Continuation of my topics...

How can I stop people from talking to me without my consent, when asking for consent necessitates them talking to me without it?

If they ask you, just tell them not to talk to you anymore. It’s the same thing women are supposed to do for men who approach escalate, just refuse sex with them.

Yeah…but they’ve already violated by consent.
What if they continue to violate it by asking for explanations.

I’ve been violated all my life and didn’t even know it, until you pointed it out.
Was born, without my consent; breast fed, with it; sent to school and taught, without it; asked how I was doing, without it; forced to work, without it; telephoned, without it; emailed, without it…
This is terrible.

Well… if you are super-keen on holding this boundary, you do have to explain it to them.

It’s impossible for your birth to violate your consent, birth is neutral, consent forms later.

Yes, you may just be fucking with me, but you’re actually starting to understand

Oh, I understood years ago.

Well, then perhaps you’ll understand that following this direction is the best way to cure boredom for huge minds that bore easily … when life becomes unchallenging for you… take the path I set.

There really is nothing better to do with life when you really think about it. And you get a clearer conscience

I am rarely bored…but I follow the path you set, wise one.
Am I violating your consent?

I’ll tell you one thing that will seem mystical to you if you’ve never had this experience… watch out telling existence that you’re bored like I did, it may send you to hell, and hell is never boring! I often liken existence to an evil genie that grants infinite wishes!!

I don’t know you well enough to make that assessment

Nothing you can tell me will change my opinion of you.

Well, I guess that makes you powerful, doesn’t it?

Who me?!
I’m outis.

Everyone is someone Aegean … you just like to contradict yourself as a false display of extra energy to fit in.

That’s all women want from men, and that’s what men do to fit in with all the men that women want.

Do you want to be my student?

Students often go on to be better than their teachers.

Not a bad gig


You’re talking to a man/twit, that doesn’t follow the advice he gives… when many here asked him to cease, he carried on… for weeks. Very insincere qualities indeed.

It’s a meta argument when a person points out that the only evil is consent violation and people state that it violates their consent to have it pointed out…

The meta argument takes precedence …

I’ve stated this several times on this board for people who think like Aegean, prom and phyllo etc… that they’re being clever.


MagsJ said: “You’re talking to a man/twit, that doesn’t follow the advice he gives… when many here asked him to cease, he carried on… for weeks. Very insincere qualities indeed.”

I’m agreeing with you here, Aegean, but twits often misunderstand situations… especially if it doesn’t suit their agenda.

Again, that who’s name should never be spoken …

I answered that post. If Aegean wants to hold that boundary, Aegean needs to explain himself. You can’t hold boundaries any other way.

If Aegean feels like the whole world is doing this to him, he needs to publish a book.

Did someone just speak… nah! it was just some hot air floating around. Where was I?

Can’t handle that someone in this world is not a kind person, but rather, a good person. Totally torques you and bursts your bubble about the world.

Yes. I am factually a better person than you. Deal with it.

You are a walking, talking, breathing discord.

You on some level see the work I’ve done on myself and it scares you because you are lazy.

Human beings aren’t supposed to have sex or be sexual.

I didn’t want to know this… it tore me apart to figure this out.

Now that I do, a certain peace has come over me, the kind of peace only truth can give.

We need to go back to before the Stone Age to reset this “karma”.

The only other solution is hyperdimensional mirror realities.

Otherwise we’ll have to regret all our memories and associated memories to this regard.

There’s a sort-of loophole to this regard, men can have sex with a woman if she (they are) is the most powerful being in existence. But only if she (they) want to.

But even this suffers the zero sum problem. So does the “before the Stone Age” thing.

But it’s somewhat reasonable!

As things currently are from my perception, sexuality is not something humans should be engaged In to not be contradictory (sin) all sin is, is contradiction.

Homosexuals get a somewhat “free pass”, but they have to teach and represent everything that I teach before they can have non regret sex with someone they’ve yet to have sex with.

People can violate their own consent

You can regret something you did years ago, days ago or even minutes ago
You are not a constant throughout time, we change, we learn and grow and the people we were yesterday no longer exist today but they had a hand in creating our circumstance.
Even alone on an island you could and would violate your own consent.

This is a useless tautology given your definitions
Treating everyone as a diety with a will that must never be violated is not an effective strategy.
Because even if we did grant them such reverence, those people are equally capable of violating their own future selves consent.
Even if all of reality were to to show total obedience to any given person’s consent that wouldn’t solve this “problem”.

Reality violates any creatures consent that is not omnipotent and will eventually even violate an omnipotent beings consent lest that being also be immutable.

This is not a perspective relevant to the human condition it does nothing to inform anything we even remotely care about and as such is entirely worthless.
It’s not only worthless it becomes entirely destructive if we were to base our moral philosophy on the back of this confused nonsense.

I don’t have to care about such trivial violations of anyone’s egomaniacal wishes in order to be a moral actor.
Humanities moral project has a practical application and isn’t just some academic curiosity
Our moral project is about discovering and observing a behavioral pattern that allows us to live with each other in relative peace and permit us to cooperate for mutual benefit.
Compromise seems a promising strategy given our moral project and yet compromise is, by the lights of your definition, having your consent violated…

So what you see as evil I see as noble… a personal sacrifice for the greater good.