Class Struggle

Executive power over what? Power to execute what?

There’s too many holes man!

How about some discipline?

“When you are taking some shit, specially a lot of shit, for granted, look around for someone else’s agenda.”


I think I’m gonna lose my job soon.

I’m losing my passion for sales…

I didn’t say race. I said ethnicity.

And miscegenation is an attack and destruction upon your own family.

Homogeneity strengthens families (and society); Heterogeneity (Miscegenation) weakens and destroys families.

Look to European countries if you want examples, evidence, and proof. Would “Spain” still be Spanish, if Frenchmen came into the country, married all the women, and started speaking French? No, it wouldn’t. Spain would cease to exist.

I don’t know who you are arguing against, but I don’t think people believe that wealth is a measure of personal value inasmuch as other factors, as I’ve repeated, such as familial, tribal, and ethnic ties. Hence the single-mother working two full-time jobs, does so, because of and for her child, not the other way around. People aren’t ‘loyal’ to work, compared to family, except in some cases where people have no family, which is also a rather common occurrence (in the US). Most of the middle-to-low ‘class’, is in this lowly position, because they have broken families and no familial loyalty.

The top 1% of the top 1% is a non-issue, a moot point. Usually this piece of the pie represents Monopolization, as you use in your example. Monopolies have been attacked by the US government before, and will be again, when such corporations gain too much power and political leverage. There is already a hidden-war going on over manipulation of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media, by their political leverage and bias. One political party will prevent the other from using this leverage to benefit over the competition.

Furthermore, in a Capitalist society, you are free to invest $100,000,000 into stocks and markets of your choosing. If you become a billionaire doing this, which is a risk, then Welcome to the top 1% of the top 1%. You earned it. It wasn’t free. Monopolies are gained through ruthless competition.

Is the US imbalanced? Compared to what? The Soviet Union? It seems that the US is just fine, economically. Personally, I would attack political corruption before corporate corruption. Corporations actually have specific functions. And they actually do work.

As the chasm between rich and poor deepens, civil unrest, like the yellow vests movement that started in France, will grow, more people will donate to, form, join and vote for 3rd parties, and even if they never get in, it’ll put pressure on libcons and republicrats to change.
At least in rhetoric, the left and right are turning away from (crony) capitalism to socialism, the left to international, matriarchal, progressive class warfare socialism and the right to national, patriarchal, conservative class collaboration socialism.
Donald Trump’s protectionism and rhetoric about illegals for example are forms of national, class collaboration socialism.

You’re missing the point. Spain wouldn’t be Spain if it hadn’t fucked a bunch of Arab and Berber people.

Europe would be nothing if it hadn’t managed to fuck as many Roman people as it did.

“And miscegenation is an attack and destruction upon your own family.”

Are you familiar with genetics?

If you’re just looking for an excuse to fuck white girls, stop it. You don’t need one.

Shit. ‘Miscegination’ is itself probably what has made the Jews the greatest people on Earth.

Wherever you go, whatever you do, a Jew does it better.

Race isn’t real. Genetics doesn’t work that way. Discrimination is real, and quite necessary. But attaching it to race severely limits its scope, power, effectiveness, and point.

Having said all of that, i will massively backtrack and admit, some stability is good.

But check it. Venezuela was a happy place. And the genetic variety was outstanding. But even the variety had been sort of stable for hundreds of years. We were, in a sense, a homogenity. Then a massive influx of Europeans absolutely wrecked all.

Genetics isn’t only DNA.

It has to do with a shared struggle, and the histories that develop from those shared struggles.

Black people and white people in America are much more of a race than white people in America and white people in Germany.

By a country mile.

Unlike most people on this site, you’re a self-avowed racist. Unlike most people on this site, you’re a likeable guy.

Racism itself says nothing about the quality of a person. But why do you have to cover it up in pseudo-science? Why do you need to justify it? That’s what bothers me.

I don’t think it’s enough to simply get rid of fractional reserve banking, altho ideally we should start with that, the central bankers and the 1 10th of 1% have been looting us for far too long, over a century, they owe us trillions in reparations.

All great points.

When corruption has been mitigated, capitalism can do quite a bit of good.

New World Anti-Racism is double-speak.

Convenient when it suits you, but subjective and highly illogical. You can’t have it both ways. Family literally means familiar. And if you, and others, want to “mix it up”, then that will be the attitude of the results as well, mixed-up. How can a family stay ‘family’ when it becomes unfamiliar?

In the US, racial-ethnic “class” has been established between “WASP” and “non-white” or colored. Overclass, versus Underclass. Is it so simply why white does not intermix with black and vice-versa, as-if there was nothing more to it than “Racism”? As-if people don’t have legitimate attractions or repulsion?

Your arguments are commonplace. It doesn’t disprove my point.

European ethnic groups, countries, are so, for centuries upon centuries of warfare, in-marriage, and loyalty to one’s own kind. To pretend otherwise, is not persuasive. Jews, as your primary example? Do you want to be Jewish? I don’t. There are advantages and disadvantages to everything. Jews maybe ‘rich’, typically, but it comes with a price. As are the advantages and disadvantages of every other kind of people, clan, or tribe.

These are not necessarily bad.

The Standard-Of-Living in Western Civilization is still climbing exponentially.

1stly, Gypsies are also mixed race, so are Latinos.
2ndly, Jews have always been clever, even before they left Judea and became more miscegenous.
They wrote the bible, and while the bible is of course a work of fiction, it’s still clever.
3rdly, Jews are clever, but not that productive, Marxism, the Oedipus complex, fractional reserve banking, usury, Hollywood, porn and progressive education and media isn’t what I’d call productive.

To further Gloom’s point, Jews/Semites/Abrahamic ideology leads to Nihilism and Regressivism, not Progressivism.

Asceticism is the cure for Nihilism. Jews prey upon the Goy/Gentile/Host through various forms of parasitism.

If the relationship becomes too imbalanced, then bad things happen (Nazi-Germany, 20th Century Europe).

Culture and race are as real as body parts and geological features are.
There’s no (precise) border between cultures and races.
There’s no (precise) border between body parts like shoulders, arms and hands, or geological features like hills and valleys, deserts, forests and plains, doesn’t mean body parts and geological features aren’t wholly, mostly or in some important sense, separate, their own entities, doesn’t mean it’s not meaningful to give them names, think of and treat them differently.
Race is as real as dog breeds, more real in fact, in some cases human populations have been totally separate for dozens of thousands of years, according to scientific estimates, whereas some dog breeds have only been relatively separate for centuries or even just decades, but for ideological reasons, scientists don’t have a problem with dog breeds.

Science doesn’t operate in a political economic vacuum.
Science is big business and politics (as well as social mores).
If you look carefully enough, you can spot where big business and politics has contaminated science and separate the wheat from the chaff.
For example, you’ll hear them say our existing racial categories are rough, insufficiently rigorous and systematic for science.
So what?
Do what you do with any other field of inquiry, refine the categories.

Planets are social constructs, there is no (precise) border between where asteroids end and planetoids begin.
They had a vote on the definition of a planet and recategorized Pluto as a dwarf planet, because they discovered too many other planets in the Kuiper belt for their tastes (shit we can’t have dozens or hundreds of planets, right?), very scientific.
But that’s how science has to operate, it can’t separate itself from human cognition, customs and language (not at all and at least not fully respectively), which vary from person to person and people to people, which’s why we sometimes find scientists believing one thing in one country and the contrary in another.
Practically everything is in some senses a social construct, and really they know that, but they still won’t go any where near race.

Racial categories are sufficiently rigorous and systematic for forensic anthropologies to make use of, since they can tell a Negroid apart from a Caucasoid just by examining a single tooth, 98 times out of 100, which’s why law enforcement employs them.

Take any two native Irishmen and lo and behold, they’ll have significantly more in common with each other than a native Irishmen and a native Nigerian or a native Irishmen and a native Chinaman will have, who would’ve surmised?

While they’re a minority, scientists like Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn have done good work on race science.

All that being said, I’m not just a racist because of my interpretations of science, but because of my interpretations of my experiences and how I feel.
Race is instinctual, intuitive, we’re born with a racial sense, a way of separating the (extended) self from otherness.
For example, some progressive mothers raised in progressive homes have mixed race babies and can’t identify with or care for them, because they don’t look, and presumably behave like them.
They feel terrible about it, but some of them can’t get over it.
Even progressive blacks seek black friends and neighborhoods to live in, and the same is true of progressive whites, Hispanics and Asians.
And much to their chagrin, scientists are starting to discover that diversity in fact leads to social breakdown and decay.

Racism isn’t (strictly) a social construct invented by white capitalists in the early modern period, many population groups from antiquity such as the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and Babylonians had all sorts of theories about race.
They believed Africans, Asians, Mediterraneans and Nordics had certain physical capabilities and psychological characteristics.

And there’s nothing, hateful about any of this.
Israelis want to go on being Israelis, Koreans want to be Koreans, Japanese want to be Japanese, not because of hate, but because of affinity.
White Americans and Canadians wanted to be white until 1965, when they opened the floodgates and let the 3rd world come pouring in.
And many of them still want to be white.
Many Europeans want to remain white, but their politicians had other plans.

Both culture and race, and class are important, not arbitrary.
They matter, and you don’t have to focus on one to the exclusion of the other.

What represents (Economic) class?

It’s willpower, translated into the form of “Upward Mobility”. Females are most attracted to males who are “moving up in the world”, meaning, going from poor to middle, or middle to upper, or upper to wealthy. Most males don’t necessarily want to move upward. Because “the system” is rigged against males. Males systemically suppressed and pushed down. This is the nature of human competition. People compete for jobs. People work for money. To raise yourself, is to struggle. Thus there are two main ingredients to “Class Struggle”. Willpower and Cunning (intelligence). It’s a matter of Motivation, Risk Taking, Luck, and Skill. The males who are highly motivated and diligent, will generally move up over time. The demand is always highest throughout business for hard-working and loyal employees. This is why I refuse to believe in generalizations.

Most poor are so, because they are unwilling to work, and unwilling to move upward. It is a lack of motivation. You can “blame education”. You can blame almost anything. Most of the poor come from broken homes, broken families, and do not have structures in place, to motivate them. They are told from age, they are stupid, worthless, “will never amount to anything”, and they eventually culled into it. They believe it. They feel rejected by society. And they are. People reaffirm this everyday. You can’t, magically, make them care, or even really care for them.

The Middle Class would rather take in whipped dogs, off the street, than take a homeless person into their home. Why? Because homeless are less valued than stray dogs and cats.

Put that in your head, and let it sink in, before confronting the issue about “Class Struggle”.