Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

I aint doing nothin of that karate nonsense.

pedro i’ve analyzed your handwriting and i’ve got some good news for you. you’re a sociopath. high five

inconsistent margins, broken rhythms, sporatic changes from capital to lower case letters, excessive speed (the pencil doesn’t break contact with the paper when you cross your As). you also demonstrate an unorthodox understanding of words as they are conventionally used. for example, you ‘wash’ the dishes while you ‘clean’ the laundry. most people would say the converse. finally, a frustrated impatience is evidenced in your plan to ‘take over the fucking’. you abandoned the idea before you fully articulated it. notice that? very aggressive and impulsive thinking patterns. i’m pretty fucking impressed, man, and glad to have you on board.

phoneutria: oh really? then explain the ‘wax on, wax off’ thing, please.

I found this weird dog.

it likes to chill upon my bosom.

i a i n t d o i n g n o t h i n g o f t h a t k a r a t e n o n s e n s e

Et Tu, Zoot?!

Of course, boys will be boys. Yep, even here. :wink:

I consciously changed it over time to throw my inevitable graphologist investigators off my trail.

If you saw what it would have been, you would shit your pants.

I’ll give you a clue.

I originally drew most straight lines from bottom up.

But thank you though, that meant a lot.

I did write the end of that sentence. It just didn’t make it into the frame. You can juuuuuust see the first parts of the next word.

So I do have impatience. But it’s not frustrated.

wondering if that bosom picture is gonna work on Brian.

Its too bad that all the modern men desire a dominate chick, especially towards one who would love nothing more than to embrace femininity… But fears rejection and has intimacy issues.

Imagine if girls spent 1/10th of their focus, energy, and effort, on the quality of their minds, philosophy, and thoughts, instead of their looks.

Until then, females will always be a laughing stock conducting “philosophy”.

EDIT: Magsj is the exception around here; she puts in the time for philosophy and it shows throughout the threads.

yeah I don’t read books pfff
i just pose with them for photos
makes me look smaht

try explaining something to me
100% sure it’ll go right over my head

"females will always be a laughing stock conducting “philosophy”

On the other hand… Simon De Beauvoir can spend 1/10th of her time in front of a mirror…

which is coincidentally the lady who said that no man is more scornful of women than the one who is anxious about his virility

we’re here for you if you want to talk

Aren’t you from Brasil? The most irrelevant country in the world?

It might be more productive to teach New Guinea tribes rocket science, than Brazilians philosophy?

Yes, that’s it, you gotta let that anger out.
Only then we can talk about the actual issues.
When did you first noticed these problems with your virility?
Remember, this is a safe space.
Let it out.


Who taught promethean how to make memes?


j/k dude ur lit

Ah shucks… thanks. :blush:

You ain’t too bad yourself… :wink:

I was just teasing.
I’m sure you’re a real philosophy sweetiepie.
