2 months--no drugs or alcohol

My point was that drugs, as a means of self-overcoming, of making life more difficult, represent in some men a will to greatness (of course there are those who do drugs to make tv more enjoyable but lets not dwell on them) and that stopping use of them has to do with recognition of having reached the end of the line with this particular means. Yes, one stops drugs to preserve ones life, and Ive seen plenty of friends die for failing at such politics before oneself, but, to iterate the singular Nietzchean point, preserving life is not itself the purpose of life.

Why preserve ones life? For fear of death? I don’t think so. For fear of dying? In part. For fear of the misery one would inflict? Yes, surely that is a part. And this shows how ones purposes for staying alive lie beyond oneself. For fear of wasting ones potential, ones greatness, on a mere experience? This fear is born of greatness.

Why preserve ones life?
Because will to power.

I’d say that’s quite the improvement. :wink:

You don’t notice a distinction?

If we were in rehab, now would be the time where I tell you how much more hardcore my drug use was than yours. But I’ll skip it.

Now you know, Gib.

Good luck, and as always, at your service if ever you need it!

You deserve to live right. That you should also hear. And that it is possible.

From there on, one thing that is not possible is forcing an addict to get help. Tis why our only mission is to make sure you have the facts.

I know I did this all wrong somehow, but fuck it. Like I said at the beginning, this was more for me than for you. I have remembered much.

Truest thing I ever heard at rehab:

At the gates of heaven,

First me, then me, and if there is any left over,

For me.

You don’t have a sense of humor?

Do the competitions really get that petty?

Don’t beat yourself up over it. Even if you didn’t rub me the wrong way, I’d still be pretty adamant about doing this my way. And always remember, this is ILP. People aren’t nice here. It’s a place to scrap. You sorta get used to it after a while. It becomes fun in a twisted way.

That’s too bad, this place is starting to liven up a bit. I’m trying real hard to revive this poor girl of a forum.

We’re going to need this forum when the massive internet censorship purges begin in the United States concerning thought crimes.

She’s doing fine, we still live together.

Over the years I’ve learned one thing, this modern society is its own worse enemy, it will simply tear itself a part. :sunglasses:

I’ve been reading through some of my old stuff recently, the Reforming Democracy thread in particular. Ah, those were the days. ILP was a bit more interesting back then.

And what is your plan for this forum when this happens? Will it become a stronghold, a sort of internet trench on the information battle field from which to fend off the idea censors? I wonder how one would pulled that off.

Good to hear. Tell her sorry that the AP thing never panned out for me.

That’s the nature of the beast. Pretty much has been for all republics in history. They rise up in a surge of glory and collapse in a spectacular crash. Not a lot of time elapses in the interim, but great things happen in that small historical blip nonetheless.

Democracy? :laughing: :sunglasses:

Plans? No plans, as I said in another thread that will be the point the government either shuts down the internet or it will be so entirely censored making free expression illegal and impossible.

AP thing?

Democracy and republics are retarded step children of classical liberalism which as far as I’m concerned is a failed philosophical experiment, both need to die and be dropped into the dust bin of history.

Fixed Cross,

…because despite the fact that it is not always so or at least does not always seem so, we have been given this life and it may be the only life which we have, and if we try hard enough to see it, it can be oh so awesome, enjoyable, full of wonder, beautiful, such a learning experience, well worth the living of it.

Have you never experienced that?

Gotta new job!

It’s weird. They really wanted me. And I mean wanted me in a WTF kinda way. First of all, their main framework is VueJS, which I’m not overly skilled at by any stretch. And I told them this… twice! I said out of the major Javascript frameworks out there, Angular is my strong point, followed by React, then Vue. I had some exposure to Vue on a few projects and I took a Udemy course in it, but I told them I wouldn’t consider myself a senior at it. Furthermore, I told them I have no experience in Vuetify, which they also use (although that’s changed in the last couple of days). I also bombed on a couple of newbie questions. They asked me to define “polymorphism” and “encapsulation”, two object orientation terms which I should know but have barely used and so my memory on what they mean exactly is a little rusty. I took a stab at them, looked them up on google later, and found I got it wrong!

Then my recruiter calls me up and says they want to give me an offer. I tell them I wish to respectfully decline because I’m working on a practicum for Boardwalk, which I feel really confident about. Boardwalk is offering $85/hour whereas Bode (the company I now work for) is offering $70, so while I could take the offer, I feel good about my chances with Boardwalk. Then she calls me back and says Bode will match the offer of $85/hour! I’m like whaaaat?!

So I took it! (I actually couldn’t put down the practicum; I continued working on it nonetheless, for at least a few hours. You can see it here in fact: ; remember, I abandoned it part way through so not all functionality is there).

So yeah, they reeeally wanted me for some odd reason. Oh well, not gonna complain.

So I really don’t want to fuck this up. I’m on my meds, but there’s a snag. After about day 4 on my meds earlier this month, I grew tolerant. So I went off them. I talked to my doctor about it and he said he’d put in a referral to a psychiatrist for me, the purpose of which will be to talk about additional meds. The idea is to go on the dextroamphetamine for 2 or 3 days, then switch to a different med for 2 or 3 days. (I’ll probably do 3 days of dextro, 2 days of whatever else they give me, then take the weekend off). That gives my brain time to get over any tolerance either drug may have.

(At this point, I’m wondering why I don’t just go on caffeine for the latter two days.)

What I DON’T want to do is up the dosage. And I really don’t get why this is ever recommended at all. Any doctor who recommends upping the dosage went to some pretty shady med school. All that would do is make you tolerant to the new dosage, and then the dosage after that, then the dosage after that, and you would end up in a vicious cycle from which the fall into withdrawal would be excruciating. And I know from my experiences with caffeine, you can max out tolerance. I’ve grown so tolerant to caffeine that I could drink 50 cups of coffee and not feel anything. So no thank you. Gonna try alternating drugs.

so for now, I’m on dextro with breaks in between. If I can align those breaks with the Christmas holidays and New Years, I should be OK until I get my second prescription. Don’t wanna chance allowing my ADD/SCT getting through and screwing up my work. So I feel my chances with this new job are good.

I believe a congratulations is in order, sir. That’s great news and certainly impressive. I imagine you put a great deal of time and effort into learning those skills and you should be paid well for them. Hats off to you for $85 an hour… but don’t get too comfortable with it and always keep in mind how much you’re actually worth. You and your co-workers should strive together to bring salaries up and receive more of the value of what you produce.

I believe a congratulations is in order for me as well. I just quit a job. high five

Nothing to be alarmed about, though. I’ve been doing this for twenty five years and certainly wouldn’t stop now. In my field, you work as long as you can before your disgust becomes intolerable… then you get out. When you run out of money, you go back into the shit and repeat the process.

I’ll likely work very little through the winter - maybe a couple days a week at most - and live off of savings… which should get me through. Come spring I’ll get back into it full time. Or not. Hard to say. I don’t waste my time planning that far ahead; the secret is living in a way that doesn’t require you to plan. wink

THANK YOU!!! Nice to hear that form somebody.

Well, that’s an interesting lifestyle. What is it you do? Are you self employed or do you just hope to get hired in the spring?

right outta high school i tried to get a job as a proctologist but i couldn’t find an opening, so i became an auto mechanic. that didn’t work out too well so i got into insulation, but they gave me the little fuckin shit breathers so i quit the fuckas. now i handle people’s wood. anything you need i can build the fuckin thing. new construction, renovation, addition and repair. i do it all, tough guy. and i can find work anywhere. you put me in the ass end of the philippines and i’ll find a fuckin job.

…handle people’s wood. :laughing:

Come on Prom, was that intentional?

I like this one:

Hey promethean, can I quote you in my sig?

I think that would be a wonderful idea. Everybody should have a promethean75 quote somewhere in their lives. Either in their sig box, on a roll of parchment, stuck to the fridge with a magnet, printed on a bumper sticker, or framed and put on the bookshelf.

Wait so you… when I… you thought I… OMG NO! No man! Oh gross! No way!

Sorry, I couldn’t resist… that joke was right there for the making, from a plate you unintentionally offered… fodder, placed in the hands of the infamously-immovable British-innuendo witty standard. :slight_smile:

Next time I’ll resist. :smiley: