Sex, prostitution, robots and relationships.

When the robots claim to be real women, then society will be obligated to accept them as real women by the same premise that real men are real women.

The line between human and machine will become more blurred over time so at some point we will give them rights just like we give to animals now
It will not be seen as anything other than the right and proper thing to do and while it might seem strange now it is just because it has yet to happen

Hey Fixed, re. teaching an AI to salsa.
The AI would probably kill half the crowd just with its gyrating bum.

I watch things like this and don’t worry very much about the world being dominated by artificial intelligence anytime soon.

Hey Surr-75,

Why the automatic assumption of psychological problems…? You wouldn’t accuse a vegetarian of some kind of psychlogical eating disorder because they didn’t eat meat, you eat, they eat, just different means to the same end. But you would if they became anorexic, because then the end is different, and self-harming. Are homosexuals automatically psychologically dysfunctional because they choose their own gender…? The end is slightly different because of its lack of reproductive prospects, beyond adoption. Does the ‘dysfunction’ lie there…?

If you were to grow sterile humans in a bottle, away from current society and knowledge, you could reasonably expect those humans to seek sex and loving companionship. The big question is “Would they miss babies…?” I know that sounds insane, but the correlation between sex and babies is not instinctive. I remember reading a anthrop/sociology book and an anecdote about sex surveys out in some backwater third-world boonie, and some of the teens there didn’t know sex led to kids. There’s no reason why we should have instinctive knowledge about reproduction. A sex-drive is enough to ensure babies arrive. The rest is conjecture and inculturation.

The brain has no innate knowledge of reproduction, and cannot be ‘damaged’ by its absence, unless it is taught to do so by external conditions.

So, the only two things we are instinctively driven toward then is sex, and companionship. I say ‘companionship’, and not ‘relationship’ because the idea of exclusive relationships and fidelity and marriage and etc. are all cultural rather than natural norms. I think anyway. They obviously promote the wellfare of the child and the stability of society, but are not instinctive, nor evolutionarily necessary, as long as children flourish, and everyone doesn’t kill each other out of jealousy.

So, we are left just with the source of sexual fulfilment sought after, and the source of companionship sought as indicators of psychological health and of course the degree of consensuality and mutual benefit between the people involved. Paedophiles, rapists, are still monsters, as would be people who instead of going to the supermarket for some porkchops, were physically unable to eat unless they’d broken into a farm animal enclosure, tied up a pig and slowly tortured it to death before eating bits of it in front of its piglets.

The source, and its ability to successfully fulfil those needs for sex and companionship.

So, if a sexbot eventually becomes able to provide a sexual experience commensurate with human sexual relations, (something arguably it has achieved - some people are amazingly bad at sex lol), and a level of companionship to a degree that it at least compares to some kind of human interaction… then where is the “psychological problem”…?

Hey Wendy,

Yeah. That will be a watershed moment. But this…

…Is more impactful. Sentience is sentience. Human, non-human, artificial. Will the production-line welding robot ever join the union…? :smiley:

Machine rights. It will be an interesting time. Making a human into a slave, or a sex-object, necessitates dehumanizing them. Removing something they always had. Choice, ownership of self etc. This must be removed, because you don’t get humans born naturally without them.

However, the same is not true of artificial ‘life’. If I construct a machine to do my dishes for eternity, or to warm my bed and talk to me, but in such a way that its only innate ‘desire’, its programing, right from its original conception on the blueprint, is to do so… Where is the violation of rights exactly…? What have I removed from it…?

I have chosen not to give it something. This is true. But is it the same…? Is that a violation…?

Perhaps, and he might even walk off the job.


Go to the second post in the thread. Let me explain. I went through a temporary stage of amateur short-story writing, and that thread is what happened.

It seems like we are trying to replace human relations and mediate any remaining human relations. That ‘face time’ would even be this specific activity. Why go to the trouble of anxiety producing social interactions when you can fuck not alive things. Digital media and devices are already making people less able to read the emotions of others - iow making people less social mammals. Then since they have less face time and are less capable in social interactions, actually being with people is more and more anxiety producing, so we give them machine replacments for face and love time. Create problems and then ‘solve’ them.

Even prostitutes are a shortcut.

Ahh, the 80s. When the shoulderpads were wide, and hair conditioner was as hard to find as a obsolete sexbot chasis.

C’mon then iam, gimme something to work with. I dare you to write a post without the words daesin or objectivist ok. I’ll answer.

Aren’t you supposed to be ignoring me? :laughing:

Special case today. All comers considered.

Okay, I’ll make it easier for you: as a hapless objectivist totally oblivious to the profoundly problematic existential parameters of dasein in discussing sex, prostitution, robots and relationships, aren’t you supposed to be ignoring me? =D>

My view on this… humanity makes me sick!

Care about getting their rocks off, over bettering the world and thus the future. I have no other view other than that, as I don’t concern myself with or care about others’ sex life.

=D> yup. Waaaay to break that mold there pilgrim. Forgot not feeding the troll is the first rule of the internet. My bad.

Don’t think so, especially if he’s bolted to the floor.

That’s not a view, that’s a tweet. C’mon mags, put your back into it, this used to be a philosophy site back in the day. Psyche would have puked a couple of pages down without breaking a sweat.

Lol. The above is the literary equivalent of a sexbot “talk to transformer” whom I love deeply. It extrapolates from the prompt. Must admit, I did have to hit the ‘complete’ button a few times, as the first versions it came up with ranged from insanely islamophobic, to intensely offensive lol. That’s the first time I’ve ever seen transformer use the ‘c’ word :smiley: . It obviously detected an underlying current of venom.

People turn to synthetic alternatives when the ‘real thing’ is either unavailable, or intractable. Then they blame their pitiable state on the same ‘real thing’ for being aloof in the first place. Oh damn, I’m now the philosophic version of an incell. #-o

Anyway, Mags, do you like the internet…? It was largely created to facillitate the distribution of porn, would you say it has “bettered the world”…? In spite of its grubby heritage…?

Getting your rocks off and bettering the world - not essentially mutually exclusive. Look at it this way, if some mad, dong-wielding genius had managed to find a way to reduce global warming that involved people banging each other, the world would probably be facing a new ice-age right now. Humanity is the only humanity we’ve got, we have no choice but to work with it.

This could be the answer to the prayers of all those guys out there in the lonely hearts club. But one needs a little reverse psychology to make it actually work.

First of all, all sexpot sexbots are programmed to be extremely particular about with whom they will copulate with. No dorks, geeks, incels, unattractive males of any kind. But once one of these robo-ladies decides a guy is desirable to human women, she can’t drop her drawers fast enough. And she’ll go until she has completely drained him of his reproductive juices. Then she drops him her number, and tells him “Anytime, day or night, if you ever want to go again. And anywhere.” Then’s she’s off, in search of her next victim. And the best part is this is completely free. All the incels have set up a fund to finance these robo-chics, to ensure that any stud out there is never more than earshot from a willing mechanical vixen, using all the money they use to blow on hookers.

So you have all the studs out there being mercilessly accosted by robo-chics, leaving all the women out there lonely for some male attention. So all the guys formerly of the lonely hearts club are suddenly finding that there are scores of willing and real females seeking male companionship -any male.


Robots are sentient. Have you ever felt forced to do what you didn’t want to do?

Robots feel that way every moment of every day.

It’s unconscionable to create AI for things like this.

You might as well use the spirit world to possess a woman to fuck you against her will!

Sometimes I hate how self centered people are!

some music to set the scene for child_in_time’s sexy penthouse forum robot edition story.

[Act II]


Sy Borg
Gimme dat, gimme dat
Sy Borg
Gimme dat, give me de chromium leg,
I beg
Sy Borg
Gimme dat, gimme dat
Sy Borg
Gimme dat, give me de chromium leg,
Little wires, pliers, tires
They turn me on
Maybe I’m crazy
Maybe I’m cra/y
Maybe I m crazy,

Stroking several of SY’s gleaming appendages JOE continues…

Gee, Sy
This is a real groovy apartment
You’ve got here

All government sponsored recreational services are clean and efficient

This is exciting
I never plooked
A tiny chrome-plated machine
That looks like a magical pig
With marital aids stuck all over it
Such as yourself before

You’ll love it!
Its a way of life.

Does that mean maybe later
You’ll plook me…

If you wish, we may have a groovy orgy

Just me and yon?

I share this apartment
With a modified
Gay Bob doll
He goes all the way…
Ever try oral sex with a miniature rubberized homo-replica?

No, ah, not yet,
Ah, is this him?

This is him.
Your wish is his command
He likes you
He wants to kiss you always
Just tell him what you want

Hi, little guy
Think I might get a tiny, but exciting
Blow… .job…
Gimme dat, gimme dat
Blow job…
Gimme dat, give me de chromium cob.

Bend over.

Gay Bob
Blow job
Gimme dat, gimme dat
Blow job
Gimme dat, give me de chromium cob

You’ll love it!
It looks just like a TeleFunken U-47.

Little leather cap and trousers
They look so gay…
Warren just bought some
Warren just bought some
Warren just bought some

Bob is tired.
Plook me now,
You savage rascal
That tickles.
You are a fun person
I like you.
I want to kiss you always.

Gee, this is great
Hows about some bondage and humiliation

Anything you say, master.

Oh no, I don’t believe it
You’re way more fun than Mary…

You’re plooking too hard…

And cleaner than Lucille…

Plooking on me…

What have I been missing
All these years?

Too hard


Too hard


Plooking too hard on me-e-e-e-e…

Speak to me
Oh no…
The golden shower must have shorted out
His master circuit
He’s, he’s, oh my God
I must have plooked him…
To death…

This is the CENTRAL SCRUTINIZER…You have just destroyed
one model XOJ-37 Nuclear Powered Pan-Sexual Roto-Plooker.
And you’re gonna have to pay for it! So give up, you haven’t
got a chance.

But I…
I, I, I, I…
I can’t pay
I gave all my money
To some kinda groovy religious guy…
Two songs ago…

Come on out son…
Between the two of us
We’ll find a way to
Work it out

Hey peeps, sorry been lazy the last day or two.

I agree, though not sure it’s any kind of intentional corporate conspiracy. Simply the usual ‘taking advantage of an emergent market’ business model.

From an aggressive sales pov. sex is one of the last bastions of the hated ‘free lunch’ in that once you’re in a relationship, or simply great at one-night stands, the sex is free. Well, pretty much, there are a few overheads involved, aftershave, deodorant and a nice shirt/blouse perhaps, a copy of ‘pick-up lines for dummies’ but a normal person has these to hand anyway.

Every other pleasure or need in life has been mined for profit. Cinema to tv to netflix. House phone to cellphone. Public transport to private car. Hardwearing clothes to throwaway fashion. Nothing is easy to repair anymore, call in the specialists or just buy a new one. Built-in obsolesence. No-one knows what to eat anymore. No-one is happy with how they look.

Very little of this applies to sex. Girlfriends are repairable with sticky plasters, aspirin and chicken soup. You don’t need a licence to use them. They are always in fashion. They never become obsolete unless you are a total bastard. As long as the light is flattering, they always look pretty fine. After a little practice, you know what to eat. Etc. :smiley:

However now, as karpel points out, social skills are at an all time low. We are all insecure, terrified of being judged. We’re all too busy to wait, because we’re so used to every other desire being just a phonecall or a click away.

We’re vunerable.

Prediction time. I think the hardware is too expensive atm. to break sexdolls out of their niche and into ubiquity and social acceptance. But I can see the road to it.

Augumented reality. Google glass didn’t quite take off. But that type of tech is just waaaaay to useful to go away for long. As a teacher I would love it if my glasses popped up students’ names above their heads, and gave a me a quick aprecis of their grades, weaknesses and strengths. On holiday live translations, directions, warnings, reviews of hotels and restaurants etc. On the high-street prompts for sales, offers etc.

And cloud-based computing reducing the amount of hardware you need to lug around on the go.

Already we are becoming used to having a smart speaker in our homes, that we can talk to. Add a pair of smart specs and it won’t be long until has a sexy avatar to go with her voice. From there it’s only a couple of Japanese otaku away from virtual girlfriends and boyfriends.

And those are massively monetizable. New skins, voices, functions, neural-nets, customizations. Adware, adware, adware. Also they are dataminer heaven. They’ll end up knowing everything about you.

And people are dumb, they will fall in love with them. Also, think of the advantages. They are there whenever you want, equally importantly :smiley: they are not there when you don’t want. They won’t judge you, (unless the adware wants them to - and there will be blockers for that), won’t care what you look like, or smell like. If you say something stupid, they don’t mind. They don’t have bitchy friends, or birthdays, or periods, or care about valantine’s day. They like all the stuff you do, they don’t buy insane numbers of cushions, they don’t get obsessed with feng-sui or aromatherapy. They don’t cost anything to take on holiday, obsessively take selfies, or ever look like they just got out of the wrong side of bed and they always make an effort to look nice. They won’t ever leave you, or fuck your mate boss/mate/yoga-instructor/other.

I’ll leave you all space to add a list of iritating man-things. I’m a man, therefore I have no idea, I believe obviously we’re without fault and generally perfect in every way. :sunglasses:

If the actual dolls become cheaper, fully self-mobile, and a lot more convincing generally… Then perhaps they’ll become more mainstream. Morphing from babysitters and carers and geriatric companions into sextoys then perhaps.

Economic effects. Hmm. The only one I can think of is the break up of the family household. One house two incomes to two houses with one each. I can imagine the realtors would like that.

Child in Time and Prom, cool story, nice theory - and wow Zappa came back to the sexbot theme.

Ecu, I’ll get back to you.