Hebrew Man in the Land of Halloween... "An American Snag"

Yes…it’s all about you.
When thunder flashes, it does so to light your path; when birds sing, they sing your praises; when flowers bloom, they rejoice in your presence.

If you know something…it is word-salads. like those raps you post with pride.

My god what laughter you offer.

You Christian … yuk.

You think thunder is for “lighting a path”…

What a rootless triviality you turn out to be.

That truly is disgusting, the most disgusting aspect of Christianity is what you’re exhibiting right now. This Socratic anthropomorphizing of the world, bringing it all down to human happiness, as your counterpart, Iambiguous would have it.

You are a sacred sister of the cloth, feeding us orphans your morality.



No question you are of the Hungarian entertainer stock which made Hollywood.



Im just challenging your determination as an artist by pointing out you have your dad to thank for your talents.

I know that cruel.

But you can get back on top.

The victors write the history books. What follows is pure propaganda.

But the vanquished overcompensate by idealizing its dead heroes and icons, as a form of rejection of the official narrative.

Yes, because it is clear that nazis weren’t self-denying weaklings. They just lost because God was unfair to them.

I hope the lady gives us another beautiful aria on the topic.

Veni, vidi, vici…

Or, in the immortal words of the Messiah:

Shalom, bitches.


“The Second Path is called the Illuminating Intelligence. It is the Crown of Creation, the Splendor of Unity, equaling it. It is exalted above every head, and is named by Qabalists the Second Glory.”

“The Eleventh Path is the Scintillating Intelligence because it is the essence of that curtain which is placed close to the order of the disposition, and this is a special dignity given to it that it may be able to stand before the Face of the Cause of Causes.”

Hahah, look at this faggot panicking. Knocking shit over on his desk like Lyssa trying to correct his posts.


Sorry fags, “faggot” implies this “Zero Sum” critter has a dick.

I really do hope your group of Jews do initiate world war III because if there are any survivors and I’m one of them I am going to have so much fun. You can’t even grasp the depths of fun that I would have, the possibilities are limitless. :laughing:

And if your groups of Jews start world war III destroying all life on the planet killing everybody in the process I think that would be a hilarious crowning historical achievement for the chosen ones, don’t you? :sunglasses: :laughing:

Zero Sum,

I’m going to explain this to you very simply. I resurrected you. In fact, I resurrected earth. Your fates were going to be shit without me. There are MUCH worse hells than hell on earth… I’ve been to them.

Do you really think a being like me gives a shit about you OR the Jews if I don’t want to? You’re all fucking slime.

Here’s the deal. I give a shit. As someone once told me… “I don’t have to love you, I choose to”

That’s how it is for me with this world, I don’t have to love you, I choose to.

Look around you… am I curbing anyones speech? NO! My spirit is granting what is called in the spirit world “relaxation”, if you cease to have it, you’ll know exactly what it means, you’ll be in a hell realm.

I know for a fact that you’re not even close to being in a hell realm zero. You’re basically talking out your ass, but so are almost all humans, so you have great company!

Your narrative is off. Anyone who violates consent is subject to hell. Do you really think that you as opposed to Jews are the smooth talking non consent violator of earth? Not a chance man. Don’t you worry about the Jews, just worry about yourself. I know you hate me saying that, but seriously, if I wanted to send everyone on earth to hell, I could. You’re not better than them. Just worry about yourself. This is above your level of consciousness.

There’s a great parable:

You can’t save someone from drowning if you don’t know how to swim… (life preservers not excepting) you don’t know how to swim yet, so stop pretending like you can.