The right side of history.

In other words, you don’t have shit. We all have our guilty pleasures, though I don’t take to blaming my chemical dependencies for not being able to respond to a post, and I spend a good 10 hours a day in a comatose state drooling on myself while staring at the ceiling.

My cause is defending the Western tradition against those who would compromise it from within,- out of a misguided sense of justice, or a feeble rationalism or positivist epistemology, or simply out of misunderstanding- or un-understanding. That is what I would say- if I had a cause. A cause? I can’t say the word in this context without cringing internally. Philosophers don’t have causes. We wouldn’t condescend to act upon the world-stage. Causes are carrots we dangle in front of the unassumed masses, that we may cultivate them for our instruments.

As to my meticulous nature: I have a respect for language, and in particular, the written word; as did Plato. His Greek prose is a refinement of an already hyper-refined and pretentiously distended species of Athenian elocution,- though for all the talk of Grecianism, my own language is characterized more by a bent for the Latinate.

You made a joke with reference to Plato’s doctrine of Recollection. Anamnesis: it is as little understood as any other notion of Plato’s. So to facilitate that lack of understanding, I am going to cite the 5th volume of my Great Work and a bunch of really pretentious stuff you’re not going to understand, full of weird ass words, arcane mysticisms and unfalsifiable hypotheses: (Platonic anamnesis is actually a mytho-poetic device meant to establish a continuity between passive and active intellect within the human soul, that is what “reconnected with the divine spark” means, as I elaborate in the referenced text, which is actually just an annotation to an even more pretentiously inflated text stuffed with even more weird ass words, arcane mysticism and unfalsifiable hypotheses.)

Mone, a term from the Plotinian dialectic of the One (the monon) re-appropriated to Schelling’s idea of the Remainder.

[size=85]The phrase “a glorious risk” [καλος γαρ ο κινδυνος.] refers to the famed Socratic gamble for immortality, and, in the context of
this passage, immortality is taken as a reification of the negative; as a duplication of the very metaphysical absence which, having
separated human noesis from the “vital centers of life”, has afflicted man with the malady of the infinite. However, only the exoteric
or conventional reading of Socrates would interpret this risk solely in terms of a kind of superficial Pascalian wager between death
and eternal life, for, in the Socratic gesture, it is the unrepentant movement of philosophy in putting everything at stake, even in the
face of death, as Socrates eyed his lethal potion, and in thereby throwing man into what was spoken of earlier as the simultaneity of
given-ness and receptivity, that is, the duplicitous opacity and transparency of Being arrived at by the ek-static oblative projection of
the mone, which constitutes the “glorious” risk, introducing man into the very exigency of meaning,- an exigency of meaning as is
intimated by the apparent asymmetry, which I call the existential-totality, of man’s teleological presentation in the fulfillment of pure
passivity and pure activity given in the Phaedrus and Symposium, respectively- the combined passion to exist, the eroto-poietic agons
of the daemon, and the creative aim that measures the riddle of fate, and the seemingly contrary, (if, like the Phadreus, we wish to
give all the universe the measure of man, for “man is the measure of all things”) patience, ie. receptivity, needed to allow the rich
given-ness of Being, saturated with meaning, to differentiate itself in the dark excesses of prohodos,- the pathos or passion, the
conatus essendi as Levinas would call it, compelling man to discover a “home”, to use a Heideggarian word, and lift up his tribe, or,
to turn back to Levinas- conquer a territory compatible with his needs, within Being, with the ethos or moral need to actively
interpolate and superpose the Ontos or imagal representation upon the existences gathered in reflection in order to constitute the
World as inexpressible and meaningful Whole- as Being. This exigency of man in relation to the catastrophe or Loss of Being, that is,
the deepening of metaphysical absence, is a state of wonder quite different than, or even opposed to, that given in the Heideggarian
philosophy, in which a temporal horizon opens up to Being in a fundamental relevancy to humanity, as a kind of space in which to
exercise his techne and fashion- a home

By invoking the very Depth or ineffability beyond the liminal circumscriptions of nous that he is calling into question with the drama
of death and the immortal soul, Socrates establishes a continuity with it, just as Voegelin’s theory of the Symbol and Depth would
indicate, and it is this continuity, once established, that forces Socrates, in his mytho-poetic recombination of the imagal fragments of
thought he has managed to seize hold of and capture in this imaginal drama, to run up against the very process of unfolding which
fragmented them, thereby “reduplicating” the negative, accomplishing the reification of the absence behind the Depth whose
continuity with man, at the Surface,- in reflective cognition, is responsible for what Plato called the anamnesis, the mytho-poiesis of
memory reaching into the soul’s immortality, which he compared to a dream,- for, like a dream, it collects in its self-representational or
tautegorical structure,- in its dramatic pattern of unfolding, those fragments of thought which Socrates has exampled by capturing (in
my language: “inhering” the epistrophe) in what he calls his “incantation” before facing the hemlock. Indeed he admits his tale of the
soul’s immortality is not rationally justifiable, but nonetheless, in this way, wins the approbation “kalos”, ie. glorious. [καλος][/size]

I think Prom is just running for his dinner, rather than his life. It’s always a question of investment.

How old am I?

I guess young enough to be called a cousin fucker for the first time. I mean, directly, Venezuelan commies were old-fashioned enough to hide it behind historicity. To my face. But that wasn’t the weird part, I know the less honorable a person is, the dirtier the insult. What startles me is the non-chalance that follows it.

Where the fuck do you come from?

You have to like Tab for just coming right out with the condescending, statist, racist, social-engineering, etc. reality of what Academic professors are these days, nearly in toto. All because a bunch of disaffected Jews escaped to found the Frankfurt school here, installing themselves as the new hip shit in academia, and, bitter about the catastrophes of their people, and the failure of the Communist states they had attempted, had cognitive dissonance about how well the Capitalist free-world was doing and so decided to engage in this critical theory nonsense; breaking down our social structure and even Music, then film and TV programming- just everything, down into the hidden reality of it all, which was of course unconscious slavery and oppression. To make up for the real slavery and oppression their own politics had, in every experiment, led to. But then, Tab is only so open about it because this is an anonymous forum on the internet.

Also because, like I said before, he is not an individual. he doesn’t have the faintest idea why he thinks these things and acts this way. And it is evident that only in the case of a college teacher is the release of individuality so complete that not even the most basic manners taught to all children, and upheld even by the scalliwaggyist of scoundrels, are not even noticed as missing.

This is the problem with Plato.

He does it, because the station works.

I mean, if you look at it, people hidden under countless more levels of anonymity in this forum, of all stripes, with all the reason in the world to hate me, do not even consider saying something like that. If they say something even remotely approaching it, they notice it.

I guess I have my answer.

You guys can call it social engineering, or a lack of dignity, knock yourselves out.

I just call it time management, and I dunno, not wanting to hurt people who don’t have the armor. Sounds lame I know, but hey, I’m old, ofc. I’m lame.

One of the tools pedro. Know when to take a step back, and see the whole picture for what it is. Then face the facts and act in the light of them.

Anyway, thanx for the thread Parodites, always nice to learn something new, and also to discover I didn’t forget everything I read in that damn book. :smiley:

You would have to think that, hell-bent as they are on portraying themselves as the opposite of this, that some attempt would be made at hiding it. But only an individual would notice this, a kind of care for coherence, continuity.

Not so when all you are, down to your most private self, is an institution.

Nah, Platonic dialogues all end in aporia; the ek-static shattering of the Multiple in a moment of excess and vocal plurality, a multitude of voices all gathered in silence and wonder at the mysterium and tremens of Being. No modern professor would allow a moment of aporia as a conclusion to discourse. For that would allow discourse to continue. And the point of modern academia is not discourse, thought, individual thought most of all. The point of modern academia is instead: political activism. You can’t go out and lob people in the head on the side of the street with a sign if you’re still in the process of thought.

Perhaps if Tab wishes to continue in being so brazen, (at least, if he wishes to continue in that way and still get a little respect for being open about it: the fact that he is anonymous on an internet forum kind of nullifies it) he should give his real name and where he teaches.

“not wanting to hurt people who don’t have the armor”

Let’s steal the armor from people that do and give it to them!

Non-chalant racism, classism, whatever you want to call it. Absolute hate for a group of people identifiable by their origins.

It’s not the racism that is a problem. That’s personal.

It’s the non-chalant part. That’s institutional. that is what, government does.

And when government is fascist… well, hello, you are a fascist state. Except we are a shadow fascist state. And thanks be to Trump, he is giving those sons of bitches the what-for.

Then you have the institutionalized blokes like promethean. He is clearly an individual. Outstandingly so. But sort of traumatically conditioned.

And hence: this shit is really a problem. The trial against Socrates was not a sham. Corruption of youth is fucking real.

I’m not talking about what Plato WAS.

I’m talking about what Plato WANTED.

You are very wise to notice what he actually meant, and what actually was portrayed. But that he actually then sought a Prince to institute his Republic literally and then after that founded the Academy, a very concrete fact with very concrete political ramifications we still deal with today, shows that he did mean it to be taken literally, that he did WANT it.

In a fucked up way, I admire him for that too.

To forge that from philosophy, and before there was a Plato. I mean he founded that shit. Closest possible is probably Pythagoras. And that was far. Xeno was better for laughing at. The will. and he didn’t… For him it was still new, still an experiment. A philosophical experiment, with full understanding of the weight. But still, more seed than tree.

That’s another funny thing. Dox a republican activist, count the seconds for chicanery. Dox a leftist, shit all happens.

All the gentlemen are on this side, baby.

OK, maybe some letters or whatever, get over yourself.

Also, Parodites, respect is foreign to an INSTITUTION.

That is the entirety of what explains Nazism. We tell our people it’s “evil,” because that’s simpler to explain. But really, it’s institution…a…lism.

Which also explains the jargon.

But enough, I have to go to work.

And of what explains the Inquisition.

All philosophers want it. If I was given unlimited power, I would Palpatine the fuck out all over the place and remake the world in my own image. And Aristotle did the same,- through Alexander: Aristotle spread the soul of Hellas by sword through him- he would have sought to do so to the ends of the earth, if Alexander had managed it.

But our current state of affairs, I am more particular in my blame: I blame the Frankfurt school. And then a globalizing technocracy. The disaffected Jews, who had cognitive dissonance while thinking about how their own communist states had failed then immigrated here to see the exact opposite- a Capitalist free society flourishing, then had to go out of their way- to make themselves feel better, to deconstruct all of our social norms and find a “secret slavery”, an unconscious oppression (Marx’s false-consciousness) on which ground they could then demonize and promote the kind of division we are truly beginning to feel today, cultural Bolsheviks. The globalist technocrats (the deep-state) feed into this delusion, because of the power academia wields in shaping the youth as you indicate: they promote the idea of a pan-hemispheric world economy as a socially just scheme, as something that would help bring about a check to our colonialist imperialist blah blah economics: when in fact, this new form of a world-economy (because of the international banking system) would only help further concentrate power and wealth in the hands of the super-elite, who masquerade as just the kind of Leftist Utopians academia loves. Bill Gates doesn’t spend billions fighting malaria out of the good of his heart: he is investing money into pharmaceutical and tech companies that will, due to their politics, be inclined to pursue his own vision of the world. He is only buying something: the future. As are all at that level of wealth.

Well yeah.

By the way, you are int eh company of Andrew Breitbart in that excellent analysis.

Joyless motherfuckers. But also, like… shamelessly snatching bodies. They literally planed on nobody understanding what they were implementing. Not because they wanted to hide it, but because fuck them, they hate people.

No gates and the such, they aren’t the government. They NEED a government. And that government is…

Academia. I am also talking about our current situation.

But since we agree on what Plato was, I will fucking drop it.

Plato was a tyrant; he sought to artistically refashion the human race in his own image, a grand poesis of conflagratory transformation. Yes. Where he and Aristotle actually succeeded somewhat in what is, for all other philosophers, just a personal desire, is also granted. However:

You have to add another layer of analysis, in considering the function of Plato’s academic institution in relation to the politics going on at the time and the unique threats associated with it, with the function of the Academy before the Frankfurt school (critical theory) took hold, and after it did. I believe it is unfair to Plato, to analyze his Academy in the same way as the current university system might be analyzed. His academy was born, as most things, out of a defense against something- the unique social and political climate of that time, and it may be found more tolerable if it is analyzed against that.

“That government is: academia.”

I see it a little differently: Academia wields incredible power in shaping the Youth, yet they promote ideas whose origins and social function they are unaware of. Tab is a professor and he doesn’t know what the fuck I’m on about with the Frankfurt guys. So Academia is sort of like, just a weapon, with no mind of its own- at least now. The professors of Plato’s academia: Oh, they did know where their ideas came from and why they were being used, that is the other layer of analysis I meant. But these academics of our day, no; they are blunt tools, with no mind of their own. The deep-state then, a la. Braudel, (state-sponsored-monopolization) engages in a subterfuge where they promote and enable certain companies to rise and others to fall: through these companies, they create figureheads, like a Bill Gates or any other number of companies and individuals, who masquerade as Leftist icons. They then use this two-staged springboard in order to pass off their purely Machiavellian power-plays as Leftist-endorsed moves of social-engineering. They garner in this way, the public support necessary for carrying out their massive economic manipulations. What is the true purpose of the deep-state, then? What do they want? (By the way Tab, the first round of people to be executed every time a political upturn occurs, is the academics who garnered the needed social support for it.) Well; transcendence. They want to transcend the human race and escape the planet and leave all of us icky humans to die, because they are completely insane. But that is for another thread.