Absolute Randomness

Shaleece, can you just…, please be quiet for a minute? please? thank you. okay it’s obvious you’ve done some research and certainly have a grasp on the environmental influences on intelligence purposely put into place by the capitalists to make you dumber than you already are… wait i didn’t mean it like that. let me start over. i’m trying to tell you the troof and that is very difficult to do, Shaleece. what you have to accept is that there is a definite genetic component to levels of intelligence, but here’s the good news. and listen up because this is important: it’s okay if you’re not a genius, Shaleece, because all that matters in our new meritocratic society is that you are a productive member of society and don’t let your hair touch anyone without their consent. see it’s only because black folks were too quickly integrated into western society and in the totally wrong context (capitalism) that all this mess is going down. naturally, you’re going to be a little upset about this and that’s understandable, but this kind of nonsense has got to stop. really. all that does is make conservative whitey dislike you even more, and the leftists who are trying to help you don’t find it particularly inspiring either. you’re just making the job more difficult with that silly shit.

so let’s recap. yes, environment plays a role in intelligence. you got that part right. but genes do too, and if you are a carrier of those genes, you cannot be a mozart or a godel or a john stuart mill. but Shaleece… you don’t have to be. especially not today when you’ve got things like google and self driving cars. all you gotta do is find your niche in the work force and do you thang… whatever that ends up being. maybe open a hair salon or something like that.

these clowns at fox can’t get anything right, can they? look at these two bashing bernie for being a millionaire. but wait… he makes his money from book sales and campaign contributions… not by paying 500,000 employees salaries and wages which are only a fraction of the value that their labor produces. the first thing parasites like this boch idiot need to understand is what capitalism is and how it distorts the meaning of the word ‘work’. until this fundamental and rather convenient misunderstanding is cleared up, these parasites won’t be able to comprehend why leftists are railing against them. but to understand is to admit, and to admit is to recognize your actual place and role in the chain of production… which is the most minor role in the actual production of value. and who would want to admit that? how embarrassing would that be? wouldn’t you rather be a guest on fox news where you’ve got an audience of ignorant american idiots who lap up anything you say? of course you would.


and look at the forehead on that bitch. what the hell is that about?

rare footage of lenin at a rally of Boch employees

some of the translation from russian: don’t ever, ever, EVER watch fox news, and vote for bernie as soon as you can.

What a disappointment. It only got good at 3:50, and then only a little. Whiney college kids and skater punks vs white trash rednecks and hillbillies. You know it’s stuff like this that makes me not even want to be an anarchist no more. Wtf is wrong with this country. Where’s the money. Show me the fuckin money. Emma Goldman packed a better punch than these clowns.

Go to 5:40 if you’d like proof that the fat guy in the green bomber jacket wears g-string underwear.

liberal democractic horizontal accountability don’t work because the cocksuckers in each branch of government are in cahoots with each other. one branch can’t put another branch in ‘check’ when all three of em need to be in check by some other body that doesn’t consist of cocksuckers. but there ain’t no such branch.

counsel democractic vertical accountability, on the other hand, can issue a direct recall of a specific cocksucker from a specific branch of cocksuckers. this gives the people true executive democratic control over the cocksuckers. i’m fairly confident that trumpf would be back to renting apartments and illegally soliciting call-girls right now if our current bumper-crop of cocksuckers had any vertical accountability.


i just wish the kid would back up a little from the mic. jesus.

promethean75 tries a dating app…


MPM dating problems? lol

For us females it’s the other way round… so many hot males for us to swipe right for/pursue further, but so little time… to do anything in. :neutral_face:

French double door by promethean75…

2 hr: demo old door, play on phone, case rough frame, install treated threshold, set door, play on phone, install exterior trim

raleigh.craigslist.org/mcy/d/we … 13942.html

Lol the sketch-meister’s back. This is the one I almost bought a year ago… when the guy suddenly changed his mind and wanted to keep it the moment I started asking for paperwork and VIN reports and shit. So if the dude’s got money, as he says, why hasn’t he paid off the lien yet? It’s been almost a year. I mean he’d get his money back when he sold the bike, right? This fuckin guy.

Hey but yo those street triples are bad, mang. Unique three cylinder engine you don’t see every day. My only issue with triumph is those fuckin bug eyed head lights. It’s a British thing I think. They were thinking what kind of sport bike would Churchill ride if he had to. But they don’t match the profile of the bike. They just don’t.

I found ecmandu’s soul mate, y’all.

In ‘favorite things to do’ she listed ‘building hyperdimensional mirrors.’

I think buttigieg dropping out was a good thing, but for different reasons. If he were to become president, this country would have to face an unprecedented problem in the history of American politics. And that is, what do we call his husband . Can’t call him the ‘first lady’, so do we call him the ‘first man’? I don’t think americans are prepared to face a difficulty like this, so Pete did the right thing.

yeah i’m fairly disappointed with the dating app. most of these chicks are too normal man. the first red flag is the selfie-with-my-dog routine i see in nine out of ten pages. then there’s always the ‘travel’ in the ‘things i want to do’ section. no shit. everybody wants to travel. that goes without saying. you’re supposed to say something that uniquely defines you… not give the same answer everybody else gives. and there’s another very strange trend i’m noticing too. in the ‘how to win me over’ section, i’ve seen ‘buy me tacos’ at least four times. is there something i should know about tacos?

now the few responses i have gotten were from ladies who are clearly above my class, so i hesitate to faciliate any conversation with them. and all the other hotties who’s pics i’ve ‘liked’ will probably never find me due to the infinitely long line of prior likes from all the other benign, well-adjusted dorks they have to wade through to get to me. the app is badly designed in that respect; you can only view each like individually and in chronological order, so if you’ve got forty likes when you open the app, you’re like ‘woah this is too much work’. now if they had a single page on which they could see all the images/vids of the guys who liked them at once, they’d be like ‘omg who’s that hot guy singing ‘mr.roboto’ in the car’, and ignore all the other idiots.

what i need is a dating app for the criminally insane, man. they’ve got one for redneck christians, but what about nihilists? where are the marla singers and the harley quinns of the world?


click here


Lol… people obviously think the ‘buy me tacos’ line is kinda cute and therefore gonna be endearing, and therefore earn them a swipe right by the man of their dreams.

Lol Prom, you should put that in your Intro… “ignore all the other idiots, and choose the hot guy singing ‘mr.roboto’ in the car”.

I don’t have the answer to that, but I’ll DM you a couple of links to more… subversive sites, where such types might be more prone to roam their corridors more freely.

Los carpinteros muchachos


quora.com/Can-the-US-consti … chtenstein

See? You get to keep personal property like your computer… which you’re on all fuckin day at ILP, anyway. So what difference does it make? Like how much of your ACTUAL life would change? Not the shit in your head. The shit in your day. You’d be doin the same stuff bro and wouldn’t even know you were living in a socialist society unless somebody told yo ass.

Scene: the Yakuza betrayed him, stole his honor, and after murdering his family, left him for dead. Now he will have his vengeance. Into the dark underworld of the concrete jungle comes… the shadow rider…
