Dutch Divorce Rate Skyrockets In Response To Alimony Reform

You will come to see my way of things soon enough my dark sith apprentice. :sunglasses:


It’s unfortunate men would rather compete than organize for their interests.
Everyone else is organized for their interests except white men, but sooner or later that’ll change.

The inevitable collapse of nations, societies, and civilizations throughout the west basically will achieve that.


I agree, within every tragedy lies some opportunity.
White men had it pretty good for a while.
Things will have to get pretty bad before there’s a backlash.

The feminists, plutocrats and progressives won’t stop, they just keep pushing and pushing.
Something’s gotta give sooner or later.

Very soon it will arrive. :sunglasses:

Their insane ideology and rhetoric will be swept away with total economic collapse. :sunglasses:

You two sound like crybabies supporting each other. Stop watching the media lies about females. I am not a feminist nor do I belong to any political party or religion. I am just an average female. Average women do not behave or manipulate like you think they do. We only want true partners in life that will stand side by side through all times. Yes there are slimy scum females out there, there are subservient ignorant females and egotistical pain in the ass manipulative females out there. There are equal number of male counterparts to those.
The media focuses on those above females. They are “news worthy”. “News worthy” is gossip. And you two believe what they want you to see.
Have you ever been friends with a true honorable female? Or do you just see females as something to stick your penis in and only look for the slut or hot babe?


You just admitted to hypergamy. Not doing well for your cause - just sayin’

Dude did you read what I wrote fully or did you just see what appeals to you? I do recall you have that habit.

Kriswest: we only want true partners in life that will stand side by side through all times

Ecmandu: cough hypergamy

If you’re being a shithead, you should expect shit… no woman is a fucking princess…

But you, as a stereotype embodied, actually think you are.

Why do the men post so much better than the women on these boards … it’s actually really sad, because even the men have really low bars here

Do you even understand the definition of that word??

Yes. It means that I hate you unless you sell your soul to me no matter what I say or do

Do you?

Webster dictionary:
Definition of hypergamy
: marriage into an equal or higher caste or social group

Now how do you get the specific quote that you pointed out into that definition? I do hope you don’t hurt yourself by twisting too much.

Hmm… I’ll admit I was wrong.

Gamy is obviously marriage and hyper is “pinnacle of intensity”

I simply assumed when reading the word that it meant “super-monogamous inclinations and demands”

I actually think the dictionary definition doesn’t explain the root at all. You can see how it’s confusing, because in my definition, though different than the dictionary, actually also fits contextually how people use it. The mistake is easy to make I suppose.

Ain’t English fun? I appreciate what you said. Humans are more and more partnering for love. Yes there are still too many that bond for other reasons. Religion, politics, status and of course the most corrupt, sexual lust.

Well… let’s not go too far with that!

You need lust to be compelled towards sex. Asexuals can have plenty of love, but because they were born with zero lust, have no sex whatsoever.

Asexuals have a very high suicide rate because of implicit shaming.

Let me clarify. I am not saying zero lust. Just that lust corrupts. Think about all the horny cheaters. Too much lust, too much ego about lust, or just addicted to orgasms. Sexuality is necessary but, it can be highly corrupted and cause corruption.

“Cheaters” is a sexual concept about people as sexual property. Remember how I thought hypergamy was defined? “Super-monogamous inclinations and demands”