
The definition and application of words exposes the mind’s motives.
if the individual wants to engage reality, and gain an understanding of it and its own place in it, it will define words in ways that clarify its relationship with the unknown.

If it wants to escape reality into an alternate one, or wishes to use words to exploit imbeciles, by selling them dreams of power and eternity and fame and fortune, then you define words vaguely, obscurely, not to reveal but to conceal - to cover with a Mayan veil of mysteriousness, implying more than it can deliver.
This attracts the desperate and the hopeless. Anyone that is dissatisfied with existence as it is.
He gains a following. A cult is formed. specialized lingo, develops to distinguish and make them feel district. Like being chosen to know what few know.

In these times of lost families and declining Americanism, plenty of such lost souls to go around.
This is nothing new. Messiahs, prophets, doomsday preachers, superstition peddlers, snakeoil salesmen….emerge and flourish in times of strife and decline.

The biggest linguistic myth, believed in literally rather than figuratively, is the concept of ‘one’, and its negative ‘nil’.

Based on the diastolic/systolic rhythms of cells - inhale/exhale.
It manifests as a binary ideology - 1/0.
Mathematics is a language and like all languages it is an art-form - representational.
Believing ni it literally is how the moron seeks relief in his own abstractions. It would be like painting a scene and then immersing self in it, or like Hollywood, producing alternate realities, full of propaganda that encompasses and delightfully traps the masses in an alternate world they prefer.

Where deeds falter, let words be our salvation.
Where reality does not yield, let ideals surrender us to fantasy.

Words magical words.

Cleansing language of over 2,000 years of Abrahamic filth, is a start.
Like shining a ight in an occult, twilight, where shadows can be declared to be monsters, or gods, or ghosts from the past…and the antithetical merge, as if they were one.
Cleansing language disarms charlatans, Messiahs, prophets, astrologers, obscurantists, and superstition peddlers.
It reveals what they seek to conceal and in the concealment exploit human fears.

Practice for the mind what you do for your body.
Exercise, cleanliness, good diet, and preventative medicine.

Stop giving away yourself to parasites who prey upon your fears, hopes and anxieties, with linguistic nonsense.

A good teacher is like a good father.
Someone who raises his students, his children, to become independent from his support and guidance; someone who makes himself obsolete, because he teaches how to engage reality directly.
A hypocrite and a fake, does the opposite.
His words are meant to cultivate dependence and mediators.

Language clarifies. It does not obscure.
Language reveals, it does not conceal.

He who understands simplifies, reveals, so that even a simpleton sees.
He who is a simpleton, complicates, conceals, to lord over other simpletons.

Morality simply means an adherence to the collective and its well-being.
Good/Bad, not good/evil, in this context implies an advantage ro disadvantage produced by the choices of the individual in regards to group hierarchies, preserving group cohesion and stability.

We cannot say if abortion or capital punishment is good or bad unless we establish what the organizing ideal of the group is - in this case society.
This means that there is no objective moral standard but neither is morality subjective, or a social construct. Rather it is society which is a product of a moral standard and an overt or covert ideology.

Advancing form moral behaviour towards ethical codes, signifies an advancement from natural environments into manmade, artificial, systems. A technological shift from genetic codes, to memetic semiotics.
A body/mind conflict is unavoidable when the mind imposes additional rules on the organisms conduct; a lucid imposition over subconscious impulses.

Consider the concept of ‘self’ and how it can be defined out of existence, ro defined in ways that guarantees that ti can never be found in experience, but only in some occult realm.

‘Self’ simply means an organic continuum, held together by memory, i.e., DNA and Experiential. Genetic & Memetic.
In this definition ‘self’ is real, observable, testable, falsifiable.
‘Ego’ can be used to represent the aware part of ‘self’. A small part, by comparison.

If our motive is to mystify the concept then we can define ‘self’ in ways that imply a supernatural, occult, source, ro we can define it out of existence by describing it in ways that imply non-existence.
It is our choice. We are responsible. We cannot blame other. It is our intent, our motive, which is at work here.
Do we want to know self, ro do we want to deny and reject it?

It’s pretty obvious that hiding ‘Self’ in obscurity and occultism, is an intent to, usually, hide a simple-mind with complex allusions.

A complex mind, I believe, will want to expose itself to others, where if and when others are interested. But simple-minds are ‘happy’ in their simplicity and ignorance, and so, easily drawn and lured to a grouping or secret-society which gives them the allusion and illusion that they are more than what they are.

A complex mind, Intelligent, as mentioned, “attracts without meaning to”, as does Beauty.

Yes, and power dominates even when it is trying not to.
A complex mind will understand complex concepts in ways that it can use any word and any kind of metaphor to reduce it to the other’s level of understanding. Because language is art, and words are like tools, i.e., brush strokes, shadows, hues.

A real concept is a useful concept. Therefore it is open to multiple metaphors, and symbols and words, because it exists independently from the observer. It is not word specific, nor stuck on one metaphor.
“a rose is a rose…”

Bullshit is word specific because to is not real, and it issueless, other than as a self-seducing, self-flattering, self-comforting mechanism.
Sophisticated minds simplify the complex, simpletons complicate what they only feel but do not understand because ti is nonsense. Usually a simpleton complicated to imitate how complexity appears to simpletons: as something mystifying, magical.
So, they try to imitate this effect by intentionally convoluting and obscuring and using prose and corrupting and misusing language.

An example I use to clarify myself is that of a talentless artist versus a talented done.
The talented one begins by exhibiting his talent so even th simplest mind can appreciate it, by painting reality as beautifully and precisely as possible.
Then he may get into abstract art to represent reality or his own reactions, using abstractions.
But only after he’s proven his talent.

The hypocrite with no talent, will go directly to the abstract, alluding to deeper meaning, and visions and symbolisms, because he lacks talent, so he has to imply it by fooling simpletons with crap.
He goes straight to the experimental the abstract the esoteric, because he has no talent with the realistic - he has no eye for it.

The inferior perceives the superior as something magical, mysterious. The superior can lower itself to the level of the inferior.

The hypocrite imitates this mystification by imitating its effect upon him, hoping he can reproduce it for his fellow simpletons to pretend he is superior - to seduce them with a pretence.
A talentless artist sells a piece of crap, by implying deeper meanings hidden in the mess on the canvas; meaning only a few can truly appreciate.
Playing no human vanity and the need to belong and stand out, at the same time.

Semiotics are the connectors of mind with body; the idea/ideal with the real; the subjective with the objective.
If it is not then it is solipsistic, connecting mind with minds, via text (Scripture), or words referring and deferring to other words.

A self-referential process seeking relief from reality by creating an esoteric linguistic enclosure where the ego can hide.
World is excluded, ro selectively engaged, and interpreted in accordance with the desired outcome.
The mind begins with the idea and works backward, attempting to justify itself in relation to an indifferent inescapable reality. Human experience of reality is integrated into an ideology.

Grounding language upon the experienced real begins by connecting the word, referring to a concept, to an observable phenomenon - independent from interpretations, and verifiable and falsifiable by multiple minds.
The realist is governed by a need to come as close to the real as possible. The idealist wants to remain in his ideology, challenging other ideologies by how popular, seductive and promising his own is, in comparison to others. He must seduce and sell his ideology because particularly when it has no connections to an indifferent world.
He sells it based no how positive it is towards the needs and desires of his target group.

Let’s begin by defining the term ‘meaning’ itself.
Meaning = matrices of interactivity connecting phenomena; the degree, the strength of the connection is also part of what we call meaning.
Quantities of interconnectivity produce depth of meaning.
This and an accurate evaluation of how and ho strongly they interconnect, determines the accuracy of our meanings.

I used the metaphor of a map - representing the noetic interpretation of reality.
A map, if it is attempting to be objective, is a representation of a geographical area.
Points on a map, elevations, distances, terrain etc. are how we connect matrices of niter-connectivity.

The accuracy of our mental map, relative to the geography - which is also fluctuating; a dynamic space/time - determines the depth and the accuracy of our meanings - our understanding.
The world is full of meaning because the world is all about interactivity.
What most people mean by meaning, is a ready-made map - usually imagined to be absolute, i.e., complete, perfect. A map they can live in. Distances traveled in a blink of an eye; elevations climbed with ease, terrain manipulated and exploited with a thought. A mental map requiring mental work…and no physical work - the body need not intervene.

The problem is that most of ‘humanity’, inside the walls and comforts of Civilization, do not live in the ‘Real’. The Matrix movie is about this fact. “Real” is abstracted into an alternative-reality, of Humanity, religion, politics, statehood, and mysticism. It is a disconnection from reality, from the Wild and Nature. Because of this disconnection, the language is separated into two. So those within Civilization, Emasculated/Feminized/Suppressed, use “their own” language of humanity. You can call it ‘Nihilism’, as you do, if you prefer.

So grounding language in Reality is simply speaking a different, second language, which those inside, do not understand, and do not want to understand. The ones who want to understand reality, are a rare type willing to sacrifice and explore, beyond the walls. This is when the ‘philosopher’ type is exposed and realized. The philosopher type seeks knowledge, wisdom, experience, and understanding outside the walls, privileges, and comforts of humanity.

Yes… to possess the courage to go beyond the walls of the philosophy forums and post in the sandbox or chat. Who among you shall have the courage for such a great task?

To Infinity… and beyond (∞)
In the language of mathematics infinity represents the incomprehensible concept of continuous fluidity. It is what lies between the bipolar abstractions of 1/0 dualities.
The mind can only conceptualize continuity as an infinite movement away from the absolute oneness, or towards the absoluteness nil, in a sequence of unlimited fragmentations.
We can put it another way and say that infinity is a concept integrating chaos (randomness) into the concept of order (oneness) – both of which exist only as ideas/ideals in the mind; a compromise forced upon the mind by existence.

Creating a self-consistent alternate reality is as difficult as the quality of mind you wish to attract - seduce.
See Lord of the Rings, compared to Star Wars.
Philosophy is not immune.
It fabricates word-based alternate realities it then claims to be more ‘real’ that the experienced.

Selling the product is the easy part, because there are always ready and willing feeble minds desperate for anything other than the real world. It doesn’t take much to convince a dullard or a man-child that what it sees is illusory, or superficial, hiding something more profound, and conveniently more pleasant.
Occultism suffices to quiet any rational scepticism. It alludes to what it can never show, or prove, ro justify. but it doesn’t matter if the target audience is desperate and needy enough.
All it wants is something plausible, and not insulting.
Something self-flattering, self-aggrandizing and yet still not obviously bullocks. Something the individual can justify to itself, while at the same time escaping itself.

Those who live in the either/or subjective confinement of their own simplistic mind, will use the usual “evidence” of absolutes:
Bachelors are either married or I are not married.
Trump is either President or he is not.
I have money in my pocket or I have none.
There’s an elephant in the room, or there is not.
Without getting into it, the confusion is produced by a cause that described by Jaynes in his book Bicameral Mind, and it is similarly rooted in the emergence of self-awareness, and the language used to express it.
For primitive minds self-consciousness - or their internal dialogue - was mistaken for external spirits and gods speaking to them, guiding them, admonishing them, speaking to them inside their own mind. Their own conscience was mistaken for divine disapproval of their actions and choices, as though there were another mind involved.
Similar to how life is in a state of antagonism with existence, so too mind is in a state of antagonism with the body it emerges from.
I will not explain the reasons here.
This either/or confusion is embraced by a simple mind seeking for simple but final solutions to its existential dilemmas.
If applied religiously it produces paradoxes, which are then used as evidence for the occult, justifying the mind’s desire for relief via mystification.
[see Zeno’s paradoxes]
If we understand what language is - and why mathematics is also a form of language that can produce numerical values superior to the existence it purports to be representing - then we will also comprehend why mind is being worshipped as the one-god, creator of all and independent from it; mind exceeding reality, and pre-existing existence.
It’s all about language - i.e., semiotics - and how and why it emerges; and what methods it employs to interpret the world it gradually awakens into.

Language is an art-form - including mathematics. This is why mathematicians often describe their algorithms and mathematical formulas using aesthetic terms like ‘graceful’ and ‘beautiful’, or ‘harmonious’ and ‘eloquent’.
To understand language we must understand art, and why it can represent what exceeds the existent, and can synthesize contradictions, concealing them in its semiotics.

There was a vid posted by an ILP member on the paradoxes of mathematical infinities, which accentuated the ability of the mind to abstractly - theoretically - exceeds and usurp reality, by confusing its own interrelations and representations for reality itself.
That the mind can manufacture infinite infinities exposes the relationship between noumena and phenomena - and abstractions of a fluid world, for the real world that is not entirely ordered but includes energies that are chaotic, ro random in their interactivities, and so are counter-intuitive and incomprehensible by an organism that depends on order.

The use of philosophy to circumvent reality is a common practice among the feeble-minded and the psychologically retarded.
A continuous reference to references to more references, about the world, which loses itself in referencing.
Words referring to more words, referring to text, that quote script, that allude to another’s book, and on and on.
Within this mess the mind escapes into itself.
It seeks refuge in ideology, founded on ideas, grounded on more theories…
A pseudo-intellectual cacophony of insatiable name-dropping, and quotations, losing its way, intentionally, in ideology.

Nihilism finds its perfect environment here.
It’s goa is to selectively sample from experienced reality and to dismiss all the rest, so as to escape in theory - validated by occultism and superstitions, that feed into this psychosis.
This is not philosophy. This is a self-help dogma, exploiting naivete and need/desire.
Power built on the powerless.

Over time, the mid is incapable of tolerating the world, as it is, preferring its theories and abstractions.
This is how humanity becomes ‘world’, or how world is theoretically converted to ‘humanity’ - because the extent of nihilism’s influence is the human mind, and those who share a common language - remaining impotent outside these perimeters.