Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Most of them are of mixed blood, dude.
This is why they are so passionate about diversity.

The idea of potentials being diluted is not a fact they want to consider seriously.
For them diversity si about options, like restaurant cuisines…many tasted to sample from.

I have lived in black and Mexican urban ghettos as a white man, I’ve witnessed and experienced its poisonous fruits myself. Most of these white neo-liberals or multiracial social utopians have no idea what they’re asking for from the comfortable confines of their gated communities. They’re all fools, imbeciles, and idiots.

I’m telling you again….white is misleading.
Is A Sri Lankan a Negro, because his skin is dark?

Most of these opposition is based on the fact that these individuals are of mixed blood - most don’t even know how many races and ethnicity participate in their becoming. They consider the idea of pure blood an affront on their very existence.
This shapes their disposition towards matters of race and ethnicity.
Nothing you will ever say - nor I - will overcome their survival mechanism.

Fuck yeah.
The new world is a place by the mutts, for the mutts. If you don’t like it, get the fuck out.

You can go ahead and preserve the purity in your culture. Go back to where you came from.

You don’t speak for me.

Soon… :sunglasses:

Ancestry Composition

        Southern European
            Spanish & Portuguese
            Broadly Southern European
        Northwestern European
            French & German
            Broadly Northwestern European
        Ashkenazi Jewish
        Broadly European
    Sub-Saharan African
        Congolese & Southern East African
            Angolan & Congolese
            Southern East African
            Broadly Congolese & Southern East African
        West African
            Ghanaian, Liberian & Sierra Leonean
            Broadly West African
        Broadly Sub-Saharan African
    Western Asian & North African
        North African
        Arab, Egyptian & Levantine
            Broadly Arab, Egyptian & Levantine
        Broadly Western Asian & North African
    East Asian & Native American
        Native American
        Broadly East Asian & Native American
    Central & South Asian
        Southern South Asian
            Broadly Southern South Asian
        Broadly Central & South Asian

No. What I consider an affront is a foreigner coming to my fucking country to tell me what’s good and what’s bad.
Go be pure in your own country. We will not miss you. We’ve got a thousand super chill 100% European bro’s for every racist retard. Go home.

Only because everything you say is bullshit. Try making a point maybe.

These fools have no concept that all western nations are being flooded with foreign immigrants or that white Europeans deserve their own racially sovereign independent autonomous regions.

Multiracialism basically equals chasing down and subjugating the last white man or woman on earth.

Well the pendulum is about to swing the other direction very hard where we white European peoples are saying enough is enough. We’re reaching a point collectively where we’re putting our foot down in saying we will not have our collective identities assaulted any longer by others.

Do individuals have the power to allow this? no, do Governments! yes.

What form will this take? through what channels can you see this being made to happen?

Civil war, insurrection, and total rebellion as multiracial integration breaks down disintegrating.

Western governments have become so corrupt and anti white that we’re going to have to break away in the forming of our independent separate governments.

You’re being chased down and subjugated?


I think independent governance of territories might be the best way forward… funding and specific need of that populous then being better-met.

You already have self-governed overseas territories, so why not mainland ones? no disruption to life necessary, and easily implemented.

NYE, thank you for having me… see you this time next year.

Are we doing New Year selfisies?


being that i’ve recently begun working half as much as i usually do because of the winter temperatures, i’m experiencing a sense of loss in missing the labor-intensive activity i’m usually engaged in. there is a blank space i need to fill, and so… i’ve joined… a gym.

and i’m fixin to get my conatus pumped the fuck out, ya’ll.

here are three pictures my MMA agent asked me to take for my promotional video. he asked that i make a convincing effort to terrify the camera. pretty good, right? i mean would you want to enter a cage with this guy?

Not bad… I wouldn’t want to fight you. But then again, an 80 year old could probable kick my ass!!

Here’s the deal prom, we never finished our discussion about martial arts and strikers vs. grapplers.

If there is more than 1 person, the grapplers will ALWAYS lose!!

You know that controversial fight where shamrock won (because of striking) after the ref restarted it (because otherwise Gracie would have won). What this says, even in 1:1 is that striking wins 50% of the time. And it’s the ONLY thing that wins with more than one opponent.


Striking is superior.

a lie.

i would think that far more street fights consist of one-on-one scenarios, wouldn’t you? ergo, grappling is a better investment.

and here’s the thing; most grappling oriented martial art styles train also in basic striking… and here’s the important part you kung-fu guys need to know; you don’t need to spend months or even years learning how to punch and kick. that stuff is second nature and you don’t need to learn fifteen different ways to make a fist. if you’re a striker and got into the ring with a boxer, you got knocked the fuck out. end of story. no whooping crane or drunken dragon bullshit is gonna help you.

now i’m currently working on my own style and will soon start a school… after i win a few tournaments in the octagon and have the money. it’s gonna be called ‘the way of the balanced monkey’, and the form will be modeled off the styles of ali and jet lee.

Lol! Jet Lee ??

He himself says that he isn’t a martial artist!

He’s an actor.

Here’s the deal.

There’s SO much in MMA that isn’t legal, if it weren’t, strikers would win every match, not every striker, but definitely the good ones.

You live in a hallucination

no. i live in a platonic hyperdimensional plane of immanent consent violation.

here’s the deal: under 9 circumstances out of 10, a proficient grappler isn’t gonna give a striker a chance to do his shit. he’s gonna be on that fucker like flies on shit and twist him into a pretzel before he can say ‘what is the sound of one hand clapping’. watch your gracie videos, bro. WATCH THEM.

See that the problem with you. You accept MMA rules.

To understand the best fighting style, you shouldn’t do that.

Dude, I was trained very well… my Sifu was given a black sash from van cleef…

I came from a badass school of Kung fu…

Here’s the deal:

Eyes, throat, groin.

That’s the mantra of Kung fu artists.

What’s illegal in MMA ??

Eyes, throat, groin.