
Look, hate is something thats real in the world. At one point, the prophet of love has to show some hate too. Show how easy that shit is. Hate is the easiest thing to follow. Cortisol. Addictive in the same way as coffee is.
I was startled recently at the amount of racist hate in a 9gag comment section under a meme of a… well some very weird reverse racist meme. Which could or could not have been engineered. What was real was the none-black on black racism. Just appalling, if I were black Id not be okay right now. Its not been this bad even on 4chan. 9gag is Hong Kongese, that probably means something here.
I figured we should start a non racist or even antiracist pro Trump group, discord group. As racism on the right is an important element to subdue. Cant have Euclidean rights as a racist.


that’s what I’m talking about

I cultivate my hate very dearly. It is my beehive and I am its apiarist.
I pacify the bees and take from it only sweet, sweet honey.
I love my bees. Would never do away with them.

9gag demographics is largely males in their teens and early 20s, I believe.
Too early to reason with, imo. Gotta let life itself teach them a couple of things first.

Imgur has the best community out of these big sites. Imgur comment section is priceless.

Agreed. Racism blocks all intelligent conversation from ever ensuing. You can’t even get into the basics of the actual subject.

He really quit? On the other hand, he lasted “visited” ILP on “Wed Jan 22, 2020 6:23 pm”

Besides, he if does ever quit, I’d like to imagine that I was largely responsible for it. Another objectivist and/or serious philosopher bites the dust! :wink:

Glad we agree on that important subject.

Racism… of course you cant prohibit what someone feels or thinks but, when someone is actively pursuing the detriment of a specific race, he is forfeiting his Euclidean rights.

Many of the most bigoted, racist, ignorant people involved in these ugly debates have never dared to travel 20 miles away from the trailer where they were born.

Here’s a cute comic.


That’s nice, make fun pf people because they live in a trailer.

How would you feel if the same attitude was had towards people in favelas?

Been hearing that my whole life.

“Gente asquerosa de rancho.”

Hear hear.

Yeah there has been a long long long reign of anti-logic that Ive indulged somewhat. But this was always something I could see eye to eye with James S Saint with. If you cant handle it logically, you’re gonna crawl.

Hence all my emphasis on the Axiomaticness of rights. How a right can be said to be completely axiomatic, no conditionality.

And this is, what by bringing together the old laws of terror and the American laws of liberty, I have accomplished, as self-evident as it thereby has instantly become.

This is what was missing from the constitution, from its philosophy; only those who actively uphold this constitution enjoy the right it provides.

This resolves many things. First of all it creates a possibility for something of a tribal loyalty around the Constitution. Thats good. An instinct around it.
Second, it dispenses with the idea that penal law should be logical in any way. The logic is with the system. If you violate the system you violate the logic so… logic cant help you no more son…

Aint for you now.

And, considering Zoot is here, Ill state that by now the state has extended way beyond its constitutional powers, so that, I don’t really think he went out of the Constitution by doing what he did. But hey this may be false consciousness.

Its also very useful to see the Bill of Rights as a declaration of war.

The first amendment, if you read between the lines, assemble the meanings of what is granted, is the right of a person to hold his own values, and to share these.

This is a declaration of war against tyranny.

Now, if you realize that the first amendment is a declaration of war, and then read the second amendment;

Lets note that great wealth is much more successful in isolating people from humanity than living in a trailer is; the average trailer park inhabitant is guaranteed to know people from all kinds of races, as contingent, real race mingling happens most of all in poor parts of the US. People just don’t have a choice and actually get to know each other. Rap, its hegemony, is a symptom of this.

Who are really very isolated and racist are the Silicon Valley billionaires, the Brussels-autocrats, what we Trumpers call, the Left.

Lol I went and look for that 9gag post with the racists in it but instead I ran into this.

The Magna Carta’s failure trumpeted in the call of the humanist in terms of the Declaration of Independence, which resulted in Marx’s isolation. and subsequent collusion with the people who ended up, upon it’s terminus, the very people speaking out of trailers full of trash, who toppled the success of the Right of Kings in the

It is nothing but incurred recurrence.

If that is the logical transcendental that objectified what others don’t see not less understand, then surely such epochs of mea ing need to be memorialized.

Are we again before the approach of revisions of ideological dialectics? Or are merely satisfied on the theory that whatever works in the contemporaneous present is satisfactory.

No wonder social organization is on the verge of being thorn asunder.

Wait. Let me …

I better not pretend to understand you here, as it makes me very angry.

If you’re accusing someone of something, do it straight, look the person in the eyes, don’t hide in your exaggerated drunkenness.

Plenty of drunks are very lucid writers. I am aware that you can write quite well indeed. It is thus unbecoming to make such a mockery of literacy.

Don’t be angry, I just lost my daughter and been drunk ever since. But really I owe Tlyou no real justification.

There is the problem with depth, however which levels out mutual understanding

However it would make me far angrier
to get riled up.
