The right side of history.

In a fucked up way, I admire him for that too.

To forge that from philosophy, and before there was a Plato. I mean he founded that shit. Closest possible is probably Pythagoras. And that was far. Xeno was better for laughing at. The will. and he didn’t… For him it was still new, still an experiment. A philosophical experiment, with full understanding of the weight. But still, more seed than tree.

That’s another funny thing. Dox a republican activist, count the seconds for chicanery. Dox a leftist, shit all happens.

All the gentlemen are on this side, baby.

OK, maybe some letters or whatever, get over yourself.

Also, Parodites, respect is foreign to an INSTITUTION.

That is the entirety of what explains Nazism. We tell our people it’s “evil,” because that’s simpler to explain. But really, it’s institution…a…lism.

Which also explains the jargon.

But enough, I have to go to work.

And of what explains the Inquisition.

All philosophers want it. If I was given unlimited power, I would Palpatine the fuck out all over the place and remake the world in my own image. And Aristotle did the same,- through Alexander: Aristotle spread the soul of Hellas by sword through him- he would have sought to do so to the ends of the earth, if Alexander had managed it.

But our current state of affairs, I am more particular in my blame: I blame the Frankfurt school. And then a globalizing technocracy. The disaffected Jews, who had cognitive dissonance while thinking about how their own communist states had failed then immigrated here to see the exact opposite- a Capitalist free society flourishing, then had to go out of their way- to make themselves feel better, to deconstruct all of our social norms and find a “secret slavery”, an unconscious oppression (Marx’s false-consciousness) on which ground they could then demonize and promote the kind of division we are truly beginning to feel today, cultural Bolsheviks. The globalist technocrats (the deep-state) feed into this delusion, because of the power academia wields in shaping the youth as you indicate: they promote the idea of a pan-hemispheric world economy as a socially just scheme, as something that would help bring about a check to our colonialist imperialist blah blah economics: when in fact, this new form of a world-economy (because of the international banking system) would only help further concentrate power and wealth in the hands of the super-elite, who masquerade as just the kind of Leftist Utopians academia loves. Bill Gates doesn’t spend billions fighting malaria out of the good of his heart: he is investing money into pharmaceutical and tech companies that will, due to their politics, be inclined to pursue his own vision of the world. He is only buying something: the future. As are all at that level of wealth.

Well yeah.

By the way, you are int eh company of Andrew Breitbart in that excellent analysis.

Joyless motherfuckers. But also, like… shamelessly snatching bodies. They literally planed on nobody understanding what they were implementing. Not because they wanted to hide it, but because fuck them, they hate people.

No gates and the such, they aren’t the government. They NEED a government. And that government is…

Academia. I am also talking about our current situation.

But since we agree on what Plato was, I will fucking drop it.

Plato was a tyrant; he sought to artistically refashion the human race in his own image, a grand poesis of conflagratory transformation. Yes. Where he and Aristotle actually succeeded somewhat in what is, for all other philosophers, just a personal desire, is also granted. However:

You have to add another layer of analysis, in considering the function of Plato’s academic institution in relation to the politics going on at the time and the unique threats associated with it, with the function of the Academy before the Frankfurt school (critical theory) took hold, and after it did. I believe it is unfair to Plato, to analyze his Academy in the same way as the current university system might be analyzed. His academy was born, as most things, out of a defense against something- the unique social and political climate of that time, and it may be found more tolerable if it is analyzed against that.

“That government is: academia.”

I see it a little differently: Academia wields incredible power in shaping the Youth, yet they promote ideas whose origins and social function they are unaware of. Tab is a professor and he doesn’t know what the fuck I’m on about with the Frankfurt guys. So Academia is sort of like, just a weapon, with no mind of its own- at least now. The professors of Plato’s academia: Oh, they did know where their ideas came from and why they were being used, that is the other layer of analysis I meant. But these academics of our day, no; they are blunt tools, with no mind of their own. The deep-state then, a la. Braudel, (state-sponsored-monopolization) engages in a subterfuge where they promote and enable certain companies to rise and others to fall: through these companies, they create figureheads, like a Bill Gates or any other number of companies and individuals, who masquerade as Leftist icons. They then use this two-staged springboard in order to pass off their purely Machiavellian power-plays as Leftist-endorsed moves of social-engineering. They garner in this way, the public support necessary for carrying out their massive economic manipulations. What is the true purpose of the deep-state, then? What do they want? (By the way Tab, the first round of people to be executed every time a political upturn occurs, is the academics who garnered the needed social support for it.) Well; transcendence. They want to transcend the human race and escape the planet and leave all of us icky humans to die, because they are completely insane. But that is for another thread.


I’m not afraid because I understand economy. They are still bound by what my new-found brothers of late call “market pressures,” however different the structure of those pressures may be from what is advertised, or even known by most analysts. It’s far more different than boot-lickers think, but far less than Nazis think.

And that brings me to another thing. Is there a cabal behind the scenes? Fucking, maybe. Maybe there’s a bunch. It’s not so much like a control room as it is a King of the Hill.

This matters because, well first, it is important to know this in order to shake off the fear paralysis and go for it. Make companies, make money.

But second, because it obfuscates the amount of control academia does have. Not having minds, not having individuals, is not a hindrance to control. In practical terms, all it does is eliminate shame and obstacles to “WHAT I FEEL<” which what I feel is purely an academic creation. Let’s say these dudes are there, they certainly don’t have the imagination for that kind of thing. Maybe they have crazy imagination, I put my chips on not, I put my chips on not even a they, but they don’t have that kind of imagination.

The financiers are financiers: they finance and gain advantage. They don’t determine, they couldn’t care about that. They leave that to the stupid fucking underpaid professors.

The professors get off on the oldest thing to get off from: the power trip. And that, my friend, that is pure Academy. From time immemorial. I have looked into it.

The fist Academy was… different. But it was also clear-sighted in understanding what would be lost with expansion, this was known and planned for. And it was not philosophical enough, it was already enough revenge, to even care that much anymore about original Plate.

Socrates is the original power tripper.

Before him there was no power trips. There was just power.

Blaming the financiers, going after the financiers, is the oldest mistake in the book.


Go for the head.

That’s how rocketships happened.

I am not afraid of the Globalist Technocrats fulfilling their vision: it is an insane vision, and therefor will not succeed. I am “afraid” of them- not fulfilling their vision. These are people who have lost any inherent feeling for their species, any attachment to humanity, (apropo Tab’s attitude and rhetoric) and wouldn’t really care if a nuclear apocalypse or economic global meltdown wiped the board if they can’t have it their way.

" it obfuscates the amount of control academia does have. Not having minds, not having individuals, is not a hindrance to control."

I do believe that this difference: that Plato’s Academy was run by philosophers who understood what they were doing, and our Academies are run by goons who have no idea, means that our professors and general academic institution can become co-opted by, and turned into: political instruments, pawns of the State. Which is exactly what happened. To have the actual means of educating our children under the control of the government… Isn’t there a word for that? It’s like, oh yeah brainwashing. Cultural re-education.

Aristotle is already proof of this.

Lol, cultural education. That is what it is.

“I am not afraid of the Globalist Technocrats fulfilling their vision: it is an insane vision, and therefor will not succeed. I am “afraid” of them- not fulfilling their vision. These are people who have lost any inherent feeling for their species, any attachment to humanity, (apropo Tab’s attitude and rhetoric) and wouldn’t really care if a nuclear apocalypse or economic global meltdown wiped the board if they can’t have it their way.”

That’s why I’m saying, don’t go after the financiers. Just start your own companies. Be the ocean. Have no agenda other than to become rich and enjoy the fuck out of it.

Sun Tsu baby. Always leave the enemy somewhere to go.

Give those soulless rich bastards somewhere to put their money.

“That’s why I’m saying, don’t go after the financiers. Just start your own companies. Be the ocean. Have no agenda other than to become rich and enjoy the fuck out of it.”

But that is the issue: the state insidiously manipulates the economy so as to promote the rise and fall of companies. The regulations and laws that are passed are about 50,000 pages long: nobody reads them, not even the lawyers. But in them are buried all the mechanisms needed to facilitate the rise of companies that will be inclined to carry out the desires of the state. There is no free-market, this hasn’t been a Capitalist society in quite some time.

“Before Socrates, there were no powertrips, there was only power.”

Yes, I said so myself; though from a different perspective. The structure of the Greek demos so perfectly mirrored that of the Greek psyche, and the Athenian state was so well dispensated according to the hierarchy of human virtue itself, that a fish in water scenario occurred. Man was so perfectly adapted to his social structure: that it became unconscious. He could not reflect on that structure, because he was that structure. He could not reflect on it or his place in it, and therefor; he could not reflect on himself. Power cannot be conscious; as soon as it becomes conscious of itself, it becomes will; and will must act, or it destroys itself. Yet, there is something of the Depth in all of Psyche’s mirrors, and in Psyche herself, that calls unto the winged half-God Eros. There is some datum in man, which cannot be adapted to the demos. That cannot be touched by power. It is some mysterious internal criterion, which judges itself, and only through itself; the world. It is conscience: what Socrates called his whispering daemon. Socrates used this infinitesimal particle, beyond the reach of the demos, to break Athens. That Athens could be broken, is all the proof needed: that it should have been broken. Whatever was lost in the move to Socrates and then Plato: good. If it can be lost, it should be lost, and is not worth saving. I make no call to atavism for all my reverence for the ancients.

Put yourself in the position of a truly soulless rich bastard, of the level we are talking about. You have children. Do you…

A) Train them in scheming ways you don’t actually fully have because you are insane or,

B) You notice that the last 20 years have led to a massive consolidation of government power around the world as well as global corporate syndicates with very malleable lines with global corporate criminal syndicates, and that the Fucking Treacherous Dirty Hippies have found a way to fully brainwash populations and youf (like in that Frank Zappa video zoot posted once about the music industry) that is not only 100% ideologically friendly to their profits but actually locks them in via regulation, to the extent that simply having this dirtygoddamnhippie ideology is guarantee of being able to make the whole thing function, and you decide to just get your own chilren brainwashed. Because #1 you are insane and #2 it’s all about that dinasty.