Class Struggle

Marx really should not ever have been given a philosophy book.

Yes its for reasons such as Marx that Nietzsche remarked that the invention of the printing press was one of the worst disasters to befall mankind.
We can go on at indefinite length on the ridiculousness of Marx. It starts with how he was provided for by an industrial magnate.

–The idea in general is an oppressive one.
There is no redemption to it.
Whereas with actual struggle as waged by so many proletarians and slaves, which were about concrete values, there is the possibility of redemption and of glory and individual achievement.

The overclass see themselves as a class, they organize against us, in order to compete against them affectively, we have to get organized.

It’s pragmatic, it’s got nothing to do with metaphysics, or shirking responsibility, it’s about survival, groups compete, they organize society for their interests.

History has proven though that the class does not amount to a group. Which makes sense as groups are centred around values, and a class is designated from the outside. Marxism always causes great infighting and then fascists (great-capital) walk away with the power. How it has at least gone most of the time.

Its interesting though that you place the origin of class struggle with the upper class - that would mean the upper classes have employed Marxism for their own ends.

Insofar as groups exist, the working class exists as a group.
They have shared interests.
They can and do form and join cooperatives and unions, they can and do form, join and vote for parties that represent their interests.

I’m not a Marxist, Marxism is dead, I’m a social democrat.
Economically I think Scandinavia has a workable system, but culturally and socially I don’t care for their system.

Which part of Scandinavia?
Norway is loaded with oil and has very scarce population, so it is no trouble to provide welfare.

Unions work, definitely, and they actually form groups. But this does not make of the whole working class one group. For example, look at the ruthless hatred between Social Democrats and Communists and inability to look beyond their ideological strife at national interests in Germany, in the 1930s.

Rich people work hard and take risks.

While poor people whine, complain, and beg for handouts.

The poor will never overtake the rich. Ever.

K: so much bigotry and class hatred, I’m actually impressed
one post of three lines can hold so much disinformation…

I have to ask, are you poor or are you rich? and if you are rich, please
state your wealth? Your true wealth… my guess is, I have a far larger
estate then you do…but please tell us, without too much lying…
I know, I know, without any lies, you can’t make an argument, but
please try…


Share my wealth? To beggars and whiners?


Typical Socialist, Begging and Stealing.

Here here!

So do thieves, human trafficers, snake oil salesmen and drug cartels… yet we steal their con/blood/drug money from them when we catch them.
We don’t seem to have a problem taking people’s shit…

And it’s not based on how hard they worked or how many riskses they took…

Some do, some don’t. Some poor do, some don’t.

Rich people pay people to whine for them: lawyers, lobbyists, pr firms and more.

Aren’t you the guy who posted this?



Yes, this whole idea of the whiney poor is really offensive. Some of The rich have whined their way to the current fiat banking system where money is made not through labor. The rich whined their way to the GlassSpeagal act retraction which led to 2008. Certainly there are lazy poor people, but in general when poor people whine it is about basic life matters. The rich whine about things most of us would never whine about. And their whining is exceptionally effective given the kinds of players they can pay to whine for them. They can whine their way to a war over bs ideas becuase it helps them with the companies and markets. And they do whine their way to these things. Right now the neo-cons are whining, I guarantee it, daily to Trump to get the next war that poor people will die in over markets and company profits. If Hilary had been in there would have been a much larger war already in either Syria or Iran, because she’s down with the neocon plan. Trump, who I don’t like, is more isolationist, hence the friction with the neocons. I don’t doubt that if he gets one more term they will manipulate him into another war on bs grounds. (if this is taken as me liking Iran, please go back to kindergarten, you shouldn’t have dropped out)

I think that Fixed Cross is right, in the sense that they are not a cultural group, they have no identity. There is a faction, however, within the larger group of the rich that does have a culture and that culture is coming more out into the open even for fairly blind people: via the whole Epstein thing, for example.

I find most people problematic at best. Rich people have less excuses and more ability to make their weaknesses and plastic natures affect others. So, they tend to annoy me much more than other people. It’s a bit like small children shouldn’t be given flamethrowers to play with. Well, most homosapiens should not ahve much wealth.

Oh, and no, that doesn’t mean I like communism. There is noticing obvious problems that Communists may also notice and there are the various solutions to the problems. One can have vastly different opinions on the latter.

There are different types of rich people.

Most “rich people” work 60-100 hours per week.

Most “poor people” do not work at all, beggars, criminals, welfare mothers, etc. which is why they are poor.


Skip to 3:20, socialists, communists, and anybody else who hate “the rich and powerful”.

Those in power, work for it. They work harder than you, which is why they are where they are.

America’s GDP is the highest in the world.
Its per capita GDP is much higher than the following countries, yet:

And it’s higher than nearly all of the following countries:

Now I’m not telling Americans what to do, but the notion that they can’t provide each and every citizen with free education, universal healthcare, as well as a better wage and more affordable housing, is absurd.

The working class is a group, even if most of them are unconscious of it, even if most of them are disorganized, ununited and divided, just as whites and blacks are a group or men and women are a group.
Definitionally you can belong to something without being conscious of it.