An interesting point about Trump's "Racism"

The same we who spends money on big business and the fake war on drugs and terror.


Creepy fuck.

Iran hasn’t overtly killed any Americans.
I think that’s the crisis they think they need to take America to war again.
They’re baiting Iran by arming their enemies, with sanctions, threats and violating their air space into killing Americans, but so far Iran has erred on the side of caution, for now.

So, you actually do know who he is? Anyone here perchance?

Oooh… Um.




Trump is so horrid that it’s not even funny to bash him anymore.

Insults, insults…

Where’s the STUFF?

Also mayhap you have not noticed,

But it is President Trump bashing you.

Because I have family, a job and a life here.

And while their economic policies may be overall better from what I gather, their social policies may be even worse.

Scandinavia is very corrupt too, the working and middle classes trade in a lot of negative social, and economic rights for basic positive economic ones.

They shouldn’t have to trade in any.


I believe they did shoot missiles at american bases in Iraq, but these failed to kill anyone. They missed. That makes it very hard to claim they are a threat to the US, thousands, rather than hundreds of miles away. And it was in response to an assassination which the US would never have tolerated if the shoe had been on the other foot.

It is so stupid the way the issue in the mainstream press is whether he was a bad guy. That’s not the issue. That’s a side issue. No one mentions that Iraqis were killed by the strike. It doesn’t get framed in terms of international law, national sovreinty, for example of a nation we supposedly rebuilt: Iraq.

I just hope Trump’s isolationist tendencies win out.

Any practical Israeli should be concerned. He surrounded himself with Iran hater hawks. AS much as this may be founded on an abstract love of Israel and Jewish people, if those hawks manage to press Trump into attacking Iran, this will put Israel as well as much of the rest of the world in jeopardy.

Including vast taxpayer funds paying for prisons for people who have taken drugs. and as far as terror, these guys got us to spend, well, it must be trillions now to enact war policies that will only have created more terrorists. the terror war created an even more panopticon state with patriot act and more cutting out all sorts of rights to privacy, rights to due process.

Well now you are on your way to thought.

Dig deeper here. Ask all the questions that this brings up. Maybe you’ll get lucky.

Fucking Karple.

“We are all the same at the end of the day.”

Like a king saying that to servants of the glebe.

“Listen, aren’t we all in some way guilty of the same things?”

Servants of the glebe didn’t have no 2nd amendment though.

That “we” doesn’t exist either.

What they call “spending money on big business” only means taking less money from them than some arbitrary group of lackeys think they should be.

There is no “we” that finances the wars on drugs and terror. What a fuckface idiot Bush was to use that term, “war on terror.” “War on the enemies of the American people” would have sufficed. Globalist fuck.

Anyway Gloominary, I know you to be enough of a philosopher to realize that you completely dodged a question here. Who is this we? Yes, the same “we” that supposedly funds the wars on drugs and terror and that you would also like to finance child drug prevention policies.

Anybody that knows even a little bit about me knows I have done many drugs, few of them legal for anybody under any circumstance. Some of my best friends have been drug traders. Bring the thought, what’s with the “I know you are but what am I” simplistic rhetorical devises?

For you, we is everyone, and rights are negative.
For me, we is the poorest 99%, and rights are both negative, and positive.
The poorest 99% have been gradually getting poorer since at least the neoliberal revolution (Mulroney, Reagan and Thatcher in Canada, the US and the UK respectively) while the richest 1% or 0.1% have been gradually getting richer.
The 99% are wage serfs, self-employed and small business owners, the 0.1% are big businessmen.

This isn’t mere accident or meritocracy, it’s by design (see the iron law of oligarchy).
The 99% aren’t socially, politically and economically organized for their collective interests, the 0.1% are organized for their collective interests.
They use every tool in the toolbox, the federal reserve, the military industrial complex, market capitalism, corporatism, state capitalism, globalism, mass (illegal) immigration and outsourcing.

In order to combat them, we need to nationalize the central banks and end the fake wars on drugs and terror.
We need more market socialism, social corporatism, state socialism, nationalism, mass deportation of illegals and protectionism.

Now there’s a lot of debate about negative and positive rights.
For me, I want more positive, and negative rights for the 99%, and less for the 0.1%.
This puts me at odds with most socialists.
For example, I want to reduce, or at least not raise taxes for the 99%, I’m also pro-free speech, pro-gun/militia, pro-due process and apprehensive about big brother, big pharma, big tech and fake environmentalism.
Just as I think there needs to be a balance of wealth between workers and big business, I think there needs to be a balance of power between citizens and big government.
Also, the whole identity politics thing, I’m not a self-hating white male, like most contemporary socialists.

Essentially on social issues I’m a nationalist and a libertarian-moderate conservative, and on economic issues I’m a social democrat-democratic socialist.

I’m not opposed to the 99% conducting free enterprise, but the 0.1% need to be reigned in, their enterprise needs to be partly or fully socialized.