What are you doing? (Part 1)

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! :occasion-partyblower: :obscene-drinkingcheers: :romance-grouphug:

Wondering what is going on over at KT?

Just finished watching The Masked Singer, now watching The Voice… the former program being hilarious as hell… so my kinda humour.

Chillin with Harris and Dawkins.


Been adding to my old snowboarding-wear, with updated gloves, goggles, and khaki pants… that just leaves a new pair of snowboard boots and a snowboarding mask to source, and I’m all set. Sports tech has changed plenty.

something I done drewd

larger here http://i.imgur.com/Xurp6fj.jpg

phoneutria you did not fucking draw that

i can hack it with the graphite pencils homie

there’s more in my instardgram https://www.instagram.com/elbdms/

Ok I gotta… I gotta do something with myself.

something i done painted!

Nice. :smiley:

Nice! love the palette


I like’em french fried potaters mmhmm

Damn why do we always have a better idea after we’ve completed the work? How many of the greats look back on what they’ve done and say ‘fuck I shoulda done this instead’.

This is how it shoulda went: streamable.com/vlw4t

what are you doing with that piece of plywood, karl?
i’m fixing to kill you with it, mmhmm

You manipulated the fabric beautifully. Well done.

I’m admiring Meghan Markles gameplay.