Pedro's Corner (Part 1)

You know that thought of butter threw me off the whole war movie enterprise a little bit. I’m gonna go smoke a cigarette and give it a second try.

When I watched it for the first time, I thought it was the best war movie I had ever seen.

That was a long time ago, and the memories were hazy, and the experience was extremely different. But the opinion remains.

Definitely Mel Gibson’s last great movie as an actor.

“Custer was a pussy, sir. You ain’t.”






This one you might like.

Girl lead vocals aren’t always a waste:


Skream was like the sober older brother of dubstep.

Before Rusko, he was sort of the informal leader.

Post-Rusko but pre-Skrillex.

that was a crazy fucking period of time.




And that’s why he was the leader. Discipline.

That’s also why he was among the first to be offended and migrate into like drum and bass. Fucking snobs, i hate drum and bass.

Wah, muchacho.

Alright, I’ll see you all later.


Metal dorkery of Pedro’s own, from a couple years back.



I fell asleep and didn’t listen to anything.

I gotta cut this prosecco habit. It is getting expensive.
Because I am a firm believer that if it has bubbles, it should be served in pints.

I even used to even have trouble with champagne. Bubbles are good in beer and soda.

And I’m all out of beer.

I pray to God sometimes, that one day I will understand bubbles in water.

The videos are for the muses madame, do not be troubled. So that they know that someone is listening.


After you listen to a couple of dub tracks, listen to this Bob Marley song:
