Pedro's Corner

Shit, if for nothing else, we should keep Trump for his amulet value.

There is a difference between publicity and glorifying, and legal justification.

Btw these silly distinctions you make between formal and informal military action are what Iran counts on. Of course they would have been paramilitary strikes, but paramilitary strikes orchestrated, planned and directed by a general that answers directly to the Mullah or whatever. That’s the point. It IS Iran. And it has finally been brought into focus, finally been incontrovertibly shown.

A general with over 20 years full-on combat experience, yet not a single formal military action from his formal government. Are we all stupid?

Plenty of us are done pretending to be anyway.

Thanks to the bumbling undecisive impulsive know-nothing president. Really is one lucky mother, I tell you that.

Bottom line: is Iran a problem, an enemy, or not?

You are siding with them. Effectively siding with Iran. Even repeating talking points which origins can clearly be traced back to their propaganda outlets. It’s almost like you are looking for an excuse to side with these bastards. Why is that?

Or more importantly, why couldn’t you consciously, affirmatively side with them?

The glory of killing that piece of shit is not some prevented attack, but a 20 year career of cowardly fucking disgusting shadow attacks against the United States and her allies. And sometimes, for the fuck of it, Jews. No matter where they are on the planet.

Fuck you and fuck that miserable cunt.

And that’s just the shit he has done which it is expedient to talk about.

let’s take a walk back in time, dro. okay remember when the british had that beef with the ottoman empire and issued the balfour declaration without the consent of the palestinians? of course you do. now you are aware that this was basically one country forcing another country to relinquish its control over its own territory. duddint matter how you dress this up ‘diplomatically’ because that’s what it was. those british bahstads said ‘hey arabs, we’re fixin to take some of your country, give it to the jews, and make it a sovereign state.’

so how do you suppose the muslim world reacted to this? you think they were like 'bah ha lah haka akmahadin (‘would you like to come over and cook some hotdogs on the grill’)?

but that’s not even my main objection. might is right, we all know that. my main objection is the bullshit pretense of the western imperialist countries who support israel and put together the partition plan for palestine. as i said before, this is a facade used by capitalist nations to establish a footing in the middle east.

and no i don’t ‘support’ iran either because they’re a bunch of theocratic idiots, just like the jews.

hey yo but that’s how you gotta get down when you lack the military might to roll up on a nigga’s front door and bust caps, right?

First, your lack of knowledge of the actual history is astounding. Not even the interpretations. Just the actual facts. No, I’m not a goddamn teacher, there are books.


So now you are saying it is actually Iran? Because you can’ both use as a defense that it wasn’t actually Iran and then say it was Iran. Make up your mind.

Also dog, that sentence sure fucking does read like support.

Also, saying Israel is a theocracy is also astoundingly incompetent.



Why are none of your fucking videos available in Canada?

Oh, Chick Corea.

I’m kinda relieved now.

watchu know about chick? damn i think i like you, kid.

so many many years ago i had a circle of friends… all fusion enthusiasts… and we’d play together. four of us; keyboardist, bassist, guitarist and drummer. we all discovered the fusion greats together. bands like mahavishnu orchestra and return to forever, so these musicians were our idols whom we would never surpass. so, in good humor we gave each other names, as follows:

chris, the guitarist, was called ‘al ravioli’ (return to forever guitarist ‘al dimeola’)
kelly, the keyboardist, was called ‘cheap korean’ (return to forever keyboardist ‘chick corea’)
james, the bassist, was called ‘stanley farce’ (return to forever bassist ‘stanley clarke’)
and i was called ‘fail collins’ (genesis drummer ‘phil collins’)

aint that the funniest shit you ever heard? i think so.

Hahahahah, you were Phil Collins? Why? Genesis is not even fusion-y. But I see some of the sound experimentation that shines through your otherwise purely funk virtuoso predilections. I guess among fusionists, that would have set you appart.

Fucking fusion. I fucking hate fusion.

With a passion.

To call it soulless, would be an insult to soulessness.

Goddamnit I hate them.


How many years practice you think to even master the maracas?

How can anyone hear the stories of the Old Testament and not be moved?

I honestly believe that Machiavelli’s case was much like Bacon, Newton, Darwin and Descartes (much as I dislike Darwin and Descartes): his religion was sincere. He chose Moses.

The reason Kierkegaard didn’t understand Abraham was… He didn’t listen for God. Had no interest. Like my high scool teachers who gave us a version of the Illiad which had all the Gods removed. It was still beautiful, no doubt. Read a lot like JRR Tolkien’s battle scenes. But… Kierkegaard was also beautiful, but…

Anyway. Who indeed cannot be moved? Women maybe. We cannot ask women to bear that level of intelligence and awareness AND worship God. Well, some Gods…

And people who have only hate for themselves, God’s creation. How can they but hate God, but feel cold fear in reading those pages, in hearing those stories? The stories of the destruction of the enemies of God’s people are stories of them.

The Old Testament even gives us the riddle and paradox of Solomon, held as the best man ever, and went rather FROM God to heathenry than the opposite. And still the most beloved of the Old Testament. Even gives us such a thing as that.

Our own little secret. He may be Solomon, but he’s OUR Solomon.

What scope… What scope of the world the Old Testament gives us… The Illiad gives great scope, in suggesting such a Great Thing as Troy as only the very edges of the world outside. But the Old Testament rather encompasses it, effortlessly. No man who has read the Old Testament can look upon the world and ever feel they have stepped out, that it is bigger than they imagined, that it left things unaccounted for. For a man of the Old Testament needs no map. What can speak louder than the dust? How can anything have been more holy than making the dust speak with a brook, which sprung from a rock?

But seriously, how can anyone?


The Old Testament was always much more preferable, than the New Testament, to me… the NT is so he-said-she-said drama-queen rhetoric… and there, started, the beginnings of drama and gossip. lol

Game-theory wise, I’m a strictly new-testament guy.