Sailing the Aegean

I gestured to the majestic light,
A sign of victory and spite
Forthcoming, I was
Gentle as an evening breeze, after a long day of searing heat
Casually I danced, and casually I sang, and sat by my own side
Alone but not, yet, lonely,
Settling, into my thoughts, like a bird upon its nest full of coming births
If I weren’t so heavy with scars,
Well, I thought,
I could dance upon the stars
From where I fell and cracked but did not break,
Perhaps, a beautiful mistake,
And ever since, then, I limp,
And tumble and gamble by wealth away

Have I not listened carefully to your mindless humming, passionately consuming the tones and rhythms you aimlessly cast about?
I wrote lyrics to accompany your thoughtless tunes and repeated them back hoping to stir, in you, a longing lost in time.
I thought I had recalled your memories, giving them shape and form when it was you who reverberated in me what I had forgotten but not yet denied.

Let me die in your place, if it frees you to live unburdened by the thought.
I promise to keep it from creeping into my mind, ruining those almost perfect moments when you laugh, as if you’ll live forever, and I, in you, find the courage to endure twice dying: once, to myself, and the second, more painful than the first, to you.

Beauty, oh beauty, I watch, unable to bring myself to touch you, fearing I might ruin what I cannot have.
Beauty, oh beauty, I witness, unable to own you, seeing myself reflected in you, wanting for you what I wish for myself, to be free from grasping, unspoiled by another’s touch.
If you would give yourself, to me, I would refuse, as I would the giving of myself to you.
I belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to I.

Perhaps, a limited, ephemeral, grace, sweeping against each other, leaving its mark before it goes on.
Perhaps, a partial sharing, a glance that sees and then sees no more, leaving an image before it is swept on.

Nothing is complete, nothing is eternal.
All is fractions of give and take.
We carry and are carried, on different paths, towards unknown destinies; pieces of ourselves belonging to strange travellers, crammed into their baggage, not knowing when and if they will be unpacked; pieces of strangers belonging to us, memories that may, or may not, be recalled and relived in their hazy imperfection - mementos, evoking vague, uncertain, memories we hope to repeat.

They take my words as pearls, adjusting them to their own adorning jewels, not once showing gratitude for a gift of such enormous magnitude.

Silently I watch knowing that if I speak they will fall silent, and I do not wish to startle their flowing impulses dry; in the breadcrumbs I taste the rye.

I failed, as a son.
When I heard my father weep, I did not rush to embrace him, comforting myself through his lament.
Instead, I stood back, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, wondering what I should do; what I possibly could do.
The moment passed, in procrastinating uncertainty, the silence, that came, more heart-wrenching than the sounds of his tears.

The greatest of all struggles.
To make yourself the kind of parent you wished you had.

No, not automatically. It is the ability to be able to put one’s self or core within the emotions of another, to imagine and experience what the other is experiencing. I see it as a positive awareness, not a negative one. I do not see any pre-judgment there - it just comes as a - well, let us say as a gentle wave washing over us. lol

As for your second line, I do not agree with this. You seem to be speaking about projection here where we attribute to others our own unconscious negative thoughts and emotions.

Empathy is an advancement away from sympathy/antipathy, which si easier.
The ego projects itself into the circumstances of another and sympathizes with how it imagines the other is feeling.
This is not empathy, which eliminates the ego and the self, form the projection, to leave the pure other, as he/she is, feeling neither antipathy nor sympathy.
Objective understanding of another subjective mind.

Sympathy is a form of self-pity, using another as a mirror.

Empathy is to Objectivity what Sympathy/Antipathy is to subjectivity - binary dualities expressing a relationship.

Moderns are obsessed with the positive, the attraction part, due to the state of the cosmos, tending towards chaos.
It expresses a nostalgia for a return to the near-absolute state of Yin/Yang, or the state preceding the Big Bang, i.e., the duality of order/chaos in a state of near-perfect balance.

lol You really know how to give some words a bad name. “Real” sympathy is a “sharing” of someone’s grief or pain. Like drinking from the same cup.

There is no self-pity there - only a compassion and understanding for.

Of course, you may have a point here. There may be some individuals who are experiencing self-pity rather than sympathy - more projection going on. That could probably be seen by their maudlin words and behavior.

No, not “some”. All.
We relate to the other’s pain because we share it. He share the existential needs and suffering we appreciate in others. We project, and projection si the easiest form of understanding the alien other.
It produces errors.
The other may be like us, but not absolutely so.
When you sympathize or antipathize you cloud your judgments with emotions.

Empathy is about cold, hard, objective, reasoning.

Not some ALL. :LOL: Who died and made you the language police of meaning?

Give me a ‘real’ dictionary any time.

The naughty word monitor is present.
Red flag in hand…proud as a pea-cock. The only way anyone notices.

Like I said give me a dictionary any time. Heave too on the mainsheet mate, you’re stuck in irons. Rudder hard off the wind.

Thanks for contributing to my thread…ossifer.
I can look forward to similar deep insightful commentary.

And thanks for maintaining this forum at high intellectual standards.
You’ve done an excellent job…for your master.
Liberals are so nice.

In the dark the tiniest spark seems like a roaring flame.
In the twilight, shadows merge and divergence seems indistinguishable; contradictions merge and synthesize.
In the light, the tiniest difference, the smallest flaw, is distinct and clear.

Liars prefer the twilight.

Must be mid day somewhere. Thought I’d introduce a bit a sailing speak to keep er in theme. Let out the jib, you’re falling off the wind. Geez it’s like you’ve never sailed before? I like to sail, I think I’ll stick around and keep your ship in shape.

A talentless mind wants to take credit for another’s talent, by becoming his proof reader.

This is how the chosen, chose themselves as worm-tongues; whispering in the ears of ancient royalty.