
I just realize that you need to read everything Sauwelios has written. If you understand something of his logics you may be able to approach mine, and Nietzsche.

Honestly you don’t have a clue what the will to power is, if you think it is not prescriptive.

Sauwelios made that part of it his specialty.
A little on the obvious side for me, but then I am what I am.

Yeah, Sauwelios… he isn’t a revolutionary thinker but he is definitely thorough.

To me back then this was always half of a joke, as its just obvious how absurd it seems to other people, but… Ive always loved it too, this honest to god approach of the problem of language. Compared to what one encounters nowadays it is brilliant.


What Heidegger does is extend the notion of will to power beyond the obvious and meaningless semantics of it, he pushes the logic of it to amount to actual ontology, that is, to working knowledge, predictive and such.
Not that any of that goes on in this video, this is just… a careful and cheerful archaeologo-philologist at work with his brushes.
A thinker.

People may have their rights revoked when they have themselves infringed on the rights of others. That is written into law, but it is also implicit, one can say. With implicit rights also come implicit obligations.

yup, philosophising the fuck out of a pretty straightforward subject, really.

you take a life, your light may be taken
you take property, your property may be take
you take an eye…
I think someone might have carved that up on a rock at some time

You mean all this is… self evident ?


History is full of literary geniuses who were social retards.
Not even in that is your friend unique.

Tell him to stop by the forums again sometime when you’re done sucking each other off.

You better fucking believe it.

Also further evidence that one can say in two words what you said in… how many?

Wow you’re such a graceful lady. So very free of hate.

Im beginning to think you actually lust over his “10 pack” or whatever.

Anyway you all have been educated into human being by Fixed Cross.

Case closed.

Who said that was an argument?
I specifically wrote that I was not critiquing the content.



I don’t see anything new here.
Just a lot of rehashing in convoluted ways things that have already been said in simpler ways by greater men.
Could be because I don’t have an IQ of 180, I’ll say.

I like my men to have a bit of padding on them, you know? An even layer of healthness all around.
Like a brisket.

Right, like that has anything at all to do with this:

Is this what passes for "serious philosophy? with you? Or is it all just tongue in cheek?

In fact, the closest I can come to explaining his “white working class base” is either here:

Or here:

Maurice Brinton in The Irrational in Politics:

Leaving out the part about “orgone energy” perhaps.

Instead, these chumps rally around Trump thinking that he will take us back to, as phoneutria suggested, “the fifties”. The whitest and most reactionary and God fearing America has been in recent times.

Fixed I honestly feel bad about being largely responsible for parodites quitting the forum.
Tell him I’ll be good.

Look, hate is something thats real in the world. At one point, the prophet of love has to show some hate too. Show how easy that shit is. Hate is the easiest thing to follow. Cortisol. Addictive in the same way as coffee is.
I was startled recently at the amount of racist hate in a 9gag comment section under a meme of a… well some very weird reverse racist meme. Which could or could not have been engineered. What was real was the none-black on black racism. Just appalling, if I were black Id not be okay right now. Its not been this bad even on 4chan. 9gag is Hong Kongese, that probably means something here.
I figured we should start a non racist or even antiracist pro Trump group, discord group. As racism on the right is an important element to subdue. Cant have Euclidean rights as a racist.


that’s what I’m talking about

I cultivate my hate very dearly. It is my beehive and I am its apiarist.
I pacify the bees and take from it only sweet, sweet honey.
I love my bees. Would never do away with them.

9gag demographics is largely males in their teens and early 20s, I believe.
Too early to reason with, imo. Gotta let life itself teach them a couple of things first.

Imgur has the best community out of these big sites. Imgur comment section is priceless.

Agreed. Racism blocks all intelligent conversation from ever ensuing. You can’t even get into the basics of the actual subject.