What is Populism?

I would say three factors concerning Resources:

  1. How Resources are acquired
  2. Who owns those Resources
  3. How to spend/consume the Excess

I’ll split this by Liberal-Left versus Conservative-Right, the x-axis. Liberals, today, believe in high taxes and socialism as means to acquire Resources. So Resources are acquired slowly. Liberals believe that everybody “owns” those Resources. They are owned by Society, not the Individual. Thirdly, Liberals believe to spend the Excess frivolously and “live it up”, leaving little, nothing, or worse, debt to the next generation. Conservatives believe in low taxes and capitalism as means to acquire Resources. Thus they are acquired quickly. Conservatives believe that individuals, small groups, or corporations “own” those Resources. They are owned by Individuals, not the Society. Lastly, Conservatives believe to spend the Excess carefully, sparsely, or not at all, thus comprising a Monopoly or Control of flow of Hedonism. Conservatives have restrictive access to wealth and excess, allowing who they deem ‘worthy’, into the trough. Liberals are against these Restrictions, and want to give everybody access to wealth or High Class.

No, not necessarily, although it can.

I’ve been thinking about your classification system. Here’s my interpretation:

X-axis (left-right) = Liberalism (left) vs Conservatism (right)
y-axis (top-down) = Authoritarian (top) vs Populism (down)
z-axis (forward-back) = Progressivism (forward) vs Regressivism (back)

Most people are simple-minded, common, average, etc. and think that Politics is one or two dimensional (Liberal-Left vs Conservative-Right) when it is 3 or more dimensions. More intelligent minds can have more means of measure and understanding the axis, and peoples’ positions. A society can be Liberal-Populist-Regressive (“Socialist”). Another society can be Conservative-Populist-Progressive (“Secularist”).

Liberal-Authoritarian-Progressive (“Libertarianist”)

I think the three-axis (or more) demonstrate these nuances.

Liberal sexual hedonism would be sex outside marriage, multiple partners, polyamory, bisexuality.
Conservative sexual hedonism is adultery, serial-monogamy, children out of wedlock, maybe homosexuality.
Like you say, either group has their form of Righteousness. Liberals consider themselves Morally-Superior, Haughty, eating “green” and paleo.
While Conservatives consider themselves superior by High Class, High Dining, Cultural Sophistication, etc.
Liberal and Conservative elitists attack each other with “my Morality is better to/superior than yours”.

Skip to 45:45 mark, about Immigration, Environmentalism, and selling-out.
(I was rewatching this video earlier tonight and it’s very relevant.)


I think “Liberalism vs Conservatism” is best founded upon, as I mentioned above,
Resource Acquisition
Resource Ownership
Resource Excess

I’d clarify to say “Rewards and Excess” is always good, but not Hedonism. Hedonism is explicitly bad in a severe/austere/scarce environment.

It’s interesting how poor, disparate, displaced, and anti-American groups within the US, are introduced to Hedonism. Nobody really talks about this. But is American wealth ‘owed’ to fresh immigrants, who have not lived here or been patriated? Are African immigrants, beyond 2000, still “black-American”, although they technically have not been slaves? Are Reparations owed to them, based on race-alone? How about Moslems, what do they think of American Hedonism, except repulsion, disgust, and leads to more animosity? Or how about welfare-dependents, are they owed Excess? Should poor people be able to buy beer, cigarettes, and junk food with food-stamps? Etc.

Agreed, going down-up in Wealth is dangerous as is going up-down, back to poor, is dangerous.

Ideally, people should be ‘hedonistic’ with Excess and Wealth, ‘stoic’ with Austerity and Scarcity.

I believe that “Liberal”, by definition, is going to “spend it all away” more or faster than Conservatives. But, yes, both will spend it away, or lose it eventually.

The relevant shift now is from a Capitalist/Meritocracy, to Socialist/Aristocracy, where Resources become further entrenched through Inheritance. This leads to strict Class rigidity and severe restriction of class-mobility.

I don’t think there’s necessarily a “correct” way to act with Excess, Abundance, and Wealth. I personally prefer stoicism, and so see myself as Conservative/Conservationist in that regard. But I also understand the importance of “letting yourself go” and indulging. Sometimes people should reward themselves and relax, especially when they deserve it. America is still lingering with Hedonism from the Post-World War Victories. But that Excess is running out. You can’t stay High forever. You need to win the next wars too.

US is becoming polarized. I look to “white-flight”, out of racial minority areas, leading to Fragmentation. There comes a point when non-whites create simply undesirable areas where nobody, not even themselves, want to live. These quagmires are bad-bad, all around. Lose-lose. So “racism” would be good, to solve that dilemma, but it’s a blind-spot to Liberals and Liberalism. They can’t imagine a means of solving it, and so simply give-up and themselves flee.

That’s part of the struggle of the overclass versus underclass. Liberals want to say Excess/Wealth should be spent this way, Conservatives say it should be spent that way or not at all.

Yes, and then when there is a consolidation of “White-America”, it’s labeled as a threat, white-nationalism, “racist”, etc. I think the “Racist” label is being played-out. The more Liberal-Left scream, emotional hysteria, and fearmonger, the middle or Center develops resistance or immunity. At this point, fine, I’m a white-nationlist, so what? What are you going to do about it? I care about my family more than yours. Don’t you? And yes, it turns out, Liberals care about their families more than other peoples’. They’re no better, and especially no moral authority. Furthermore, if you want to attack my family, or simply, teach American youth that “gender is fluid”, then maybe some fighting needs to happen to prevent this, to protect the sexual perversion of children. If the opposition is so low, so immoral, then fuck them, they will lose sooner or later.

Europeans would hurt a neighboring country rather than deal with a problem themselves though. In fact this is how and why European countries are literally selling their foreign immigrants to neighbors, or paying Turkey to stop immigrants from Africa. They are putting a dollar $ symbol to the problem. Europeans don’t work as a ‘whole’, as a nationality, except in last-ditch efforts of all-out warfare. Europeans are only unified during severe wars or existential threats (like the Ottoman invasion attempt, Mongolians or Huns long ago, etc).

Again, I tell you, I can’t even watch television commercials or programs anymore. The propaganda is so bad, mixed-race here, miscegenation, all these subliminal messages, it’s overload. It’s grotesque what US “Mass Media” has become. The message is black-and-white now, obvious. I think lots of people are become repulsed and revile over how far US Culture has receded and degraded.

Right, it’s a war.

If we could have racial, religious and sexual libertarianism, where government protected and provided for all of us equally, that wouldn’t be so bad, but instead we went from white separatism and patriarchy in the 19th century, to non-white and female supremacism in the 21st, with the 20th being a transitional period between the two.

Anglo-Saxons can live together with other whites, but we can’t live with nonwhites, and like you say, as we’re transitioning from a white majority to a non-white majority by the mid-late 21st century, it’s becoming more apparent, their hatred for us is growing or rather revealing itself as our numbers decline and theirs incline.

We’re already 2nd class citizens, if we don’t put a stop to this shit then by the mid-late 21st century we could be hunted like dogs and rounded up like cattle, like South African whites.

Only the west has adopted multicultural and multiracial policies while the rest of the world mobilize for economic, cold and hot war.

At the very, very least we need to hold onto our white majority by ending non-white immigration and deporting all illegals, refugees and non-contributing non-white immigrants, if not all non-whites, and at the very least we need sexual libertarianism, if not patriarchy.

Multiracialism and multiculturalism, where we all join hands and sing kumbaya, was an absolute fantasy and disaster.

Racism is natural and normal, the question is not if racism, but what kind of racism are you going to have, one that protect you and yours, or subjugates and exterminates them?

I don’t believe it would come to that, but, “you never know.”

The DNC and Liberal-Left are becoming so radicalized that they will do anything for more votes, including illegal patriation of illegal immigrants to boost their numbers. However, in the Coulter-McInnes video, the non-white, minority, and radical liberal-left are not as ‘solid’ as they portray through the Mass Media. There is very little, or nothing, that they have in common, at this point, except blind-hatred of the conservative-right. And hatred only goes so far, only offers so much power, before it is easily rebuked and exposed by a modicrum of Reason and Intelligence.

What I expect this Century is a mass “White-Flight” as both bourgeois liberals and conservatives run here & there looking for new White-majority communities. This will cause further fragmentation and polarization throughout the US, especially in politics. I also expect a massive upturn in Conservative religions, expansion of Mormon power in the Western US, expansion of Evangelical power in the Eastern US. If State/Government fail, then people turn to Religion for the next safe-space or avenue to power. There are signs of more Theocratic power coming.

Wow! You folks really don’t get it. The RIGHT is a control group. They don’t care about ethics, just about votes. Like a control group from a psychology experiment. The right has no INHERENT VALUES!! No inherent ETHICS!! We are a fundamentalist christian nation. The right panders to this. Understand this: The majority of people are pro choice. They don’t vote. The fucking fanatics vote, and the think abortion is a sin. I’ll tell you this: I mean it honestly, the BIGGEST issue in US politics is abortion. Trump doesn’t give a shit, but he knows that if he says that he had a “revelation” that abortion is wrong, that he’ll win. All the conservatives care about is power, not truth to power. He’s appealing to the fanatics… The man has ZERO ethics. By appealing to the rich for tax cuts and loopholes and environmental rollbacks, he gets MASSIVE money for his campaign, the money and the fact that only 6 corporations own 80% of the media, means the Trump will win.

Integrity? Zero percent.

You know what’s fucked up? The dems have figured out that they can’t win without the ultra rich, so they have sold out on every issue except abortion. And that’s why they keep losing. Because we’re a “christian” nation. This only means that the dens have SOME integrity (not much but SOME) republicans don’t give a SHIT.

I hate both parties, but I’ll objectively state that at least democrats have at least ONE FUCKING PLATFORM OF INTEGRITY!!



What you posters still don’t understand, is that all of these DRAMAS!!! are meant to distract you from the core problems, the rich fucking us all. Donald Trump is totally on board with this shit, so was obama, clinton, the bushes etc…

Honestly folks!!!

Both the left and right political parties all throughout the west are controlled opposition, bankers or central banks are the real governments behind all societal imposed policies. All governments throughout the west are merely puppets made for the domestic consumption of the majority of imbeciles that really haven’t the slightest clue how the world is really ruled or controlled. :sunglasses:

Everywhere throughout the west the real rulers hide behind a curtain through a variety or plethora of intelligence agencies.

Succinct. Is really the biggest issue on earth that people should have the right to call themselves “them”? You know what’s a joke? Trump talks on and on about the fake media (which, by the way is the same thing Hitler did), but if the media is owned by the wealthy in only 6 companies and can’t be trusted, then we shouldn’t trust trump!!

People are sucked in by the DRAMA, that they can’t see the misdirection. Trump doesn’t give a fuck!! He KNOWS about the misdirection… he’s just playing the game.

“Oh poor me, the darling of the rich being maligned by the media, owned by the rich.”

Are people that ignorant? YES!!!

Jew World Order, start there. :sunglasses:

You give them too much credit.
They are opportunists, like all vermin, taking advantage of weakness, desperation, turmoil, need, and desire, through the manipulation of semiotics.

Control the global money supply, control the world… :sunglasses:


I’m going to go out on a limb, and just guess, that Gloom would want you two to stick to the topic.

Right, so for you, conservatism is capitalism and reinvesting most of your surplus rather than splurging, liberalism is socialism and splurging.

Right, more intelligent minds are multidimensional.

You’ve explained what you mean by liberalism-conservatism, the X-axis, can you explain what you mean by the Y and Z-axes?
I’m guessing authoritarianism is granting more positive (liberal) and/or negative (conservative) rights to minorities and/or the elite than the majority (the white proletariat and middle class) and populism is the reverse.
Does progressivism mean social, political and economic globalization and modernization, and conversely does regressivism mean social, political and economic localization and antiquation?
If so, these three axes come close to how I think about things, it’s just I would use a bit different terminology.

X-axis: Libertarianism (negative rights) vs Authoritarianism (positive rights).
Y-axis: Unpopulism (more rights for the underclass, noncitizens, minorities and/or the elite and their culture) vs Populism (more rights for the proletariat, citizens, the majority, the middle class and their culture).
Z-axis: Progressivism vs Regressivism.

I’ve talked quite a bit about what I mean by libertarianism-authoritarianism and unpopulism-populism, but not much about progressivism-regressivism.
For me, regressivism means favoring more localization and antiquation, favoring more wilderness, ruralism and new urbanism, favoring greener tech, traditional cultural values, trad science, trad medicine and cutting back on unnecessary production-consumption.

I think there is such a thing as quantitatively too progressive and qualitatively the wrong kinds of progression.
If I could, I’d turn back the clock several decades in some ways.
More globalization, modernization, urbanization, production-consumption and so on isn’t necessarily better.
Man needs to find the right balance between nature and traditionalism on the one hand and artifice and modernity on the other.

You could replace regressivism with conservationism and conservatism in the Z-axis.
The way I see it, capitalism, reinvesting (materialism) and libertarianism aren’t conservatism, they’re their own ideologies.
Or conservationism and conservatism (staying put) could be placed in between progressivism (moving forward) and regressivism (moving backward) in the Z-axis.

"On science and medicine, I’m in favor of more alternative and DIY science and medicine.
I think science and government are hiding a lot of things about health and the nature of reality from us.
They want to keep us dumbed down, misinformed and sick, that way we’re easier to manage and profit off of.

On technology, I think we’ve picked all the low hanging fruit sort of speak, what’s left is either presently out of reach, unripe or poisonous.
I think tech should help preserve and protect what we are and evolve naturally, rather than transform us into something we’re not.
It should enhance and supplement our lives, rather than substitute or replace them.
Tech exists to serve humanity, not the other way around.
We have to be more careful with how we proceed technologically, not try to fix what’s not broken.
We got the wrong idea about tech.

That being said, I’m in favor of CO2 and global warming, the globe isn’t warm enough, but as I’ve said elsewhere, I’m against 5G, geo and genetic engineering, nanotech and apprehensive about Ai.
CO2 is a nutrient, it’s either a boon, not a concern or the least of them, but I am concerned about unnecessarily dumping toxic chemicals, the endangerment of species, unnecessary deforestation and scientific meddling."


But conservatives have been against those forms of sexual hedonism you listed, at least in rhetoric, except for perhaps men being promiscuous with unmarried women, whereas liberals have been for them.
For conservatives, moral sex is heterosexual sex within marriage, whether the marriage was consensual or arranged, coerced, for libertarians and liberals, moral sex is consensual sex, but for libertarians consent is narrow and straightforward (yes means yes), whereas for liberals broad and convoluted (yes may mean no, if the woman was inebriated or felt economically or psychosocially manipulated or pressured).
For radical liberals, all (heterosexual) sex is rape.
For conservatives, sexual purity is what counts, whereas for libertarians and liberals narrow and broad consent respectively is what counts.

Right, green vegan-vegetarianism vs fine dining.

I’ll watch this in a bit.

Both hedonism and “Rewards and Excess” are intrinsically good, but what’s intrinsically good, can still be extrinsically bad if the subsequences are sufficiently intrinsically bad.

All good points.
Ultimately they’re going after us simply because they hate us and they can, we let them.
Morality has to have some impartiality and consistency.
They have no impartiality or consistency other than ‘white people bad’ and so no morality, what they have are excuses.

I think people should be ascetic and minimalistic in poverty and moderately hedonistic and materialistic in affluence.
Just because you’re spending within your means, doesn’t mean you’re not harming yourself and, depending on what you’re doing, others, the economy and the environment we all share in the process, which’s when the state, community and/or mob if necessary, ought to intervene, when your hedonism and materialism coercively physically harms others and their property, financially harms the economy and trashes the environment we all share.

I’m not a libertarian, not on ecological and economic issues, I believe in balancing liberty and authority, altho if I had to choose between two extremes, I’d select libertarianism over totalitarianism.
I don’t think people owe it to themselves or others not to harm themselves or to help themselves or others, but they do owe it to others not to coercively physically harm them or their property, financially harm the economy and trash the environment we all share.

I’m not worried about psychological and self-harm, except for when it comes to children, people should keep their debauchery (hard drinking, drugs, LGBT, etcetera) away from children or places where children gather, keep it private or restricted.
We can decide what constitutes harm and when it crosses the line democratically.
We don’t all have to agree with what we’ve decided democratically, I believe in free thought-speech, but we do have to comply.

While capitalism tends to be meritocratic (luck can also play a role in success) when it isn’t crony (fractional reserve banking, unsocial corporatism, usury), vulture capitalism and similar practices can damage and destroy families, communities and entire nations.
I don’t see anything wrong with forbidding fractional reserve banking, unsocial corporatism, usury, vulture capitalism and stripping the swindlers of their wealth and redistributing it to the families and communities they swindled.
In my view, the right balance of capitalism, social democracy and social corporatism will lead to the greatest meritocracy.
Of course we can’t prevent or reverse every swindling that happens in capitalism, but we can prevent and reverse extreme cases, where hundreds or thousands of people have been financially terrorized.

Right, some hedonism, and materialism is good.

I agree, as the chasm between the proletariat and the bourgeois deepens, as we continue to diversify; decline, collapse, balkanization and revolution become an inevitability.

Agree with all these points.

The way I see it, while Donald Trump is mostly a fraud, he’s at least a representation, a symbol of the coming new order, along with Brexit in the UK and the rise of V4 (the Visegrad Group) in central Europe.
The age of the left, of social, political and economic unpopulism, egalitarianism, pseudo-egalitarianism, globalization, progression, urbanization and unbridled, unchecked production-consumption is at end, while the age of the right, of elitism, populism, nationalization, conservation, ruralisation and traditionalism is upon us.

Additionally, white civilization is increasingly going to look to Eastern Europe and Russia rather than America and Western Europe for leadership.
And the 3rd world is increasingly going to look to China rather than America and Western Europe, as it continues to play catch-up with the west, altho with the exception of China perhaps, I don’t think the rest of the 3rd world is capable of reaching the heights of peace and prosperity we did.

We’re going to enter a long period of stagnation and/or decline, followed by more decline.
It’s probably not going to happen overnight tho, these things usually take decades if not centuries.
Just as the social, political and economic expansion of the Roman Republic gave way to the stagnation of the Roman Dictatorship followed by decline a few centuries later, so too does our civilization have a life span.

Stagnation and decline are inevitable, the only question is, how deep and steep will it be?
It’s a question that partly depends on us, on how willing we are to adapt and roll with the punches rather than futilely attempt to delay the inevitable.
We can only speculate as to when, if ever, white civilization and humanity as a whole will begin advancing again, but this idea that civilization was going to continue ascending forever without pause was in my estimation, a complete fantasy.

There’re limits to growth, and there’re repercussions and such a thing as bad growth.
Some limits are impossible to transcend, others it can take centuries or longer to transcend them.
Growth is something we need to approach with some degree of apprehension and caution, because it can lead to our demise.
Conversely stagnation and even recession are not necessarily bad things, they can help us purge the excess and pollution.


Ann Coulter is good at pointing out how feminism, migrants and minorities fuck us over, but not how banksters, vulture capitalists and white collar criminals fuck us over.
That’s why I like Tucker Carlson, he’s more of a proper populist, he points out how we’re being fucked over by all sides.
It’s the upperclass who’re responsible for opening the floodgates and bringing them here, bureaucrats and businessmen enticing them with benefits, housing and jobs.

watch this one Gloom


Damn Johnny Cash just laid that shit down, diddint he, Ur?

Some high-grade plutonium material there


No can do, bub. Coulter is where I draw the line. I’ll take a lesbian feminist leftist who wears tennis shoes to work, if you got one. Got any Rachel maddow?

I used to hate Coulter too, but I converted to the Center position. She’s also been tamed in her older age now, and makes some good points nowadays.

I’m just going through these Frontline interviews. They’re really good.

I like Ann Coulter, I like on her foreign policy, immigration and protectionism, I like her on free speech and guns.
She’s an unhypocritical capitalist, like Rand Paul and unlike Trump, she opposes corporate bailouts, subsidies and welfare.
She wasn’t afraid to support Trump when he was a fringe candidate, and she isn’t afraid to criticize him since he’s become president and betrayed his base.

So, what’re you American conservatives going to do, now that you know Trump is another conman?