An interesting point about Trump's "Racism"

There’s 3 reasons to hate Donald Trump, you’re a social democrat and you hate him for what he says, and does, or you’re a nationalist and you hate him because he doesn’t do what he says he’ll do.
And there’s no reason to like him, unless you’re rich, an Israeli or an illegal immigrant, and his base aren’t any of those things.
Trump is a neolibcon conman like Reagan, the Bushs and the Clintons before him.
He’s a clown, a reality TV star, like the Kardashians, the spoiled rich kid who never had to grow up.


Here’s another reason to hate him.
He’s not even a real capitalist like the Pauls.
He supported the wall street bailout, does nothing about the federal reserve or big brother’s takeover of big tech, which harms big tech’s competitors, taxpayers, conservatives, dissident progressives and anyone who speaks out against the social, political, economic, media, medical and military establishment, meanwhile he cuts taxes, mainly for the rich, and spending, mainly on the poor.
He leaves the border wide open while spending trillions of dollars defending, and expanding Israel’s borders, breaking international law to fight their enemies, while Jewish supremacists assure us we’re Nazis for wanting borders of our own.

The mainstream left’s supposed hatred for him is political theatre, nothing more, he couldn’t be more aligned with the neolibcon agenda, barring the trade war he’s waging on China and some other countries I guess.

And one more for all you fiscal conservatives out there.

And what does the average American have to show for it?

Fuck all.

You know, you all perhaps never considered, that a relentless campaign of insults-with-nothing-on-the-side would eventually be figured out as a strategy, and, sort of, laughed at.

Can we have the honesty, mayhap, to look where I’m pointing. You all have been pointing at Orange Man Bad and forcing us to listen for 4 years. Can we once look where I’m pointing?

But we can’t spend billions on healthcare because that would be communism.
But for big business and the fake war on drugs and terror, we’ve got a virtually unlimited supply.

Why art thou not in Scandinavia?

Also who the fuck is this “we” whose money we’re going to spend?

The same we who spends money on big business and the fake war on drugs and terror.


Creepy fuck.

Iran hasn’t overtly killed any Americans.
I think that’s the crisis they think they need to take America to war again.
They’re baiting Iran by arming their enemies, with sanctions, threats and violating their air space into killing Americans, but so far Iran has erred on the side of caution, for now.

So, you actually do know who he is? Anyone here perchance?

Oooh… Um.




Trump is so horrid that it’s not even funny to bash him anymore.

Insults, insults…

Where’s the STUFF?

Also mayhap you have not noticed,

But it is President Trump bashing you.

Because I have family, a job and a life here.

And while their economic policies may be overall better from what I gather, their social policies may be even worse.

Scandinavia is very corrupt too, the working and middle classes trade in a lot of negative social, and economic rights for basic positive economic ones.

They shouldn’t have to trade in any.