S NO BIGGER MINOR INCONVENIENCE THAN DEATH!

Currently feeling sorry for myself? Yes I am!

Another day, another storm, of howling whistling winds and intermittent rain… quite a soothing sound it is too…

My current favori …du jour, du semaine, peut-être le mois.

I have concluded that I am not good with sharing daily thoughts or entertaining daily feels, daily… INTJ/P for life. Just as one cares about what goes into the body, one should care about what comes out of the mind… be more Buddhist-like, be more selective with your thoughts. ; )

Well… there’s also the same toxic additives in foods that there are in meds… and I’ll leave that mathematical equation to you to solve.

You can be as sceptical as you want… go right ahead, be my guest.

Cynicism is neither wholly good nor bad. It’s easy to see how you can be too cynical, but it’s also possible to be not cynical enough. … There are lazy forms of cynicism of which this is certainly true. But at its best, cynicism is a greater force for progress than optimism. I am a cynical optimist.

I dont do cynicism because I see it as being just too negative but skepticism is more healthy by comparison
Because all it really is is a simple request to fill the gap in ones knowledge about something they dont know

Should I be more selective with my thoughts ? Absolutely but even better I should avoid negative ones or at least try to keep them to a minimum
I deliberately say I because otherwise someone may think I was talking generally and I really avoid doing that any more as it is too presumptuous

…like I said, go right ahead.

I’m sure I wouldn’t be exercising my (healthy dose of) cynicism if it weren’t necessary. Just like skepticism questions things, so does cynicism… the former questioning notions, the latter people.

You never question the intent and motive of others? You’ve questioned mine here plenty of times, or is that now a thing of the past? We all go through phases, but don’t necessarily remain there, as phases constantly gain and lose their utility.

That wasn’t aimed at you, but it’s definitely something we should all attempt, as having a mind swimming with thoughts born of society’s bullshit is the worst situation to find yourself in, and to remain in that state… even moreso. I recently found out that I can’t talk to such types, because such hindering complacency grates against my values of self, and one’s quality of daily existence requires much more beneficial input into it, than that.

Something is obviously getting lost in translation if it is your perception that I have questioned your motives plenty of times
I dont engage with you all that much so am not sure what exactly constitutes plenty but it is less than what I would say it is

Everyone carries some bullshit with them which is why I prefer others to call me out on mine when they can
For my part I avoid holding onto anything anymore than I absolutely have to for that is just waste of energy

Plenty… as in almost every interaction with me, and not in the amount of engagement had.

Don’t worry about, I just thought I’d mention it… because I can.

I did… sometimes such things can be amusing, but not always.

So your chi is in flow, not flux? a non-stagnating state, of the constant fresh and new flowing through one’s entirety. Cool.

I find it easy to let go the older I get because I can see beyond my own existence
I know that what I think is not important other than to me but not to anyone else

Chains around the mind are just as restricting as those around the body if not more so so I avoid them as much as I can
To be isolated from others is very good for my well being because the more space that I have the better that is for me

…probably because I’ve been sleeping well for weeks… well over 12 hours most days, and certainly not fewer than 10, so am thinking of breakfast already. :slight_smile:

Does it count as breakfast, if you haven’t slept yet? :-k

…the cat, knocking at the front door, to let him in.

My thoughts…

…and mine: my wife’s c-pap machine broke , so have to satay awake to monitor her breathing.

I hope the situation resolved itself the very next day, for you, Meno?

The birds are currently singing, and I’m still wide awake (and so able to hear them) but I don’t know why… un silence maintenant.

One minute I’m asleep, next minute, BAM! I’m wide awake… I wouldn’t have known I was awake, if I’d still been sleeping.


En encore… pourquois?

Hello again dawn… but I awoke waaaay before you, only to fall in and out of sleep again… the only thing accompanying you these days, is bird song.

Oh how quiet the outside world is now… saving many from the anxiety-inducing sounds of a city that rarely sleeps.

…because I stupidly had an evening coffee, and now I’ve barely slept… the cat is prowling restlessly around the house, and the birds are up-early singing… they seem to currently have a lot to sing about. :neutral_face:

No more coffees after 2pm, for me. :confused:

I have been unsuccessful in evading a sleepless night, and so am currently still awake at this early hour in the morning.

Come to me sleep, and I shall embrace thee much.