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Hi, big fan, how do you think the universe will end, or won’t end? To you think it will be from the Big Freeze or heat death, the Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Bounce or do you think we live in a multi-verse with no complete end?

The most likely possibility, favored by current data, is that the universe will die in Ice, not Fire. However, personally I believe that trillions of years from now, we (if we are still around) will have the technology to leave the universe, perhaps in an interdimensional life boat, and move to a warmer universe.

Many of the monuments of the ancient world which the ancient sacred manuscripts of Yahweh depict were buried and destroyed by the great flood summoned in the earliest chapters of the bible to cleanse the Earth of iniquity. This could be a true event in relation to science, since Genesis only shortly proceeds the melting of the glaciers from the previous ice age. It is clear time moves in eternally whirling cycles of genesis and apocalypse, the last great flood being one among many others that already happened and are yet to occur. These cycles can also be observed throughout all the cosmos. A good example involving Earth is that every 26 million years or so there is a mass extinction, which is when Earth passes through a region of space known as the Oort cloud, spewing avalanches of comets blocking off sunlight. It is also said the universe will die in either fire or ice. With an open universe it will die in ice. With a closed universe it will die in fire. The only type of civilization that could survive such a catastrophe is one that could open portals to other universes. There are all different levels of civilization.

One theory is that aliens and UFOs are powerfully demonic in nature. Their mass emergence, beginning in 1947, is a good sign of when the end-times clock may have begun ticking. Other clues for 1947 being the beginning of the end are the ending of World War 2 and the holocaust, and the reestablishment of Israel after roughly 2000 years of being scattered, all those critical events commencing around 1947. From this time forth demons may have been unleashed into the world, manifesting themselves in terrors such as elusive, inter-dimensional UFOs. Perhaps this New Age that has dawned upon our world is a powerfully deceptive nightmare and will bring about a false golden age. The ethereal demons we subconsciously behold deceive us in accordance to the cultural myths within our respective societies. Demons are shape-shifters, appearing before us in various guises to delude our minds. Among these beings, legend has it that a great serpent ravaged civilization 13,000 years ago. The great pyramids in Egypt were built in anticipation of their inevitable demise. They contain records of their ancient knowledge. What is the greatest source of knowledge and power that exists?

Who is the God of the Universe? We do not know who or what created the Universe. I’m quite sure that not God from the human religions (monotheist or polytheist). The religions are connected with some extremely advanced extraterrestrial super-civilizations that coexist now in this corner of the galaxy, but in the negative matter of the Universe.
God of the Universe is not a person opinion like you and me. Above many other theories related with the genesis of the universe like quantum singularity or the membrane theory, I see another one: an extra-universal super-civilization that is at a level of evolution impossible for us to understand and that exist in the Omniversal system. This is a level VI or VII in evolution after our classifications. But I personally don’t see these extra-universal super-civilizations like something similar to us. There must something incomprehensible for our level of understanding.
And from where this Universe comes? From where the negative matter of the Universe comes? I don’t know. Nobody knows. We have only theories. One thing is quite sure for me. Not from God of the Bible. Read that chapter called the Super-civilization of God, or Yahweh if you like. This super-civilization coexists with other civilizations extremely advanced in this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, perhaps in the negative matter of the Universe, or at a spiritual level if you like. And no, they didn’t create this Universe.
And in the end we tend to forget the fact that all our science today is based more or less only on theories, and the theories are changing from one decade to another.
There are super-civilizations far more advanced than us who created us with a purpose: spiritual body. They do not inhabit planets now but gigantic space stations like Heavenly Jerusalem. I believe however that these space stations coexist more in a parallel world with ours, in the negative matter or I you like at a spiritual level. Read the whole book and after that you will have a clear picture of it. I have a contribution to that book because I put there a lot of additional information that complete the overall picture of: what is our place in the configuration of the Universe.
You dream a lot. As a technical civilization we evolve because we are pushed from behind by others to do that. If we have right now so much technology and science that’s because somebody else had taken care of that. We do not evolve by ourselves. In conclusion all your dreams will be in vain because our civilization will be wiped out from the surface of Terra. We are just in a cycle controlled by those who own Terra and the human civilization. Nothing is accidental.
Humans masters of the Universe? The Universe will follow our will? Is funny to see how the IW gives false hopes to people. You fall into the same trap like everybody else. Humanity will be destroyed. Martian civilization was destroyed. We are in the middle of some extremely advanced super-civilizations who own this corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, they created us, they control us, and they will destroy us. It is simple. Read the ancient manuscripts and you will understand better our place in the Universe. We exist for them. Humanity was always controlled by others. Since moment when the man spent his existence in a tree and until in the times when he stay on a chair with his eyes into a computer monitor, humans always has danced as Others has sang. The same thing happens with our evolution as a society, as a technical modern civilization. We are just in a game with a well-defined purpose. To be controlled by others for their own interests. So stop dreaming about how great we will be because: we are a big nobody in this Universe. What will humanity be like one day when perhaps we become a big somebody?

The future programs of civilization will likely be far more advanced in science and technology than we are today perhaps to the extent that they are so evolved the monuments they construct seem like magical alien artifacts, impossible by our current standards of knowledge. These impossibilities can be grouped into 3 categories, class 1, 2, and 3 impossibilities. Class 1 impossibilities are technology that under the known laws of physics can be constructed but is far beyond the capabilities of modern civilization but could be achieved centuries down the road, such as antimatter, teleportation, invisibility, and psycho-kinesis. Class 2 impossibilities are technology that stretches to the very brink of our physical knowledge, questionably impossible under known physical laws, but many millions of years ahead could be brought into realization, such as time machines and hyperspace travel via wormhole warps. Class 3 impossibilities are technology that can break the very laws of existence, ultimately controlling existence.

In quantum theory, every object has a wave function, a probability of finding an object at a certain point of space-time. The position of an object cannot be known until an observation is made. Before an observation is made, it is in a nether state or a super-position of all possible states in could exist in, each coexisting with each other. The act of observing causes the wave function to collapse to a single random point, the positions towards the top of the wave function being the more probable positions of the object. Generally, the effects of quantum theory can only be easily observed at the microscopic level of subatomic particles, the position of each particle being randomized. Quantum theory can also be applied to the macroscopic scale of the universe, the universe having many different possible states, each another parallel world, the many possible states of the universe each comprising the wave function. It is as if time is continually forking towards an infinite multitude of futures. This is one of the components of the many worlds theory. Within all these worlds, there must be some that contain intelligent life and others where it is nonexistent. But if there are an infinite number of worlds, and some of these worlds contain life, theoretically there should be an infinite number of life forms all throughout existence. It is said that a universe is not all that exists, but all that can exist. Some of these parallel universes may collide, multi-universal wormholes being capable of theoretically linking these universes from infinite to infinite. Perhaps one day we will traverse these wormholes to visit all possible universes as alien visitors, lying bare to our gaze worlds infinitely subdued and remote. So if quantum theory can give rise to parallel universes, could time paradoxes have the same effect?
An example of a possible time paradox is if you travel back in time and kill yourself, theoretically creating a parallel universe where you no longer exist. This is partially why time can be likened unto a river, moving in one general direction but with momentary shifts such as forks and whirlpools spiraling endlessly, time possibly even bending full circle. So how can we travel back in time to create these paradoxes from whence parallel worlds could emerge?
In the model of Godel rotating universes, the architecture of space-time is curved and warped so greatly by its matter that there exist loopholes through which a ship travelling at a sufficient velocity could break the time barrier and visit any part of the past, present, or future. If we can travel backwards in time, perhaps everything in the past has not actually come to pass, though a time that cannot pass does not exist. Time, the fundamental dimension through which things in space change and evolve, is in actuality a stubbornly persistent illusion. What are the secrets of our time and when will our time finish?
One way could be to exceed the light barrier, although such an act under the current laws of creation and special relativity is not clearly possible since in doing so one would gain infinite mass. To invoke the powers of time travel, if one were to twist time into a circle, the extreme chaos brought to bear by the colossal energy would cause relativity to break down. Throughout the unified multidimensional realm of hyperspace there may exist powers great enough to open wormholes and extra-dimensional windows. Stephen Hawking tells us that to confine our attention to terrestrial matters would be to limit the human spirit. The being of great power that may lift us beyond this sphere of mere physical existence into those incredible worlds waiting to be discovered may be Jesus Christ. So when he returns, if ever, what wonders will he work before our eyes?
A great scientist and religious prophet of the future was Isaac Newton. Isaac Newton paraphrases Revelation 21 and 22 and relates the post 2060 events by writing: A new heaven & new earth. New Jerusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. The marriage supper. God dwells with men wipes away all tears from their eyes, gives them of ye fountain of living water & creates all thin things new saying, It is done. The glory & felicity of the New Jerusalem is represented by a building of Gold & Gemms enlightened by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of wch grows the tree of life. Into this city the kings of the earth do bring their glory & that of the nations & the saints reign for ever & ever. Upon the death of Isaac Newton, he said that I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me. And so his quote ends. If this universe is indeed governed by the providence of God, what are the implications of his possible fine-tuning of the laws of the universe to allow for the creation of life and the dark secrets that lie in the deepest depths of the cosmic ocean?
The laws of nature are fine-tuned to an extent that they allow for the creation of life and its evolution over time into higher forms. We must ask ourselves what out true nature as physical and spiritual beings is and our relationships to the underlying intelligence of the universe. What are the mysteries of our existence as conscious beings, barely more than specks of sand before the vast cosmic ocean? Why are we here, and not on some other world? Is there a reason for the universe and our existence? Why is it that from our knowledge springs the forces of good and evil? These questions are beyond the narrow grasp of modern science, answerable only by religion and philosophy. But to begin to answer these questions, what are some of the existential laws that are seemingly fine-tuned?
The most basic law that seems perfectly fine-tuned is the theory of relativity. Relativity states that as objects move through space, they move slower through time and contract in the direction of their motion. The speed of light must be the same for all observers. For a beam of light, time stands still. To exceed the light barrier would theoretically be to move backwards in time. Time and space are unified as space-time. As objects approach velocities rivaling that of light, they increase in mass, and will never achieve light-speed since increase in velocity will cause an increase in mass. Matter and energy continually transform into each other so from the smallest spec of mass can be created the most colossal burst of energy. Matter and energy are unified as matter-energy. This is one of the most fundamental laws of creation, but then again, how should we perceive creation?
We often in biblical interpretation misunderstand creation. There is grandeur to the universe emerging through immensity and eternity to the miraculously fine-tuned state we now behold, as opposed to instant creation from nothingness. We came from the very dust of the Earth, and by the time of the Garden of Eden, man had been forged, and God breathes into the dust of man the breath of life. Evolution is a theory, but so is spontaneous creation. I support God because he is the masterful creator who cannot be denied in the face of the grandeur of all creation. I also support evolution as the creation because it is supported by fossil records, showing life becomes increasingly varied and complex over time. Biological records show we share roughly 50% of our DNA with cauliflower, 85% with mice, and 98% with chimpanzees. There is an unbroken thread connecting Earthly life. Although God raised his hand in the architecture of creation, we must be careful not to attribute everything we do not understand as a supernatural working of his. Among things we easily might blame God for might actually be the workings of aliens. Are aliens visiting our planet, and if so, why?

Our universe owes its existence to a previous one, a big bounce off of a collapsing universe. Cycles of expansion and contraction occur, infinite bouncing. The universe has an ancestor, which is another universe. The universe is born inside of a black hole. There is a bounce inside of every black hole. The material continually contracts and then begins to expand again. That is the big bang which initiates a new region of the universe. For a universe to prosper, it must reproduce. The genesis of a universe could spring from a white hole, the outpouring of creation. Black holes spawn offspring universes, possibly through white holes. Another theory is that we live on an extended object called a membrane, or brane. It is a membrane which is 3-dimensional. There have to be at least 2 branes, separated by a little gap along a 4th dimension of space. Branes can collide, sparking a big bang. Another theory is that bubbles of matter may form in a high energy vacuum. There may be inflationary energies of a mega-verse dying out 10 to the 10th to the 10th to the 10th to the 7th times, sparking the big bang. Another alternative is that to understand the big bang, science may need to understand the death of the universe. You need mass to make a clock, and you need a clock to measure the scale of the universe. Our present universe is one eon of a succession of eons. This remotely expanding universe of each becomes the big bang of the next. Another way is to detect gravity waves. Gravity waves may have been produced by the big bang, manipulating the space-time fabric. The universe may be represented not as an object, but mathematically as a wave, merging the wave with string theory. This theory is unique as in it does not assume an earlier collapsing universe or preexisting inflation, and it does not assume a primordial black hole. The theory agrees with 3 unexplained observations. There is an unexplained patch of nothing, a void in the cosmic microwave background, and great sways of galaxies have been found moving in the wrong direction. There is also something odd about the temperature in outer space. All these effects are due to the presence of neighboring universes. The last alternative is that in Buddhism, there is no beginning, there is no end, but there is just nirvana. There was a big bang, a genesis, in a timeless sea of nirvana, an eternal outpouring of the bubbles of creation. Perhaps all these different scenarios are methods in which a big bang could be sparked. Perhaps the only way to know for sure how the creation occurred is to gaze into the deepest depths of the Akashic Records, the Book of Life.

Many traditions and many religions of the world refer to the mysterious “Book of Life”. Some say it is a universal memory, or a collection of vibrational registries, which has inscribed in it everything that is related to creation. Consequently, every human being has its own registry, a compendium of pictorial records, or “memories”, of all events, actions, thoughts, and feelings. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of our universe. The records of the “Book of Life” are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha, or soniferous ether. The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of creation, and also the records that connect each one of us to another. What are the secret cosmic forces fused in record? The Akashic Field is the memory of nature. Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic Records. Recent discoveries in the new filed of vacuum physics now show that this Akashic Field is real and has its equivalent in the zero-point Akashic Field or “A-field” and is not only the original source of all things that arise in time and space; it is also the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that ever happened in life, on Earth, and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen. The Akashic Records can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. Every individual human can become the physical medium, and various techniques, and spiritual disciplines can be employed to quiet the mind, become a witness and achieve the focused, preconscious state necessary to access the records. Some indicate the Akashic Records are similar to a Cosmic or Collective Consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the Akashic Records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible. Is it possible to flip through the pages of the Akashic Records, or even rewrite the book anew?

Is the universe arbitrary, or is there a grand design? Do we still need a God? We must understand gravity as it effects individual particles. If gravity had been any stronger, the universe as we know it could never have existed. Space would have been pulled back in on itself, obliterating any possibility for planets and stars to form. There are 4 forces in nature, and gravity seems to be strangely weaker than the other 3. We see for fundamental forces of the today, those being gravity, which holds the Earth, the sun, and the solar system together, the electromagnetic force, which lights up our cities, the internet, and laser beams, and also the 2 nuclear forces. If we want to know what happened when the universe began, we have to have a theory that can describe gravity on a very small scale.
Super-symmetry is based on the notion that before the big bang, when the universe was just a single point, everything including gravity was merged, with perfect symmetry into one almighty super-force. When the universe began, the super-force was entirely symmetrical. It was made of the same stuff and it all behaved in the same way. But then as it expanded, this symmetry started to break. In the milliseconds after the big bang, forces flew off in all directions, and the universe became messy and uneven. Gravity and all the other parts of nature we see today are irregular, imperfect descendants of the original symmetry. All the particles and forces of nature are actually vibrating little string like objects, and it seems to magically solve the problem of gravity.
In string theory, the entire universe, including space, time, and even gravity are made up of tiny, string like objects that only appear to us to be different particles because of the different ways they vibrate. The theory suggests that our world is just a giant mesh of vibrating strings. String theory brings the theories of the very small and the very large together beautifully. Einstein’s theory of relativity describes a universe where space bends and curls, just like pieces of string. Quantum mechanics says particles are wavy and fuzzy, a concept well-expressed by vibrating strings. The reason gravity is so weak is because the universe is made up of 11 dimensions. We have discovered many of the laws that govern the universe, but we do not yet understand how they all fit together, or why they seem to be finely adjusted to allow life. We cannot see the extra dimensions of the universe because they are outside our 3-dimensional universe. We could be a bit like fish in a tank, unaware of the world outside, unaware of the extra dimensions. There are perhaps as many as 11 dimensions in a multiverse or universe. Our universe looks infinite in 3 dimensions, but in hyperspace perhaps it is just a pond. But extra dimensions do not have to be bigger than our 3-dimensional universe. Some could be tiny. They could be curled up so small we do not notice them, and that may explain why gravity is so very weak. We may not have seen those extra dimensions because they are too small for us to measure. Physicists now believe that the tiniest, immeasurably small points in space, may actually conceal curved up extra dimensions, and that would affect how we perceive gravity. If string theory is correct, then gravity is as strong as all the other forces in our universe, but just feels weak because it is fighting its way through extra dimensions. Soon we may have to humbly accept that our 3-dimensional universe is just one of many multidimensional worlds.

The universe is governed by 2 kinds of laws, laws of evolution, which determines how the universe develops in time, given its state at one time, and boundary conditions, which determine the initial state. So far, almost all scientific effort has been devoted to finding laws of evolution, but Stephen Hawking proposes the no-boundary condition as the only reasonable initial condition for the universe. Within the 11 dimensions of string theory, our universe is just one of many 3-dimensional blobs. In string theory, it is possible that there may be existing entirely separate giant sheets of space. String theorists call them membranes, or branes for short, and suggest that our 3-dimensional universe can form on them. Membranes may clash out there in the greater universe. Each of these branes corresponds to a different universe. These branes may occasionally collide. The big bang may have originated as a collision of branes. I am confident we will resolve these mysteries, and I think the years ahead will be a golden age of discovery.

“Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan… and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone.”

The Battle of Rakata Prime, was the final battle of the Jedi Civil War. Taking place around the primary star of the Lehon system, it was fought between the navies of the Galactic Republic and Darth Malak’s Sith Empire, with each side bolstered by their own Force-users. While fleets of capital ships and starfighters engaged in heated battles around the massive space station and factory known as the Star Forge, the Jedi, led by the redeemed Revan, penetrated the station’s defenses in order to confront Malak and defeat the Sith, putting an end to the bloody conflict.

“Once again we shall face each other in single combat… and the victor will decide the fate of the galaxy!”
―Darth Malak, to Revan

With the battle turning against the Republic fleet, Jedi Master Vandar Tokare, who was aboard Dodonna’s flagship as an adviser, sent a team of Jedi Knights to escort the crew of the Ebon Hawk. Together, they penetrated the outer defenses of the Forge and boarded the massive space station in an attempt to disrupt Bastila’s use of her powers and, for Revan at least, to confront his old friend and apprentice. While a few Jedi stayed behind at the docks to keep the door open for the strike team, Revan, his companions, and other Knights attempted to infiltrate the station’s interior.

As the Jedi infiltrated the station, Admiral Dodonna attempted to hold off the Sith forces as best she could given the odds of the battle. With the effects of battle meditation working against the Republic’s forces, she was unable to find an avenue of attack against the station itself. As the battle progressed, the Star Forge continued to produce Sith fighters, Sith freighters and even capital ships to be put immediately into battle. Despite the increasing odds, Dodonna succeeded in maintaining her fleet’s presence at the periphery of the engagement zone.


I’ll get back to you in 3 days, on that one. :wink:

In Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, I’m most like the Scoundrel-Consular. Scoundrels unleash extreme persuasive charms to lock pick and advantageously edge over routine barriers to invent radical and elegant solutions to enigmas. Consulars siphon energetic fissures in the Force to command and control the many horizons and dimensions to existential mastery.