Power of Nil

Easterners already knew that nothingness does not mean nothing.
The key word there is 'thing", as in some-thing, and no-thing, implying no thingness.
what is this 'thing"?
It is how a subjective consciousness experiences - interprets - order, by simplifying/generalizing a pattern into a abstraction - a thing.
So, no-thingness mans no patterns, no order.

This corresponds to the ancient Greek conception of chaos - ΧΑΟΣ - expanse.
If we use Heidegger’s language, space impossibility and matter/energy, order, is probability.
The no-thingness is an absence of order - patterns that can be experienced as appearance.
Nothingness is not void of energy, of existence.
Existence cannot come from non-existence. But order, can emerge within chaos.
What is void is existence of order.
Nothingness implies a state of random energies - an expanse of possibilities with no probabilities, from which the probable emerges as a 'beginning" of some-thingness.

Nihilism is a psychological reaction to reality.
there is no ‘one’ and no ‘nil’ in existence. Both are mental abstractions - ideas/ideals. Their meaning is based on the individual’s relationship with existence.

I already explained all that…but you do not bother to read. Because you are a cynic using the nil to dismiss anything and everything too troubling or requiring more than a bit of effort.

Skepticism is warranted in everything, because there is no absolute and so no possibility of omniscience.
But skepticism can also be sued as a psychological tool, like selectively demanding absolute evidence when this is impossible, in one context, and then showing remarkable leniency in others…like how you swallowed Will to Power, with no second thought.

You have no power to shut anything down. you are merely a gadfly - Will to Powerlessness.
You’ve already made it clear that Will to Power does not apply to you, but to your god, the universe, who has the will and the power, and you are but a reflection - power through association.
Herd psychology.

Everything is a proposition.
One has to evaluate what is more and what is less probable.

Nihilism, as I said a dozen times before, is a attitude, projecting abstractions as a defence against a cosmos that does not provide to it what it expects and demands.
Your idol Nietzsche, only spoke of psychology. His only insights were psychological, nihilism is psychological, eternal return is psychological.
He had nothing new to say outside human psychology.

Student of S or S himself?

Without the nil, there is no one.
This agrees with the cosmological model of the ancients that believed in chaos preceding existence. The age of the Titans, preceding the age o the Olympians.
A metaphorical way of saying that chaos precedes order, and order is where thingness is probable - from no-thingness, to some-thingness.
Nothingness is not …nothing.
Nothingness is the absence of probability or order that can be interpreted as thingness - abstraction.

Without nil there is no life. Life being the negation of what is other than itself.

Are you s…sure?

That those are the options? No. Wanna answer?

Answer what question?

I don’t speak geek code.
I don’t even know what ‘s’ means.
A letter?

Well, that’s an answer, actuallly, thanks.

Suffering succotash, something sure smells something stupendous.


Absolute power of the nil.
If the absolute one is non-existent, then the absolute nil must be worshiped in its place.
A slight flaw only proves the absolute power of the nil.
If absolute evidence of the singularity is offered, then we must admit that the absolute nil is the fabric of reality.

If absolute gnosis cannot be proven - omniscience - then we are all equally ignorant.
If absolute power is not evident - omnipotence - then we are all equally powerless.

Nil creates a negative uniformity.

youtube.com/watch?time_cont … e=emb_logo

Gotta check in on your various ‘its’ in the sentence. The nihilist projects into reality the absolute that his own philosophy denies the possibility of?

IOW ‘it’ nr. 1 refers ‘reality’, ‘it’ nr. 2 refers to nihilism?

Yes. the noetic is projected into reality to “correct” its absence.

I don’t know which one you label #2.

The power of nil is founded on the absence of absolutes:
absolute gnosis; absolute power, absolute oneness (singularity).

The positive psychosis takes advantage of this absence to declare its own abstractions the hidden absolute, using language to substitute for actions; using noumena in the absence of phenomenal (empirical) evidence.
The pure nihilist psychosis takes advantage of this absence to selectively deny and dismiss what si threatening to tis well-being, on the ground that it lacks absolute evidence, and to remain true to his preferred ideology, on the grounds that is is as plausible as any other, given that there is no omniscience.

To put it another way…in th absence of a one-god (anthropomorphic absolute) - omniscient omnipotent, omnipresent - the desperate mind declares himself a god, ro declares all men equally powerless and ignorant.
If not absolute one, then absolute nil.
The concept of absolute can be renamed ‘universe’ or ‘one’ (singularity), ridding itself of the infantile anthropomorphosis but retaining all other traits and implications, such as the absence of free-will to maintain “innocence” as a substitute for salvation.

by nihilists, not, say, religious people?

The second it, the red one.

My definition expands to include secular forms of absolutism.
I acknowledge the origins in psychology, which develops into spiritual nihilism - religions like Abrahamism’s triad - and then evolves into secular forms, like post-modernism, Marxism, etc.

I trace the origins back to emerging self-consciousness, exposing the ego - lucid part of self - to a reality that distresses it, producing existential anxiety.
It gradually becomes aware of how it compares to other, producing insecurity and vulnerability, which nihilism acts as a defence against.

What does existence deny existence to?
Absolutes, i.e., certainty, perfection, completion, wholeness, omniscience, omnipotence, or any term understood as an absolute, including ‘god’, ‘truth’, ‘morality’, ‘self’…
Absolute = indivisible, immutable, singularity.
The mind fabricates these concepts - abstractions - and then demands them to be in existence - projecting them as already existing.
When it fails to discover them, or when faces with the possibility that they be entirely of tis own making, it calls the cosmos a ‘negative’.
So, nihilism, the concept itself, is an expression of nihilism.
A cosmos void of a one-god, universal morality, universal purpose, is not a negative but a positive, because it makes life possible, and because it exists, as it is, without requiring these noetic absolutes.
The projections themselves, if taken literally, and as what they are, becomes expressions of nihilism as they would negate the cosmos as it is.

But my positions proposes a cleansing of language from these corruptive elements and the appropriate definition of words, by understanding what language is and why it evolves.
For example, the concept of ‘morality’ need not a one-god to have meaning, nor is it entirely subjective, but refers to a kind of behaviour we witness in many species, and not only in the homo sapient.
What is common between these species?
They all use cooperative survival and reproductive strategies, necessitating tolerance and sympathy to facilitate the process and to overcome an already present fight/flight mechanism.
Morality does not require a god, nor is it subjective, or a social construct.
We must differentiate ethics from moral behaviour, as we have between genetics and memetics.
I use ethics to make the distinction clear.
Ethics evolves as an addition to the already evolved moral behaviour, as a way to facilitate coexistence on a human scale - and not a tribal one.
But this requires unpacking.

My position claims that much of modern language use is infected by nihilistic understanding, due to the effect of Abrahamism over the past 2,000 years.

To make it more clear…I claim that because language is infected by nihilistic defensiveness, much of what passes for “philosophy” is nonsensical debates over ideologies, and psychological fabrications.
More politics and marketing, if not psychological expressions of anxiety.
We are so used to this misuse of language that we adopt obscurantism as a profound insight, because it allows us to project into the vague poetics our own psychological issues and find relief in how they are reflected back in an endless dialogue over nonsense.
Occultism was a primitive way of converting the unknown, which produced anxiety, into something intimate - by naming it. Now it has become an argument in itself.
We accept nonsense using occult insinuations because we fear that what we perceive to be true is, in fact, so.
We secretly wish to erase the obvious…and this ‘secret’ is what makes the occult so effective.
It seduces and exploits human frailty and need/desire.

Just to tie a few threads, so to speak, together…