The Psychology of the Other..

Dowd’s “Thank God For Evolution.”

Yes. Dowd believes that once we see that we and everything else came from “The Emergence” (Big Bang) circa 14 billion years ago, and evolved from there up to now, so that everything is seen as coming from a common source, it changes our psychology to see that, we’re One, and Other is an illusion.

Yes critters, for example, are Other. But they and we and all the It that there is, has the same ancestry. Therefore Other is an illusion. That’s the way, in a nutshell, Dowd sees it.

Wow. Just wow.

Can’t believe you got 2 pages out of “content to follow.” =D>

I’ve done it all wrong for so many years.

Anyway, hi mags, kris, arc. I feel like a brontosaurus that left jurassic park only to return a million years later and find all the dinosaurs still alive. 8-[

Nice to see you all still posting.

All thing in time Tab. That iron is cooool.

Hi Tab… your recent appearance here has been a pleasant surprise, but I draw the line at being called a dinosaur. :-s


Do you ever stay on-topic with me? You seem to like to find enemies where there are none… is it in your fiery-blood to do so? Me… I only find enemies where there are some.

Don’t you have a boat to sail or fish to catch, somewhere?

Mags, my record with you is an open book. Any one can form their own opinion. I’ve been hard on you, sure. Cream needs a little churning to turn to butter. I’ve told you I’m sorry for crossing the line. But let’s face it, you haven’t let it go either. Open record. You have my quarter. I have not brought your family in to it, they are not members here to speak for themselves. The two partners I am aware of here that are both member, I’ve seen you play against each other. I’m going to continue churning until the cream turns. Give me reason, show some butter.

Look at your own floor. Clean your own closet. You are dirty up to your elbows, at the very least, and aren’t nearly as clean as you claim.

I drink, I smoke, and I bitch, and everyone knows it, and those are my my ‘good’ qualities.

My response to Tab was on topic.

There is nothing to churn.

When DNA construction of all cells, organs and organisms is from its own substance, how could there be something other? All life has the same chemical heritage. We are all products of hydrogen in stars. The Am. Native who reveres “all my relatives” is praising the oneness of all life, not excluding matter from which life emerges. Religions that teach the Oneness of all things seldom teach violence. The idea of an individual as an isolated entity causes the conflicts that result in war.

The bible is made of words, the Koran is made of words. The words themselves are not in conflict, the overall message they convey, is.

We, and our dna, I suppose is indeed made from that oh so popular stardust as you say. However, once stardust is combined into different forms of matter, then the base matter becomes invisible, inconsequential, and the novel pattern it is absorbed into becomes the focus, and it’s ability, or lack, to persist in the enviroment in which it finds itself. The enviroment is finite, as are the resources necessary for the pesrsistance of the discreet and different patterns existing within it.

To a singular pattern of matter, all is ‘other’ and conflict inevitably arises. There is only one choice, nothing at all, or conflict. The other may ally itself with you for a while, but only for as long as it’s needs are served by yours. To behave in the assumption of anything else is suicide, slow or fast.

Even at the very foundations of the universe there is energy concentrated into form or order, and entropy. No conflict there, but definitely a divison, an otherness.

Mind evolved from matter. In ecosystems what is the Other? “That art thou.”

One begins with self, as a continuum of memories.

“I am that which is not other” - negation of other.
“I am other than”

The aristocratic ethos discriminating is founded on this.
“I do not want to be that”
“I reject other”
“I want to be like that”

Nihilism immerses self in other - denying meaning to the very idea of self.
“I am other”
“Other is I”
Many confuse themselves by observing how nihilists seem to reject conventions.
But this is a ruse.
Their motive is to produce the ideal void of meaning - meaninglessness - to disappear within.

They replace absolute oneness with absolute nullness - but retain the absoluteness.

For anyone interested in how idolatry has progressed, over time, to a personality worship of the dead, and idealized Nietzsche’s Bitches.
Death of God was transformative…like the narrative about Christ’s resurrection.
God was renamed - and so were his prophets.
The idol was internalized (esoteric) as idea/ideal, and sanctified.
The simpleton no longer bows and kisses the marble or the image, or the holy scepter, but bows spiritually, intellectually, carrying the idol along with him, in his own mind.
Protestantism meets Judaism.

Absolute order, the concept of one, whole, is the new name of the Abrahamic one-god - monism reigns supreme, because the masses need simple, complete, final solutions.

When I get it wrong, I get it really wrong… a’la a snooker analogy I just heard, and subscribe to. :laughing:

Yea, I’m watching the snooker championships… cozyou know, I’m British.

Those who don’t think or hear, shall feel… the psychology of the other.

It’s started… who will become the champion of [snooker] champions? :open_mouth:


That is an interesting statement. It kind of grabbed me.

Are you speaking here about not being aware of Self, not having independent thought, and therefore, the “other” rules? That is what I received from it but I can be very wrong, MagsJ.

How do you come to know the “psychology of another”?
That’s it?
You imagine yourself in its circumstances and extrapolate how it may think and feel?

What if this other is diametrically different from you, in degree, if not substance?

How we think/feel internally can be observed in our words/deeds externally… intended & unintended.

You only see yourself in the other.
You never see the other.
You are trapped in sympathetic/antipathetic projection.
That’s why you believe in the Jew god.