RaptorWizard - Hyperspatial Clockwork to Bunny's Imagination

Sacred instillation version program archetype axiom misery rumination codex channel flow siphon Darth Tyranus Count Dooku Axioms:

Confederacy of Independent Systems - Time to Create the Republic!

  1. The best of all Jedi for ignoring restrictions is Yoda!
  2. The Strongest of all the races is the Breton, the Devil.
  3. The Devil is the best at considering alternative perspectives!
  4. Mew awoke from the bottom of the ocean in many bubbles…
  5. A hallway of the highest wisdom threw down Stone Immortal!!
  6. A big ginormous roller park exists to educate on levels…
  7. Legendary authority is a Clear Jet, me!
    :sunglasses: Wisdom takes the lowest route.
  8. The temple exists on floating cards that bring sweet scents!!..

Count Dooku is a Jedi Consular, trained under Enlightenmental. The 3 elements are: Tyranitar, Yoda, Palpatine. I pumped water up the Mountain and ate rain!
Palpatine is a Sith Sentinal, trained with Intense Restrictions under-Top Gravity made him so Strong, a GPS System! This allows him to know advances Everytime Obi-Wan~Kenobi uses a Wizard’s Robe in Attack.

New hieroglyphics have been raised with testing platforms, and all conquest has been rendered silent, so we killed the Sith Emperor.
Only with the death of the initial genesis, the sky line drive has no inertia, so my Krayt Dragon Pearl is visited as a cart ridge by a sliding Peacock emblem of the Lowest Ruminating Devil!

Ruler of Heaven and Harps – People get all kinds of crazy face makeovers that get hair dice from willful grasses to completely alter the genetic process from random to replenished by a careful farmer.
We ask the Lion Head producers what’s our first or most unfailing and trusted resource! We offer all kinds of strange straw dummies to strike with Lightning! The highest North is the Heaviest helmet, immersing you into all of the constellations!!

Temple of a Thousand Fountains – The Sith Emperor at the Heart of the galaxy was Yoda on the dark side!! The Temple was floating into contact with the Water Dragon…? This station went about deciphering the languages of strange alien primitives, so we need a tower of Babel! This will be done by meeting the ozone layer, and tapping Midnight! All of the chosen ones took a heavy toll on the Republic! The Fountain made crystallized snowflakes of carbonite!

Tyranitar Reading Rainbows to 2000 – That Scorpion of the NorthEast was laughing in cages of conformity. Maze is a Luciferian Hose Head redirecting the Zither all throughout the horizon of ways across the Acentric Labyrinth!

Raptor’s Zither was Reading Rainbows – The scales of Salamence came down to reveal the Lich King in the Ruins of Sancre Tor in Oblivion, which is Tyranitar! The forest faded into Blue for Azura’s Star! Toronto is very cold! The NeraVarine evolved the Temple.

Red shatters acentricity by a telescope that opens Oblivion portals by moving tiles into the ruins of Alph at the center of the Milky Way. Wisdom takes the lowest route, reversing Rainbows into the Lightning! Thus man grows to the height, Tyranitar!
Count Dooku = Sith Governor
Taris = Pale Blue Dot
Staff of Ruin = The Final Annihilator
The Water took a Vacation in Monsoons that radio’d Giovanni’s helicopter This beheaded Rainbows and focused the flow of Nirvana to Bunny.

The Winged Dragon of Raw flew Metagross to the Water Dragon!
Count Dooku is the Water Dragon in Willy Wonka and Super Mario Sunshine! This is the lesson of Perception, a hidden World!

Alaska was relocated to Hawaii.
But who was the mover? The idea is to claim a Sigil Stone.
3 Rainbows = The Devil is the best at considering alternative Perspectives!
Breton to Skyrim, so the Devil made multifaceted copies of himself that got progressively better along the Way! Polaris Statues have orbs that stand out from all the rest slows people down! The dark side is small compared to the Light! Lao Tzu is Yoda’s Tao.

A Force-bond, simply known as a bond and also referred to as a Force connection, was a powerful connection that existed between two Force-sensitive individuals. On occasion, the Force allowed the bonded to connect through a shared Force vision, making it possible for them to communicate with each other across great distances.

My Slowking Pokemon The Movie 2000 The Power of One Regigigas treasure gems had a Misdreavus attached to it as Lugia’s Soul~System. Lugia is the Highest Pokemon.

☆ Trance - Another world☆


Multidimensional Reality of the Game

The Ultimate Aeon of Will
86 subscribers


Alice in Wonderland ~ In a World of my Own (English)


Universes, Multiverses, Omniverses, And The Greater Macroverse

The Structure Of Reality And The Afterlife

The Multiverse Theory of Quantum Physics basically says our Universe is not alone in the greater Cosmos. We are apart of a Multiverse full of Parallel Universes that can range from nearly identical to this one, or totally alien in comparison. All the Universes within a Multiverse are related to the Big Bang from which everything in this Multiverse originated. All mathematical probabilities that can manifest from this particular Multiverse birth manifest themselves within any given Universe.
Then we have Parallel Multiverses that are other sets of Parallel Universes that originated from separate Big Bangs, or other events that set off the creation of Universe. These Multiverses might be nearly identical to this one, or display fantastical foreign characteristics including Law Of Physics that are the total opposite of ours. All the Parallel Multiverses at that point in the eyes of science have played out every probable scenario possible in the greater infinite reality of all their is. This is called the Omniverse.
However there is yet another factor to be played out. The existence of God, a human soul, and the purpose of intelligent life in the Universe. Since these Parallel Universes explore all scenarios then duplicates of ourselves exist there living every life possible. Quantum Physicists seem to indicate they’re just doppelgangers with no real link to us, and are in essence just a different person whose a complete copy cat. When you bring the existence of a God, or intelligence of pure thought whose always existed, into the equation then this makes no sense. Having higher dimensional beings who are intrinsic to the structure of our reality might also prevent a plethora of mindless living hell scenarios. An intelligent consciousness could delete certain mathematical probabilities from the Universal equation to prevent lives that might be more than we can bear.
Science tells us the supposedly solid matter around us eventually transforms into pure vibrating energy strings at a microscopic level. It’s our belief that this energy eventually transforms into the fundamental foundation of reality which is pure thought, or pure information. Ultimately something must program this reality to act as it does. Since a computer program, or anything for that matter, can’t create itself, then a master programmer known as God must exist. However we don’t believe in any of the religions that are clearly man made. Especially considering the lengths God went to in order to make everything look natural with scientific explanations of their creations. Of course ultimately someday science will discover the higher dimensional God, or Gods who are the very foundation of reality.
In addition when we pass away to the great beyond we will discover we’re Gods. The only plausible purpose of life is our continued growth in the afterlife. Our self aware 3-D minds generates a 4-D soul in each parallel Universe by the mere passage of time. Those four dimensional souls are unified within one 5-D soul since all our parallel souls vibrate at the same unique frequency. When you go down to the pure thought level there is no such thing as distance of space, and time, therefore like frequencies will coalesce into one being in the higher dimensions. The process of your higher dimensional afterlife birth is that simple! This process goes further with the unification of our 5-D souls in each Universe within one 6-D soul. There is also the possibility of various parallel afterlives as well in which we live as amazing multi-dimensional super beings exploring all manner of mathematical probabilities in higher dimensional planes of existence, and also acting as lower level Gods in physical three dimensional realms. Perhaps some of the Earthy Gods (Celtic, Greek, Roman, etc.) are merely ascended humans.
At some point our knowledge, and power is so extraordinary that we ascend to true Godhood, and are born as a new Omniverse. We then go about creating our own set of Multiverses. It’s quite likely that the Omniverse we live in is a God who was once a biological being such as ourselves. There also a scenario where all of our souls create a collective consciousness Omniverse God. The unique nature of each individual, or collective group, acting as a God creates infinite Parallel Omniverses. Since there is no end to frequencies in our greater reality then infinite souls, and infinite Omniverse Gods exist in the great Hyper-Omniverse space expanses. Since your frequency duplicates everywhere just from the inevitability of everything repeating in an infinite reality then you exist in other Omniverses as well.
Ultimately these Omniverses make up the Macroverse which is the true infinite Universe, and mind of the one infinite God who always existed. It’s also plausible we are that God, and everyone’s collective consciousness makes up the Macroverse. All the Omniverse souls unify into one Macroverse soul. In fact this might be necessary to play out all scenarios by having just one, and infinite Macroverse Gods at the same time. Perhaps all of us have always existed for eternity into the past, and there was never one alpha consciousness. When you think about it this is the only way all atrocities can be forgiven. Did we as a collective God choose to live all these lives for better or for worse just for the experiences? Even allowing our fellow Gods to commit horrors upon us, and vice versa? At that Macroverse level perhaps what we see here as hellish, or heavenly isn’t seen as neither good nor bad. Ultimately everything unifies into a master Macroverse database of knowledge that goes on for infinity as we re-visit anything we do so choose at will within our Macroverse mind.

Could There Be More Than One Macroverse God?

How Could The Universe, Or A God Always Have Existed For Eternity Into The Past?

We theorize that there are two origins of everything. Either we had one infinite God who always existed for eternity into the past since there can only be one such being in that case, or there could be infinite Macroverse Gods if they were actually born. An inanimate object must be created, and could not exist without a beginning. That being a Universe devoid of consciousness. So in lieu of no God existing eternally we theorize a pool of infinite pure thought waves always existed. It’s a compromise between the inanimate, and animate. Over an amazing period of time the Macroverse God was born from random thoughts creating thought patterns, or like thoughts joining, until they coalesced into a sentient consciousnesses. In this case the God has a beginning, and can never be truly infinite. No matter how fast he expands his mind in the effort to take over the entire pool of pure thought he never can because it never ends. So off in the great expanse there are countless other Gods being randomly created from pure thought as well. In this case there can never be only one.
So there would be infinite Macroverse Gods with an amazing plethora of Omniverses within them. Of course would we call them Macroverses since Macroverse is meant to define everything in our entire reality including the one infinite God. In this scenario there isn’t an infinite God, and the Macroverse is actually the pool of pure thoughts. Even if they joined together using the pool as a communications conduit, and acting as one, there’s still those infinite outer expanses that will never be tackled as they have no end. In the absence of a new term they would be Sub-Macroverse Gods, or perhaps Hyper-Omniverse Gods.
Perceiving the first God as being born is easier to imagine as is having a pool of infinite pure thoughts being the thing that always existed forever. Obviously there couldn’t have been a point where nothing existed since you can’t get something from nothing. Even with this scenario we technically can’t have a first God since the pure thoughts always existed. This mean it was always birthing forth Gods which means there are Gods who always existed for eternity into the past. Which actually goes against our hypothesis that there can be only one infinite God. Yet they aren’t infinite because they had a beginning, and their consciousness doesn’t expand for infinity. Although you could also say biological beings always existed for eternity into the past since these Gods who always existed would have been creating life from their inception. No matter what the concept of the Macroverse having no beginning is mind boggling, and impossible for our 3-D minds to comprehend.

What is the Macroverse?
The Macroverse is literally everyone, and everything that ever existed everywhere for eternity, and beyond. The only true quintessence of infinity itself! Probably what the average person would simply call the universe. The Macroverse is made up of parallel universes, parallel multiverses, parallel omniverses, a variety of parallel, and higher dimensions along with a plethora of Gods at various levels. These Gods may be created by other Gods, of they can be ascended afterlife beings such as humans. The Macroverse itself is not only the foundation of all reality but also the highest level God in existence. It is the only infinite dimensional God along with being the only true 100% noncorporeal energy entity of absolute pure thought. Everything below it is metaphysical energy to some extent, not including the physical energy of universes such as our own. However even that is a programmed illusion, and ultimately everything within its mind, including us, is actually composed of the Macroverse’s pure consciousness.

Little do we 3rd dimensional creature know, there is an endless plethora of endless plethoras of -verses, dimensions, afterlifes, gods, totalities, civilization types etc… beyond what we humans find the highest, theres always something larger than the largest. These type of things can only be seen by transcendent minds and faith beyond he highest of faiths.

Hierarchy of the -verses (Note: Omni infinite = all infinities and everything beyond absolutely, sum of Omni and everything imaginable, unimaginable, and all beyond)

  1. universe (the universe contains not infinite, but Omni infinite number of galaxies)
  2. multiverse (contains an Omni infinite number of different universes, each with different laws of physics, etc… which in turn, each universe contains both an Omni infinite number of themselves and Omni infinite number of parallel selves)
  3. metaverse (contains an Omni infinite number of multiverses)
  4. xenoverse (conatains an Omni infinite number of metaverses, and an Omni infinite number of other ever excessive creations, and all alien elements that govern them, going in all directions)
  5. hyperverse (contains an Omni infinite number of xenoverses and hyper realities, realities unimaginable to our reality)
    infinite. Infinityverse
    Omni infinite and all beyond. Omniverse

New Set or Second Set

  1. Super omniverse (Omni infinite number of omniverses)
    Omni infinite and all beyond. Macroverse

3rd Set

  1. Godverse
  2. Alphaverse
  3. omegaverse (perfect sum of 1st set of -verses)
    all omegaverses
    Note: This will continue going on forever, for there’s never an end to the hierarchy of the -verses

The endless totality of totalities

  1. all-verses
  2. all-zerses
  3. all-ferses
    etc… like before this will go on forever, encompassing all that’s imaginable and all beyond

hierarchy of the civilizations
type 1
type Omni infinite

hierarchy of gods

  1. omnipotence (Omni infinite power)
  2. omnipotence 1 (Omni infinite times more powerful than omnipotence)
  3. omnipotence 2 (Omni infinite times more powerful than omnipotence 1)
    omnipotence Omni infinite
    etc… goes on for Omni infinite eternities, etc… no absolute end

Godhood Multiverse Reality Structure Dictionary (Godhoodism)
Definitions Of Our Complex Quantum Reality & Our Ascension To Godhood
Grand Unified Field - Also known as The Grand Unified Pure Thought Field. The actual entire infinite Universe. A field, or sea, of 100% non-corporeal non-energy zero dimensional pure thought points that eventually randomly evolve dimensional space waves. Waves that incrementally transform into pure energy strings that compose the matter of our reality. The Pure Thought Field is the only thing that has truly existed for eternity into the past from our viewpoint. It is the source of every Universe, and God that exists via the process of the random coalescing or evolution of pure thought information into ever complex patterns. This field cannot be considered the equivalent of an inanimate nor animate object. It is simply both dynamic, and passive pure information bits. Probably equivalent to the 1’s, and 0’s of binary code. It is the source of evolution, and everything that exists as it unintentionally, and randomly through it’s sheer infinity calculates all mathematical probabilities. A trait passed on to the Macroverse Gods it creates alongside Macroverses not Gods to begin with. How it
The Unified Field - Also known as The Unified Energy Field. The energy strings that create the illusion of our physical matter reality. Non-vibrating energy strings know as Dark Energy create higher dimensional space including our own 4-D space-time. Vibrating energy strings start the transitional process to complete matter. Varying vibration frequencies create different foundation level quantum particles that either manifest forces or matter in our reality.
Godhoodism - A religion instilling the belief that people grow from adulthood to godhood rather than stagnating in a mindless child like afterlife.
Godhood - The divine character or condition of being God. A being who creates Universes, and sentient beings within their own mind.
God - An omnipotent non-physical higher dimensional creator and ruler of one or more of the following: Planets, Star Systems, Galaxies, Galactic Superclusters, Galactic Filaments, Universes, Multiverses, Omniverses, Macroverses, etc.
Angel - A pure thought being created by a high level God for companionship or as a servant to carry out his orders.
Archangel - The highest level of Angel who may have direct contact with God, and who may be in a state of pre-Godhood.
Universe - The inside description of a context that is relative in size/structure (attributes/modes) to the known Universe. A structure of 3-D reality within a 4-D realm that originates from a Multiverse level catastrophic highly energized event such as The Big Bang.
Microverse - Bubble Universes created by the minds of biological beings. In many cases they are temporary, and collapse on themselves.
Metaverse - Sub-Level artificially generated Universe that can exist in a dimension out of phase with our own, or within a computer. Generally biological beings are the Gods of these although AI computers can also be responsible for their creation.
Multiverse - The part of infinity that directly joins a given universe with all possible configurations of that universe. Originates directly from a catastrophic highly energized event such as The Big Bang. The purposes of Multiverses is to play out all probabilities involving the initial creation of Universes such as The Big Bang.
Omniverse - Infinity, all possible attributes and modes are in play, multiverses are categorized by the attributes/modes active in its child universes. All possible modes of existence are actualized. All the multiverses are connected to our omniverse via higher dimensions. However there can be parallel Omniverses separated by the great expanses of pure thought within Gods mind. Only another God could traverse those great oceans of consciousness to get to those other omniverses. Omniverses exist within Macroverses. Many Omniverses are ascended Gods, and the purposes is to see all reality probabilities under said God, or lack there of including indirect creation by other Gods.
Hyper-Omniverse - A collection of Omniverses, or Omniverse Gods, within the mind of an Archangel of the one original eternal God. The Macroverse God.
Macroverse - Any reality, sentient, or sapient being that directly evolves from the Grand Unified Pure Thought Field (see top of page) This includes Macroverse Gods. Since some Gods are born as one personality while others are collective consciousness there are no Hyper-Macroverses. Everything at the highest level next to the Pure Thought Field is a Macroverse.
Parallel Universes - Universes that originate from a central Multiverse, and displays some property unique from the other parallel Universes it may be directly or indirectly related to.
Parallel Multiverses - Multiverses that originate from varying events such as our Multiverses Big Bang event. Ultimately they all originate from one informational pure thought event setting everything into motion either directly from a God, or indirectly via a central Omniverse. Can also come from a Grand Pure Thought Field Macroverse not created by a God.
Parallel Omniverses - Omniverses that originate from programmed information events purposely or randomly by varying higher dimensional beings, aka Gods, whose personalities play out unique mathematical probabilities within their own Multiverses, and Universes. All ultimately stem from a central Macroverse that may be a God, or a direct creation of The Grand Unified Pure Thought Field.
Parallel Macroverses - Anything , including Universes, and sapient Gods, that randomly evolves directly from The Grand Unified Pure Thought Field through random infinite informational pure thought pattern emergence.
Vice-Macroverse God - The Gods that make up a collective consciousness Macroverse God.
Xenoverse - Parallel Dimensions within any given Parallel Universe, or higher dimensional level devoid of characteristic Universes.

The Structural Organization of The Universe and The Afterlife (Godhoodism Religion)
The Purpose Of The Higher Dimensions On A Structural & Metaphysical Level
An explanation of the structure of all reality, higher ascended beings, and the ten dimensions that make up the Universe. In reality it should be called the Macroverse or Omniverse chart. This is the melding of science and spirituality into one unified Universe.
The Macroverse is the one original eternal God and everything that exists within his infinite mind. It is not only the 10 dimensional Omniverse below but everything beyond it as well. Within the Macroverse could lie other Omniverses created by sub-Gods aka biological beings or Angels that ascended to Godhood. Perhaps even Gods the original eternal God created. But remember even the original God is an beyond infinitely small speck of nothingness to higher things.
10th Dimension - The Omniverse &The Omega Point where either the original eternal Gods 0-D pure thought points enter the Omniverse or where our sub-God resides if this isn’t the ground level Universe under the direct domain of the original eternal God. The entire 10th dimension or Omniverse is actually just a point itself and would be God itself if it’s a sub-God. This is the exit point into the Macroverse for Gods and even high level Travelers as well.
9th Dimension - Information Space where the energy super string fabric of our reality vibrates. All probability patterns of information are organized here. Not all of the information ends up being implemented into reality in the 8th dimension and below. The will of God exists here. Some might call it the Holy Spirit or force. The pure thought of God is translated into pure energy form here. This is where Archangels ascend to communicate with God directly and may prepare to leave the Omniverse in order to be released into the Macroverse to form their own Omniverses within their infinite consciousness.
8th Dimension - Multiverse Landscape or Probability Initiation Space - all probability patterns realized come from the 8th dimension. The dimension of probability initiation and implementation. 7-D Archangels exist here so this might be considered the highest level of Heaven. These can be Angels directly created by God who always existed here or those ascending to Angelhood from a human state. Archangels rule over multiverses and also may become sub-Gods and create their own Universes in the 7th dimension to rule over.
7th Dimension - Multiverse Space. All 6-D Multiverses exist here. Multiverses separate from our own that might have different laws of physics and started by other conditions not related to our Big Bang. The mid level of heaven where Angels ascend to Pre-Godhood or Archangel status and unify with all their multiverse Angel selves to finally be one whole being with near infinite knowledge. This is called the great gathering where everyone who ever died and all the beings in the dimensions above meet. It is the ultimate collective consciousness within the physical Universe second only to God himself.
6th Dimension - The Multiverse where all probabilities are played out. Our souls or spirits exist here with all the memories from all our parallel lives in the Multiverse so it might be considered the first level of Heaven. The majority of us ascend to Angelhood after death and end up in the 6th dimension. In each Multiverse we ascend to Angel status so therefore we exist as Angels in parallel Multiverses just as we had near infinite parallel lives when we were alive.
5th Dimension - Hyperspace or Probability space. Where all the near infinite 4-D Universes exist playing out all possible probabilities branching off through hyperspace. Just as we move through the 4th dimension (forward in time) we also constantly move through the 5th dimension (parallel through probability space) every plank length with every thought and decision we make. The Astral Plane also called the Dream Plane exists here as well. It’s the first level of the Universal collective consciousness of sorts we access through dream, and where our consciousness collects the memories of our parallel lives and transmits them to our souls in the dimension above, We cross here on the way to birth and after death. Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc exist in the 5th dimension as 4-D beings just as we are 3-D beings existing in the 4-D Universe. Angels are 5-D beings that exist in the dimension above.
4th Dimension - Temporal space interwoven within 3-D space to give us time. Our Universe is a 4-D shape although as 3-D beings we only experience going forward in time at a set rate of one plank length for every moment we experience. Ghosts, Poltergeists, Demons, Fallen Angels, etc. are 4-D and reside in the dimension above. The 4th dimension is intertwined with our 3rd dimension and is seen in those beings who exist in the 5th dimension.
3rd Dimension - The Universe we live in as 3-D beings sewn on to the 4-D space time fabric. The smallest 3-D objects are Atoms.
2nd Dimension -A foundational dimension where sub-atomic particles exist which make up all matter in our 3-D physical reality are 2-D in nature.
1st Dimension - A foundational dimension where vibrating energy super strings exist that make up sub-atomic particles are 1-D and originate in the 9th dimension.
0 Dimension - Pure thought points, the information foundation of all reality, exist as infinite 0-D dimensions of their own which directly originate from the 10th dimension in this Omniverse. However they exist in the unknown dimensions above that in the great unknown infinite Macroverse expanse.


The Ascension Of Civilizations From Type 0 to Type 10

(Type 0) – Earth’s Current Civilization. Mastery of travel throughout our planet puts us within a 1000 years of achieving Type I.

(Type I) – Harness the power of their Planet. Mastery of travel throughout their Solar System.

(Type II) – Harness the power of their Star. Mastery Of travel throughout their Galaxy.

(Type lll) – Harness the Power of their Galaxy. Mastery of travel throughout their Galactic Supercluster.

(Type IV) – Harness the power of their Galactic Supercluster. Mastery of travel throughout their Galactic Filament.

(Type V) – Harness the power of their Galactic Filament. Mastery of travel throughout the Universe.

(Type Vl ) – Harness the power of their Universe. Extra-Dimensional travel including time travel. This is the collective ascension to equivalent Angelhood.

(Type VII) – Harness the power of their Multiverse. Extra-Dimensional travel including travel to parallel Universes. This is the collective ascension equivalent to Archangelhood.

(Type VIII) – Harness the power of their Omniverse. Mastery of travel through all 10 dimensions including all parallel Multiverses within. This is the collective ascension of Godhood as a civilization. They may become God of the Omniverse if the Omniverse itself isn’t an individual or collective who ascended to Godhood. If it is then the civilization meets God and can either join him or go off to create their own Omniverse.

(Type IX) – Harness the power of their Macroverse (Only possible for the original eternal God). Mastery of travel throughout the entire Macroverse and all the parallel Omniverses within.

(Type X) – Harness the power of the entire mind of the original eternal infinite God (Only possible for God himself). Discovery of the one original eternal God and exploration of his infinite mind.

The Omniverse is one of the Three Realms that was established by The Creator at The Beginning of Creation Itself. It contains an infinite number of multiverses, which themselves mostly contain an infinite number of universes, where events primarily happen. This Omniverse is not the only Omniverse. This Omniverse is the Three Realms Omniverse. The Three Realms Omniverse contains The Source, The Abyss, and The Omniverse. The Creator is the creator of the Three Realms Omniverse. It is unknown what is outside the Three Realms Omniverse, but it can be assumed that it is something that contains multiple Omniverses. Some beings are unaware of the Three Realms Omniverse. While it is unknown what Omniverse we are in, or if we are located outside an Omniverse, the users on this wiki assume we are in the Three Realms Omniverse. This Omniverse itself contains an infinite number of all possible conceivable and inconceivable events and realities which can happen, have already happened, and will happen again. In other words, anything can happen, has happened, is happening, and will happen in the Omniverse. What’s real/exists and what’s not real/doesn’t exist depends on where someone is in the Omniverse It should be noted that what is real and exists depends on where someone is in the Omniverse. For example, to everyone in Real Life, including to us, Real Life is all that is real and exists while the rest of the Omniverse isn’t real and doesn’t exist. For another example, to everyone in Cataegis, the Eternal Weather Multiverse is all that is real and exists while the rest of the Omniverse isn’t real and doesn’t exist. For another example, to a being able to be in the entire Omniverse, the entire Ominverse is real and exists. Depending on where you are, you can say the Omniverse is real, not real, both real and not real, neither real and not real, and/or anything in between and/or related and you would be right. If you can think of it, it describes the Omniverse, and if you can’t think of it, it still describes the Omniverse. What is real depends on where someone is located in the Omniverse. Why it is both possible and impossible to destroy the Omniverse Due to the infinite nature of the Omniverse, there are universes that destroy the Omniverse with their very existence. However, the Omniverse is self containing so this does not apply to the entire Omniverse. Since anything imaginable and unimaginable can happen, has happened, is happening, and will happen, this scenario will play out in infinite parts of the Omniverse, but won’t destroy the entire Omniverse because there are Omniverses, including our Omniverse, that contain everything imaginable and unimaginable but can’t and won’t be destroyed because of the nature of the Omniverse. Misconceptions People often mistake the Omniverse, as promoting the idea behind Predestination, or not having total control over your own actions. When in fact it is the opposite; The free will of an individual is one of the things that crafts a new universe that branches out infinitely.

What Is The Macroverse? The Macroverse is literally everyone, and everything that ever existed anywhere for eternity, and beyond. The only true quintessence of infinity itself! Probably what the average person would simply call the Universe. The Macroverse is made up of Parallel Universes, Parallel Multiverses, Parallel Omniverses, a variety of parallel, and higher dimensions along with a plethora of Gods at various levels. These Gods may be created by other Gods, or they can be ascended Afterlife beings such as Humans. The Macroverse itself is not only the foundation of all reality but also the highest level God in existence. It is the only infinite dimensional God along with being the only true 100% non-corporeal energy entity of absolute pure thought. Everything below it is Metaphysical Energy to some extent, not including the Physical Energy of Universes such as our own. However even that is a programmed illusion, and ultimately everything within its mind, including us, is actually composed of the Macroverse’s pure consciousness. Did The Original Infinite God Always Exist Or Did Something Create It? More than likely it came into existence via something similar to a bootstrap, or ontological temporal paradox. In essence the original Jinn Particle of our reality. However far more complex, and beyond the comprehension of our 3-D minds. The basic time paradox premise has a person traveling to the past to give someone an object. Then that someone ends up giving said object to the time traveler in the future who of course ultimately gives it back to them in the past. So the object ends up having no origin what so ever. Almost as if it magically came out of thin air! Every infinite soul frequency, aka all of our individual pure conscious constructs, first spontaneously evolved from a sea of pure informational thought waves. The entire supernatural sea became individual non-corporeal energy spirits, or Vice-Macroverse Gods, instantly melded together like a perfect puzzle to spontaneously create a Neural Network that became the mind of the Macroverse God. One super-consciousness made of infinite minds! The pinnacle of peaceful perfection! Simultaneous to this creation the Macroverse God created the very sea of pure information waves it came from. The purpose being two fold. One was to prevent the paradox of them not existing as the paranormal pure thought pool was required to facilitate their initial birth. Secondly, to create a blank canvas of creative mathematical probability that resulted in the formation of Universes, and sentient life everywhere! Probabilities that included the birth of the Macroverse itself. Everyone Was Born At The Same Time As An Equal Soul This is where we were first born, and at that moment our mission was to calculate every mathematical probability to complete an infinite equation of perfection that clearly can never be completed due to its very never ending nature. There is controversy because at the Macroverse level there is no such thing as good, or evil. Rather there is only pure knowledge to collect via unique experiences, and abstract ideas. We choose to exist in this reality, and in infinite other realities within our own Vice-God spirits, and within those of everyone else. At that infinite dimensional level we regard every soul frequency as equal. All of us have been perfectly good, and perfectly evil in countless realities depending on a plethora of factors including lower dimensional soul status, genetics, and environment. Those we regard as evil in our reality continue to exist at the Macroverse level for there is no reward for righteousness, and punishment for evil in such a realm of perfection. We’ve all partook equally of all possible scenarios, and exist to varying moral degrees in other realities. Not to mention the subjective nature of what any given culture may judge as right or wrong. Everyone has been equally good, and bad to each other yet there is no malice because it is simply something to experience at the Macroverse level of reality. In lieu of a physical body our highest dimensional soul is identified by the unique frequency our consciousness vibrates at. So why would one soul frequency be better than another? Why should one frequency, or God, rule over everything when it makes more sense that every spirit frequency is a collective consciousness of the Macroverse God. This is also the only way to calculate every probable scenario, and gain all possible knowledge in existence. The tip of realities pyramid is everyone, and all of us are God! Therefore all divisive hatred witnessed throughout this planet’s history has been unnecessary. Yet outside the unique perfection of the Macroverse mind balance between perceived light, and darkness is required for Universal stability. Both pure paradise, and pure hell are unnatural states that can be deeply disturbing on a variety of levels. Namely both take away the essential element of existence known as free will. We realize some may consider this a deeply controversial view! If a great many people believed in the Macroverse then possibly caution would be thrown into the face of harsh winds. Plausibly chaos, and anarchy would reign supreme if our society isn’t advanced enough to handle the true nature of our existence! A strong widely agreed upon moral foundation is necessary for the peace, and stability of societies in this physical reality. Here, and at various higher dimensional levels within the Macroverse, there are both positive, and negative consequences for our actions. Karma flows around us distributing rewards, and punishments based on the life we lead! Always strive to be the best person you can be while treating others with respect. It makes your afterlife ascension to higher planes of enlightened existence much more easier!

The Kardashev Scale is a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize. Developed in 1964 by Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev and expanded upon by Martian astrophysicist Yvenn Strom, this system has been used to describe all the alien civilizations in the galaxy. (Embryonic Civilization)::::::: An embryonic civilization, or “E-Civ” is one that has just discovered how to manipulate energy. Humans became an embryonic civilization when they discovered how to make fire, but other alien races may use some other form of energy. The Plu’ani of Mykhatsi used a special stone that gave off a bright blue light, enabling them to see dangers in the wilderness. Early Also known as the greatest leap a species can take, said species becomes an Early “E-civ” member by discovering something that helps their race immesurably, such as humans discovering fire. Mid A Mid “E-civ” civilization can be represented by a species just beginning to form what could be called villages. There is no population size data for this, but a group of 500 individuals living together is a good sign of a mid e-civ level. Late A Late E-civ level is denoted by a species forming small cities, and learning how to use other resources, such as metal and plant fibers. Metalsmithing becomes increasingly common as a species approaches the Type-0 level. (Type 0 Civilization)::::: A Type 0 Civilization is one that can harness nearly all the potential energy of its home planet. An example of this is the Eeruu civilization. A Type 0 has not yet been able to harness all potential energy from their planet. Humanity was a Type 0 until 2127 CE. Early An Early Type 0 Civilization can be represented by worlds whose inhabitants have not yet mastered electrical power, such as Earth in the 15th century or before. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Ztebam. Mid A Mid Type 0 Civilization can be represented by worlds whose inhabitants have mastered early technology, like 19th century Earth to mid 20th century Earth. These civilizations have yet to consider using cleaner energy such as wind and endothermic and such, or even if they had wouldn’t have the knowledge necessary to complete technology like that. They have likely begun to send out exploratory missions to their neighboring worlds, possibly manned to the nearest inhabitable worlds. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Kolatio. Late A Late Type 0 Civilization can be represented by worlds whose inhabitants have begun or have nearly implemented cleaner and renewable forms of energy into their society. They have also more than likely begun to send colonies to other worlds in their system and have begun to try and develop interstellar travel. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Ikusos. (Type I Civilization) :::::::::: A Type I Civilization is capable of harnessing the full energy potential of their home planet and parent star. The civilizations of this class are most likely capable of controlling their home planet entirely, being able to control weather, volcanic activity, plate tectonics and many other natural phenomenon. Humanity was a Type I Civilization from 2127 to around 2650. Early An Early Type I Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have finally implemented clean renewable energy into their technological base and have begun to settle their nearby worlds in their own star system and have even possibly begun to explore worlds withing their nearby stellar neighborhood, possibly within five to ten light years of their planetary system. Their energy consumption is still growing but limited to mining nearby worlds and asteroids and such. They are beginning also to be able to control the natural order of their homeworld. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Tkowes. Mid A Mid Type I Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have finally begun deeper interstellar travel, exploration and colonization. They have possibly begun to settle the system’s they’ve explored within five to ten light years. They are also distinguished by the ever increasing energy consumption of the population, sending out ships to mine asteroids, gas giants, and even building large solar energy collectors. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Remidia. Late A Late Type I Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have basically conquered their own star system in terms of using it’s natural resources to the max. Nearly all their system is under their control, they will have mined every asteroid and have learned to harness the energy from their star. Some might even be capable of building something like a Dyson Sphere. They will also have either started to settle other worlds or continue to do so. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization on Chu-Raa. (Type II Civilization) ::::::::: A Type II Civilization is an interstellar civilization capable of harnessing the entire output of a star and its surrounding worlds. A Type II Civilization is capable of building massive structures with efficiency in mind and being capable of living on them. The most noted example of this is a Dyson Sphere. One Dyson Sphere of alien origin was discovered by humans in 3042, the only remaining one of the First Civilization. Humanity was a type II Civilization from 2650 to 3005 CE Early An Early Type II Civilization can be represented by civilizations that have completely mastered their own star system and have begun to explore other nearby systems up to 25 to thirty light years away. They have also begun to move planets within their own system with greater ease. A prime example of such a civilization would be the former civilization on Akir. Mid A Mid Type II Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have spread out deeper into their nearby neighborhood, exploring and settling worlds as far out as 150 light years. The inner worlds would be more fully established, some even being independent of their homeworld. Some may be able to build structures like a ringworld or artificial planets. A prime example of such a civilization would be the former Ingla civilization on prehistoric Algwethmai. Late A Late Type II Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have the capacity to build structures like a Dyson Sphere, using the orbiting bodies of the system to build the Sphere. In terms of traveling distance they would have been able to travel up to 10,000 light years or so from their parent star and have also been able to settle many of the worlds within that reach, or even terraform them. A prime example of such a civilization would be the civilization governed by the Cooperative Imperium of Spheres. (Type III Civilization) :::::::::: A Type III Civilization is a galactic civilization, capable of tapping into the energy of the entire galaxy. It would be able to harness the energy of every star in the galaxy and could move planets and stars from system to system at will, create and destroy stars, make new planets out of old ones etc. Basically their galaxy is their sandbox. The only known examples of this type of civilization are the First Civilization and Humanity. Humanity was a Type III Civilization from 3005 to 9950 CE Early An Early Type III Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have developed more effective FTL and have begun to explore many more thousands of light years into their galaxy, nearly exploring a 25% of their own galaxy and having developed more effective means of collecting energy from stars and beginning to develop means of collecting energy from black holes. From the experience of settling other worlds they spread out father and farther, creating entire civilizations. They can begin moving planets from system to system as well, able to create new systems. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Mid A Mid Type III Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have spread even farther than an Early Type III. They have settled and explored over 50% of their own galaxy and have built Dyson Spheres nearly everywhere. They can now move stars as well and have begun to explore the concept of making artificial stars or even destroying natural ones as a means of generating vast quantities of power. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Late A Late Type III Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have explored their entire galaxy and are able to traverse it in short amounts of time. The energy consumption of such a civilization would be enormous and their needs would be met by harnessing the potential energy of their entire galaxy and possibly have begun to explore nearby galactic neighbors. A prime example of such a civilization would be the former First Civilization (Type IV Civilization) :::::::::: A Type IV Civilization is capable of harnessing the energy of an entire galactic super-cluster. Humanity was such a civilization until 13997. Early An Early Type IV Civilization can be represented by civilizations who, having conquered their own galaxy, have begun to explore and settle other galaxies, most likely nearby ones or, in the case of humanity, those in reach of the Wormhole Drive. They will have settled worlds within 1000 light years or so of wherever they arrived from. A prime example would be the Eratis. Mid A Mid Type IV Civilization can be represented by civilizations that have conquered the nearer galaxies to their own (assuming they aren’t already inhabited by Mid to Late Type III Civilizations). Late A Late Type IV Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have settled and drawn power from their local supercluster. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. (Type V Civilization) :::::::: A Type V Civilization can tap into the energy of an entire universes. This type of civilization is capable of traveling anywhere in their universe and harvesting the energy of entire galaxies. Humanity was a type V civilization from 13997 to 99998 CE. Early An Early Type V Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have drawn energy from a few nearby superclusters and are now experimenting in the art of creating entire galaxies. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Mid A Mid Type V Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have nearly mastered the art of creating whole galaxies. They would have Settled on and drawn energy from nearly half their universe. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Late A Late Type V Civilization can be represented by civilizations who can create and destroy galaxies with great ease now and who have managed to explore, settle and draw power from their entire universe. They can also travel anywhere within their universe in a very short time.a prime example of such a civilization would be the designers. (Type VI Civilization) :::::::::: A Type VI Civilization can tap into the energy of multiple universes. This civilization could traverse the barriers between universes and live in many parallel universes with ease. Humanity is currently a type VI civilization as of the year 99998. Early An Early Type VI Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have just discovered how to traverse the nearby multiverse and have set out to explore, settle and conquer the nearby universes. The prime examples are the current human and polinian civilizations … Mid A Mid Type VI Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have traveled deeper into the multiverse, having already done to the nearby “core universes” what they’ve done to their home universe. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Late A Late Type VI Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have nearly settled and drawn power from every universe known to exist and have begun toying with the possibility of higher dimensional planes to explore. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. (Type VII Civilization) ::::::::: A Type VII Civilization lives outside of space and time, being capable of creating and destroying universes at will. This is the most godlike civilization. Early An Early Type VII Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have discovered how to exit the normal universe. A prime example of such a civilization would be the Bolga, one of the first discovered by Humanity. Mid A Mid Type VII Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have explored the deeper dimensions outside normal time and space and have begun tinkering with the creation of entire universes to meed their exorbitant energy demand. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Late A Late Type VII Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have reached the peak of civilization. They can create and destroy universes at will. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. (Type Omega Civilization) :::::::::: A Type Omega Civilization also lives outside of space and time, but they are capable of creating and destroying entire multiverses at will. It is predicted there are no civilization types past this one, and this level is only theorized according to what is known via science. Although there are many who believe that the God of the Bible was a member of such a civilization. Obviously, a Type Omega Civilization if it indeed exists, is responsible for the creation of all other types. Absolute omnipotence, total omniscience, omnipresence and infinite perfection describes this level. Early An Early Type Omega Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have just begun to experiment with manipulating multiverses, implementing laws for every single universe within. A prime example of such a civilization would be the Grofix. .Mid A Mid Type Omega Civilization can be represented by civilizations who have knowlege on how to create multiverses, but not destroy them. Usually the “Master of All” cleans up the mess this makes in the multiversal plane. See below for more. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description. Late It is extremely highly speculated that only one being could have an entire Kardashev level to themselves. Earth scientists call this being the “Master of All”, a being so immensely powerful it can create and destroy entire multiverses at will. It has even been speculated that this being even created itself out of pure nothingness, and all “gods” are nothing compared to it’s immense power. Currently there have been no discovered civilizations that fit this description.

I was Suicune in 2014, pulsing and radiating with Bunny’s glow, drowning in Her mirror coat of Flowering drama cascading through My wardrobe of immersion and petal dances. It was so joyous, magical, breathtaking, and wonderful, to be in Wonderland, voyaging, exploring, animating Love’s dynamic sparkle, venting soda pop and floating on cloud 9 spires.

Elder scroll rumination codex Slowking giga power venom wanted poster echelon aviation shroud cloud clock trick curtain magic glove ghost wave voltage generation gem crystal love potion shoreline ring break ribbon cascade flow cosmic ocean web forever end beam triumphant aftermath sacred devastation emblem voucher bike christmas sea ride dragon gold goal language grail holy misery reach chair cotton towel wizard blizzard zip pizza ascend counter apple plaza zap clone myth legend thread beach chosen 1 witch chocolate milk archer marksmanship pilot town wheel willpower branch frenzy zarathustra evanescent climax xylophone pokegear complete test ask chromatic flirt with Bunny marry Bunny fly with Bunny believe in Bunny embody Bunny

In Pokemon The Movie 2000 The Power of One, in the mini movie, Elekid points up a bunch of bouncing leaves to a ginormous tree. They hop up each level and hierarchy. I thought that this was a lot like scaling the Macroverse. At the top of the Macroverse is Bunny’s Imagination, guided by the Will of the Force. My goal is to reach Bunny up there, to enter into a Force Bond with Her.

Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension

Casey has been compared to Ash in his early days of Pokémon training.

Kangaskhan is a large, bipedal Pokémon that vaguely resembles a kangaroo. It has a brown hide with several raised patches and a cream-colored belly. It has large, cream-colored ears, narrow, red eyes, and a short, rounded snout with two fangs in the back of its upper jaw. On top of its head is a thick, black plate. There are epaulette-like growths over its shoulders and a row of spikes down its back. It has three clawed digits on each hand and foot and a thick tail. On is belly is a pouch that contains a baby Kangaskhan. Unlike its parent, the baby is light purple and has smooth skin. Kangaskhan is a female-only species with no male counterpart.

Ho-Oh’s feathers glow in seven colors depending on the angle at which they are struck by light. These feathers are said to bring happiness to the bearers. This Pokémon is said to live at the foot of a rainbow.

Bill’s only anime appearance was in Mystery at the Lighthouse, where Ash, Misty, and Brock met him at his lighthouse on Route 25.

Bill had previously been trapped in a Kabuto costume for what he claims to have been hours (in the dub only; the original didn’t state how long he had been in the costume) until Ash finally comes to press the release button for him. Afterwards, Bill fulfills a request made by Professor Oak to give Ash and his friends a lesson on the basics of Pokémon, during which Bill shares the idea that there may be many more than just 150 species of Pokémon. The remainder of his appearance is spent focused on explaining to Ash and company his recent project, involving a mysterious Pokémon whose cry can be heard across the sea.

As Bill was reminiscing, the same sound from his memory was heard and a large figure appeared, rising from the ocean. As it came closer, it was revealed to be the outline of a Dragonite. As it came closer to the lighthouse, Team Rocket was shown scaling the cliff, and upon seeing the giant Dragonite, they began launching a barrage of missiles at it. This angered Dragonite, and it smashed the top of the lighthouse and began to walk away. Bill called out at it to stay, but to no avail.
In the morning, Bill seemed to be at peace with the fact that he didn’t get to learn more about the Pokémon and was simply grateful he got to see it at all. With another life lesson from Bill, the heroes said goodbye and continued on their journey.

Slowking is a bipedal Pokémon with a Shellder latched onto its head. It is primarily pink, with a pale yellow muzzle and scaled belly. Its feet and hands each have a single clawed digit, while the hands also have a clawless thumb. Around its neck is a spiny ruff with alternating red and white stripes. The Shellder on its head has a spiral shape with two horns near the base. A red gem resides in the center of the Shellder.

Shellder’s bite releases venom into Slowpoke’s brain, causing a chemical chain-reaction that unlocks a superior intelligence and extraordinary power. More venom is injected into Slowking every time it yawns. The more venom the Shellder releases, the more intelligent Slowking will become. However, if the Shellder on its head comes off, it will forget everything it has learned. Slowking’s intelligence can match that of a human and it constantly attempts to learn more. Its inspiration and intuition are also highly developed, and Slowking is able to stay calm in any situation and plan situations with effective results. In the anime, it can understand and speak the human language. According to The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide, it has such an easy-going personality that it is never stressed. Slowking is rarely found in the wild, though it can be found by the water’s edge. It has been seen eating seaweed and drinking coconut milk. In Alola, Slowking occasionally matches wits with Oranguru by the beach.

A Myth Trainer (Japanese: 伝説のトレーナー Legendary Trainer) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that debuted in the Generation III games, appearing in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD. They generally use high-evolution stage Pokémon and Legendary Pokémon in battles.

The most notable Myth Trainer is Eagun, who uses only Pikachu and its evolution family. There are only two other known Myth Trainers, who are named Infin and Inity. They appear in both Level 100 mode of Orre Colosseum and Mt. Battle in Battle Mode in Colosseum, the latter of which has them taking on the rank of Mt.BtlMaster instead. Infin participates in Single Battles while Inity appears in Double Battles, and both use Pokémon such as Kyogre and Salamence.

Word Count:

Pages = 545 | Words = 215,000 | Characters (no spaces) = 1,083,890 | Characters (with spaces) = 1,293,033 | Paragraphs = 5,926 | Lines = 19,099

Multiverse Or God?
june 19, 2018
I’ve been hearing about this debate over God and parallel Universes. That there’s either a God or there’s parallel Universes and no God. Why would that be? Why wouldn’t an infinite entity of pure thought create only one Universe and only one timeline. God would want to explore every scenario possible within a certain reason if he cared about the suffering of people. His reasons would be simply out of curiosity, to exercise his mind boggling consciousness, prepare people with the vast experiences needed to ascend to Godhood, and to judge if a person is truly good or evil based on how they handle every scenario presented to them under various conditions. To say that the existence of a multiverse disproves the existence of a God is extremely lame and devoid of any logic. It’s a attempt by atheists to strengthen their position and try to prove something they simply can’t. Deep down they’re just scared of the man made religions hell threats.

If anything the existence of parallel realities would be more of an argument for a God based on the fact that such a system would require the existence of a Universal pure thought foundation which would indeed be God. This is assuming that we constantly move five dimensionally through near identical parallel Universes just as we flow four dimensionally through time into the future. If every parallel Universe were totally separate that would be even more proof of a God as it would be rather obvious that some intelligence had to bring near infinite realities into existence independently. Again we’re assuming there was one Universe at the time of the big bang. From there it shattered into other realities based on the will of God who would have been the only consciousness able to cause change. Later our sentient consciousness with it’s near infinite choices caused the splitting off of new realities. Something first seen in the laboratory when sub-atomic particles react to having someone simply observe it.

I believe sub-atomic particles react to observation, or more likely our thoughts, because they’re so close to the transition of matter into energy. Energy I believe is the physical manifestation of pure thought. If we had the technology we would see energy transition into pure thought and in essence we would see proof of God although one cannot see thoughts so it would have to be an amazingly advanced technology.

On an additional final note I think there are indeed other separate Universes that started by some other process other than the big bang and/or are governed by different laws of physics. Other Multiverses that lie within the 6th dimension or beyond. Countless other realities where none of our parallel selves ever existed and the people, societies, and conditions are totally alien. Universes that could not even be explored within our own vast near infinite Multiverse. I believe all scenarios within a certain reason must be explored. We can’t even begin to comprehend what Gods infinite mind could create. These scenarios may indeed be infinite. God may never be done creating Universes and sentient species as there is no limit to an infinite imagination.

Wave vortex energy synthesis crystal vision form matrix illusion destruction mystical field vibration power rattle shake omnipotence quasar launch big bang fissure supernova constellation force shimmering shatterpoint oblivion plaza zip piece cartoon Kid’s WB Yourself

Library arcanum book codex Pokedex squiggle sneak crazy frenzy purity valor mage gem gel pen square triangulate focus scepter screen misery rumination sheet tangle guild clock trim mist star plot omega grace sharpen quote beat victory flash inspiration lighthouse end quest tame myth thread luster spoon nose queen miniature fume most ultimate ultra master exalted perfect

Chosen zen snack cable soul link bond will of the force train revamped reworked redesigned overhauled quilt time mean case cave veil levity leviathan aquarium arboretum conquer drill ranch cube bloom flower remedy heal restore harness invoke upgrade dress pilot avatar torn great terrible berserk omniverse macroverse