Introduce yourself here <-----

Adapting? for future circumstance and necessity… relevance.


Hey folks , how are you? Sorry I have been gone so long. It has been rough and good at the same time. I sort of hid. My husband is better. The world has taken me for a ride and I hid , studying and learning or so I think and hope.


How you doing?

Doing ok… glad your husband is doing well… we hoped that would be the case, so good to hear it is.

Hello everybody! Isn’t it great to be alive? So much beauty in the world.
That’s me -always trying to maintain a positive outlook.

Hells yeah it’s great to be alive. In fact, that’s the theme of our program for tonight: 5:50

My name is Susan, I love the magic and Humanity

I haven’t been here in awhile, so I’ll reintroduce myself. My Name is Stephen. My favorite authors are Plato and Goethe. My interests include philosophy, psychology, ancient Greek thought, Romanticism, and writing stories. I have published 2 of my stories The Storm and Stress and The Exile. My editor is working on my next story The Fall of Mephisto. I’m kind of eccentric, I mostly read and write, I have 3 beers a day, I’m a great cook when I have the time, and I order my library choronologically, and I think those that order it colorwise are wrong lol.

I’m looking forward to sharing conversation with everyone once again. :slight_smile:

Welcome back…

…decent website content… skim-read it for now.

Welcome Susan!

Hello Child in Time, welcome to the forums.

Hi I am Meno. I’d like to reaffirm Child in time’s and Susan’s affirmations of beauty and life.

I for one , a creature of all men and no one in particular, hope our Higher Powers carry Us through.


I was asked by Dan to maybe make a post here. Seems like a good guy.

I have been following this forum for some time now. I am naturally a little shy or introvert, though those are capitalistic labels and the way I really think of it is: a bit of a book worm. But the recent discussions on communism tempted me and here I am.

I think a lot of my comrades have let themselves be led away from the key points of our struggle by the capitalist enemy, who is always working. Communism is much more than a system of government. And I will try to argue for that in some of the threads dedicated to it.

Anyway, that’s about me.

My message, in short: human beings were made for a lot more than this!


Welcome robolutionary!

Oh snap polishyouth is here.

Hey don’t you come over here you goddamn communist!!

hello, i wont post much, certain ‘persons’ attempts, loosely tied to this space, at mindfking and manipulating me into thinking my lack of submission and my normal reactions would be equivalent to my own faux pax in of itself obviously can’t really go through but, simultaneously, at this point it is a completely muffled spectacle and the matter is solved by their own squeals begging to simply be left alone, to themselves and i can live with that, as long as i am not chased into a corner and blindfolded and muted like a bih. if you also want to ban and ignore me because of how confident you are in yourself, because I might tell you you or your ideas are stupid then just ban me right away, please but else…I really know how to behave well and I really, really respect ladies.

Hello, I am Great Again.

I want you to know that the USA has become a small colony.

Have a nice time.


Hello, I am encode but you can call me ED(no no, not ED as in Edward, ED as in E…D, OK?)

I am brain dead and I don’t trust anyone


OMG, is that PY that I see?

Long time, no see!!!