Pedro's Corner (Part 1)



this is gonna be good.

No no, you don’t understand. That’s why I’m saying play 10 or 20 first.

What you just said is like saying sculpture had been fully understood before Michael Angel.

By the way I approve of playing hot chicks. As long as you don’t try to convince us that the joy was in the teaching.

It is a very special kind of hot chick that can have that effect, and even then the deeper joy is not in the teaching.

Also, I can’t wait.

no don’t wait on me, man. i’m gonna try to get back into playing but i can’t predict how soon that’ll be. it’s like this; i’m busy as hell, and when i’m not working, there are other things that have priority over playing chess. what’ll happen eventually is there will be a break in all this and i’ll get some time to play… at which point i’ll become interested again and want to play more. that’s how it always works. i can’t make myself play, but if i get a chance to, i’ll want to play. something like that.


Wrong John Williams on the topic and wrong album cover, but great song.

I miss my home. I miss it very much.

I understand what disease its current fever is a response to. But still. I miss it very much.


What made Hemingway great was that he saw the emptiness of America, without despairing. What brought him down was obviously Neptune. He is the one that gives the worst penalty for failure and the slimmest chance of success. Is not the ocean proof of this?

The emptiness of America. That which drives the analytics insane.

There are only two American novels that I know of. The Sun Also Rises and A Month Of Sundays. Hemingway sought to write truth, and Updike sought to write a novel. Neither was untalented enough to seek greatness.

All others were vain and untalented, or, as in Moby Dick, too provincial. Novels are only written by empires. That is why for a long time only Spain wrote novels, and the daughters of Spain, which were Spain, but Spain the empire and not Spain the nation. By comparing American authors to Garcia Marquez one can tell which novels existed. In Spain, many existed. At the very least five.

That is also how one can tell Rayuela never existed. By comparing it to Gracia Marquez.

But then, Argentina was always a rebel nation, never part of the empire. They wanted to be English speaking Spanish.

Short stories are a different matter. There, less ambition is needed and only indirect contact with empire. So Cortazar wrote some, and many Gringos wrote some, and Germans.

Again, Garcia Marquez provides the standard. His short stories are the best, and comparing them to his novels is comparing talent to greatness.


*García Márquez

Here’s the problem with war with Iran: there’s no question those motherfuckers need to be stamped out. The death of that Soleimani was a great thing. But when you go to war with a country, and you win, you are now responsible for that country. A power vacuum, as WW2 made very clear, is the worst possible outcome. And it is also clear that the US doesn’t have the smallest possibility of replacing or placing a government in the Middle East. Or anywhere. Probably no one does, right?

So you defeat Iran, those motherfuckers, then what do you do?

I suppose there is enough sane Iranians that you could help a government be formed and ally it with key powers over there. but… War, or even politics for that matter, is absolutely the furthest thing from that clean. No way.

So what do you do?

Probably the best strategy is to continue what the President’s strategy has been so far: wear them out, keep them hopeful, not respond to baits, and just wear them down until they are not a threat. That is all you can do, it seems. Pompeo probably had a very big say in establishing that strategy.

Iran can never fully retaliate, because if they did then they would be the aggressors and the aftermath of a war would be much simpler.

Same as they are doing with China. Let them kick and scream. We have the upper hand. Even Europe is being dragged, slowly, kicking and screaming.

It is evident that Trump was even more enlightened than we had originally thought. But we are far from out of the swamp yet.

Yeah, wear them down. What Soleimani himself was personally doing to even my own corner of the world, was fucking despicable. This was a triumph, morally and strategically.

I’m sort of disappointed that the answer was so simple. You gotta keep the tension somehow. Or maybe not.

lol none of what’s happening is trump’s ‘big idea’. he’s simply following suit with america’s commitment to israel since the frickin 60s.

israel has always been a very strategic asset to the U.S. because of its location location location, and because it’s the only liberal democracy in the middle-east, it openly welcomes the clandestine imperialism of the U.S., something the camel jockeys of the surrounding theocratic states would never tolerate. meanwhile, the U.S. drops around 3 billion in aid annually to them… and the only thing to show for it is ever increasing numbers of pissed off arabs. hard to say what’ll happen over there, but whatever the case, israel is an opportunity for western capitalism to get its foot in the door in the middle east. and to think those silly bastards believe american industrialists care anything about the ‘jews’. that’s hilarious. tell me another one.

These three syllable words are doing you more harm than good. They give you the illusion of cogency.

Btw, your precious Hitler basically founded Arab nationalism. National socialism. Aka, communism with a mythos.

You fucking twat. I would like to answer your points, but it is offensive to my intellect.

“Camel jockeys” are inheritors of a world older than you are even aware time goes back. What are you a fucking 80 year old farmer? The ‘jews’? You mean jews?

Jesus Christ.

I respect you because you are the only person I’ve met honest enough and smart enough to fully embrace the fact that fascism is the logical next step from communism. Why Gorbachev was a hero that will be remembered thousands of years from now.

And I like you because you will cling to anything, like “anarchism” and “nihilism,” to escape it.

Whereas cultivating your intelligence would suffice.

I mean what are you guilty of? What are you afraid of?

That you gotta build shacks in Guatemala and plot the destruction of the world?

I remember the first video I saw of you. It yelled Republican, everything about you. You just got guilt-tripped by the commies in school. By a very bare Christian moralism. Also known simply as morbidity.

You ain’t ready for these goddamn big words. Lol, the world has been speaking big words for many thousands of years. Yet you are only aware of the last 100.

Don’t look at the chump change of “aid.” Those are just money laundering operations for the very rich.

Also stop sucking goddamn nazi dick, and look around for other possible allies down there worth having as allies. What you call as “camel jockeys of the surrounding theocratic states” is a world more complex and with more active conflicting forces than probably the rest of the world combined.

You know, just a tip. From a friend.

The Republican answer to tuition debt:

Ban college loans.

If they are not usury, they are fraud.

Then go read some hemingway you culturally refined extremely well mannered decisively pensive and sophisticated sonofabitch! See if I care!

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow pedro; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” - Hemingway

“But pedro is not made for defeat. A pedro can be destroyed but not defeated.” - Hemingway