Story Time With Zero_Sum

When cheating and corruption becomes the norm just to survive or get ahead you’re damn right I’m proud. :sunglasses:

Such is the current world we live in, there is no honor in losing or failure.

You know, when a nation collapses you need all the skills and specializations you can acquire bucko. It’s only a net gain, not a loss. :sunglasses:

It took 200 years for this Empire to reach its apex. It’ll take that long for it to reach its nadir.

A lot sooner than you and a majority of people think. Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant as you’re going to find out for yourself along with everybody else. :sunglasses:

[And I will be the one that gets to tell everybody that I told you so even when nobody would believe me before. Funny how that works.]

Each time you put “with Zero Sum” in a topic title you alienate yourself from other people.

The seductive power of the nil.
If not for negative attention, some would receive no attention at all.


To counter the oddity of both taking college courses and predicting and rooting for the fall of civilization, you first mention your pride about cheating, about gaming the system. Then when responding to the obvious question why you would bother taking college courses, you respond that any skills will be useful post-collapse. The only skills you are learning are how to cheat on online college courses. How the fuck is that going to help you post collapse? You should be learning forest gardening, survival skills, weapon use, hand to hand combat, water purification methods and so on.

It all just comes off as bluster. You’re pissed at the way things are. Who isn’t? Give yourself some credit for actually preparing for a not post-apocalyptic world. Doing that is not giving in to the system, but noticing the situation you are in and taking practical steps to do as well as possible.

Any intelligent readers are just going to keep holding a mirror up to up, if they bother responding at all.

All oddities can be resolved with a modification of our language and our understanding. This also applies to conundrums and paradoxes - mostly language based.
In this case the underlying psychology must be understood so as to resolve this apparent dissonance between stated motive and stated belief.

Understanding the source as a antipathy towards all forms of present authority, and the hope for a future idealized authority can be traced to an antipathy towards the pater - dreams of systemic collapse are transferred from vengeance against the father.
I mentioned elsewhere this is due to an unresolved ritual of ascendance, due to a sub-standard ro absent father.
With no real, present, father-figure to emulate, become disillusioned by, overcome and then return to, the rite of passage is in a state of arrested development - retarded.
In some cases the absent or substandard father is idealized - worshiped as a god-like icon - or demonized, as it is in this case. A state of perpetual adolescence.
This is typical of anarchists.
The ideal system is the one that will emerge from the collapse - or the ideal self will emerge from the death of the father.
But if the father is absent - dead already, or not - then this can never be resolved, so the individual is trapped in adolescent rebellion and its disillusionment with all forms of authorities that are present, and replaced with imagined authorities.

The child expresses a desire for the father - authority figure - it never had, and a hatred for the one it did, and was present (abusive) or was absent (rejecting).
This conflict is psychological; between the ideal and the real.
The ideal is always a negation of the real, and therein lies the source of the conundrum.
A man-child may lack experience with a real, flesh and blood good father - yet flawed - and so it has replaced him with an imagined one which no real father can ever match.
It’s a form of redirected self-hatred, which may become self-idealization - via the missing father figure.

Girls may experience something similar in relation to their mothers.

My entire life has been alienation and dehumanization to the point it is considered ‘normal’ to me. I don’t concern myself with other people or what they think.

I’m not a nihilist anymore if that is your latest accusation against me.

The Puer Aesternus, though here in a dark version, because both parents are a problem not just dad. This can be seen in the threads where women are simply whores, period, and any rejection was because they are whores, nothing to be learned there. The going to college is a positive sign - not that it is college, but that it is training to make it better than working in Mcd’s in a non-apocalypes world.

And weirdly there is also a kind of positive trend (for the psyche) in the move from anarchism to national socialism.

Puer Aeternus moves towards Chronus, but he is going to be Chronus, braggin elsewhere that Hitler was a pussycat compared to him.

But then, given all this, the trick is not to merely label and dissect the guy.

A potential father figure - or a negative father figure in ZS’s mind - like Agean here does have insights into what is happening. But given that he is going to be a father-gestalt trigger for our punk peter pan

how should Agean approach ZS if he is interested in actually reaching him.

Likewise any brothers like myself. How to approach, there’s the rub.

Of course for others it may be useful to point out the patterns, but given the likely digging in deeper reactions
if the goal is to reach ZS, might there not be a better approach?

No, cheating isn’t the only thing I’m learning in college. Cheating just helps me get through the tests or exams. :laughing: I am learning a lot at college concerning machines and fabricating stuff. :sunglasses:

The rest of that stuff I already know. I’ve lived in the bush off and on living off the land more so than anybody on this board.

I also seem to remember saying that ultimately I don’t know which way the wind is going to blow where while there is a very good chance of imminent collapse it really is hard to gauge the situation because it is unprecedented or unparalleled in human history. Me going to college beyond acquiring new skills is also about not putting all my eggs in one basket diversifying for the future whatever that may be.

It’s interesting how ILP has all of a sudden become obsessed with my father and mother. This sort of shit doesn’t happen to anybody else. :laughing:

I also had an adopted Italian father who was an airforce retiree. I guess that sort of negates all your bullshit stated above. :sunglasses:

True…but his relationship with authority is based on his relationship with the father-figure.

Because he doesn’t truly believe in what he is saying…and only does so to cause a stir and receive attention - particularly from women - motherly or erotic.
He has no other way to receive attention other than being ‘shocking’.

He’s idealized authority.
The present rel authority is compared to his projected idealized version of authority.

There’s ‘virtue signaling’ and then there’s ‘bad ass’ signaling. He wants to attract a specific kind of woman - domineering and motherly.

How else would anyone learn?

When the student is ready and willing, the teacher appears.
The approach must be made by the student, otherwise it will be domineering. All approaches entail a risk and a definite cost, evaluated ni relation to a possible benefit.

With humility and honesty. As one approaches the unknown.

What if the goal is broader, like sharing insights with many silent on-lookers?
Not all can be helped.
Sometimes they are beyond help and can only serve as an example.

:laughing: Reach me how, and for what purpose? :sunglasses:

Moving along away from ridiculous diversions :sunglasses: , I have passed my first year at college with an overall B grade. :slight_smile:



Thanks. :sunglasses:


or so he thinks.

Well, sure.

And passive and worshipful. Tough mix to find.

Online, well, we are limited. Nevertheless, I am sure there are ways to be provocative without summing him up. Probe until the contradictions are obvious. You may have done this. Summing him up, however well done, is what he expects from daddy. Even when done neutrally, he’ll experience it has dismissal. And the ‘dismissal’ must be dismissed. The same discomfort in all the contradictions could be brought up through teasing out the images and predictions. Not saying this would work. I’ve tried in other incarnations of ZS, but I think it bypasses the immediate defensiveness.

Of course summations may sink in slowly over time. Despite his bluster he’s doing well in acquiring real world skills.

Yes, see bolded above.