
Why are some people Autonomous, and others not?

Why are some people aware of “cosmic” accounting, of accurately pointing to the cause of this or that phenomenon, whether they apply to humans or simply the world?

Is it nature? Genetic? Is it nurture? Memetic?

What about masses of people sitting in Church, who need a Guide, a Priest, a Leader, to delineate who is responsible for what, on their behalf?

Better to leave the thinking, the blaming, the judge and jury, to somebody else, a “higher” authority?

Is it sexist? Men or Women are more responsible than the other? Racist? White or black, one set is more responsible than the other? White Man’s Burden, where’d that come from, what’s it mean?

We can trace it back to sexual roles…and further back to the fear of death, which sex evolved to deal with.
Centuries of uncontrolled reproduction - un-culled replication of a species named human - has propagated mutations that would otherwise have result in the individual organism’s demise.
A psychology of dependence…due to the female’s role in reproduction and her long periods of vulnerability, during gestation and weening.
The feminine needs a master. A dominating protecting and providing Will.
If not God, then the State. It needs roder, certainty, safety - predictability. All attributes of domestication. Institutionalization.
A desire for a controlled, enclosure, with predictable routines.
God secularized as absolute order.


I do not click on those.
I’m sure you were brilliant.

No, because your errors - those I point out - are fairly simple. To me anyway.

Is ignorance an excuse for responsibility?

Or why is it that people attempt to know more and learn in the first place? What does knowledge have to do with morality or free-will? Does the more you know make you more free, or less free?

Morality is very extensive if and when you take it seriously. Innocent people can be jailed and punished. Guilty people can beat the system. The critique against you, Prom, is that you have/had a tendency to deny or diminish any moral judgments, dating all the way back to ILoveOpinions. And you repeat the same mistakes in your thinking, to-this-day, regarding Determinism or “Free-Will”. I think most people are beyond the black-and-white, absolute yes or no. You can deny Free-Will. You can claim Determinism. You can accept or reject Responsibility. But objectively, what’s the difference?

The example I used, cannot be compared, in the sense that some people do setup their situation, and then deny the outcomes. Doing this routinely and repeatedly, and endlessly justifying flawed premises from the start, is never going to work. Because even if a person were to lie to him or herself, then it only makes another mistake inevitable. It will happen again, eventually, because no lesson was learned. No knowledge was gained.

Freak-accidents is not a counter-argument, at least not a reasonable one. There’s always a degree of far-out randomness. That’s beside the point. The point is, when it’s mostly in your control, and you slant your mind to always win-win and never lose-lose, then you’re going to fail or crash hard, eventually. The only way not to fail, is to skew a subjective system, in your favor, hence a domesticated society.

Worshiping the mind, means only the lucid mind - Ego.
The degenerate considers himself “innocent” because he did not ‘consent’, did not offer a conscious agreement, did not consciously choose.
He dismisses the continuous automatic reactivity of the body.
He does not identify with it - see curent identity crisis - denial of the body’s judgments and reactions to stimuli. The body is not the person…only the ego is.
So, what the body chooses, how it acts, is not acknowledged as belonging to the self, by the schizoids.
The body is separate…other than.
See how a male can then claim to be trapped in a female body.

The body’s choices are not recognized as the ego’s choices. It is innocent’ of them.

Free-Will is about choices.
Each choice participating I the determination of all subsequent options to be chosen from.
Power is about having access to choices…because most of he time we are aware of options we have no power to choose.
This is the relationship of power and freedom. Increased power means more options can be chosen.

Notice the power relationship between chooser and chosen. It is ingrained in the Abrahamic psyche, and all of those tribes, in particular, cary it as an innate quality.
Messianism, salvation myths, sexual neurosis and paraphilia, all part of increasing self-awareness and an established - tradition - method of coping with it.
But that aside…
If free-will is properly defined - i.e., connected to an observable, verifiable, falsifiable, empirical action, behaviour, pattern - then not only is it not defined out of existence, but it is observable.
Choice is the action of free-will.
But people experience the consequences of their own choices, after the fact. There’s a lag between reaction, action and awareness, equal to the brain’s processing speeds - metabolic rhythms.
So, an individual experiences the consequence of its own actions and choices, as if some other had performed them in the past.
It does not accept impulsive, automated actions as belonging to itself - its responsibility. If it did not reason through the choice it denies responsibility of the consequences.
This creates a mind/body dissonance.
it is possible for the body to react and act, according to evolved automatic programming, while the mind is dominated by an ideology that is contrary to this.
Gene/meme conflict. most often experienced among nihilists.

The point is, people are either majorly in-control of themselves or they’re not. People either generally accept the consequences of “their actions” or they don’t. Now, using a freak-occurrence, being hit by lightning, is not being intellectually honest. People do not have complete control over themselves/existence/environment. There will always be areas of loss-of-control; it is within these areas that the ‘Eternal Victims’ justify the basis of their thinking, and then apply it to all other areas. Prom, weren’t you “determined” to get shot in the eye? You constantly admit to Determinism and Hard-Determinism, so yes, you were. Who determined that it would happen, or that a person should get struck by lightning, except God? Fate? Destiny?

If you insist on walking outside during thunderstorms then you should be slightly cognizant of the risk.
Yes there is a risk your bus driver can fall asleep or into a coma while driving.
Yes there is a risk a drunk driver will veer into your car headfirst on a road.
Yes there is a risk of engine failure or terrorist hijacking during a plane ride.
Yes a piano can fall on your head, out of Heaven-itself.
Yes aliens can tractor-beam your car.

Risk in existence. By accepting that risk, to live and to die, you will begin to become responsible for yourself. There is nothing “complete or absolute”. But it’s a “higher” degree than any form of Nihilism, denial, and being Eternally The Victim.

Expanding on what Aegean just mentioned… Prom and others (Silhouette),

Why are only part of “your actions” what you can take responsibility for? Why is only your conscious existence, the source of your self-responsibility, if you have any? You’re not responsible for yourself, when you can’t remember what happened? When you weren’t awake? When you were drugged? Why is it, only when you have full control over yourself, or mostly, that you are self-responsible?

Why is only the Adult version of you, responsible for yourself? If you have any degree of “Free-Will”, then why now, but not then? What changed?

Is it based on the time of day? 2:00pm to 3:00pm is the “I’m responsible for myself” hour, the rest of the day is wasted?

Responsibility is about accepting the unforeseeable as being possible.
Accepting it as part of man’s ignorance.

in the debate between Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett we witness the effect genes have on memes.
Semitic blood versus European blood.
It shapes an individual’s relationship with reality.
His/Her spirit.

Slavishness can be inherited as a potential towards that psychological demeanour.
Ideologies are gene specific, because they emerge from within particular tribes relating to specific environments.
Race is about inherited potentials.

Indo-European genealogy versus Afro-Asiatic genealogy.

That’s obviously why Harris doesn’t believe in freewill, and dennett does. Harris’s great great great great great great grandfather was a negro Zulu shaman, while dennett’s was a noble Viking warrior.

How far you go when you are the perfect example of a confused Semite.

All these crazies on ILP share your mixed-upness.
Is it coincidental?

They’ve recently discovered a gene that makes Cartesian dualism incomprehensible to those who carry it. So far the gene has only been discovered in negros, Asians and camel jockeys.

Sarcasm is defensive.

Belief in an absolute, call it god, call it on, call it universe…is part of a heritage.

Usually, recovering Abrahamics go into Marxism.
The need for an external authority is too strong. Famine spirits.
Missing fathers.

you got me. what can i say. my sarcasm isn’t really a mode of addressing something so ridiculous, it can’t be taken seriously… but instead a means to conceal my embarrassment before insights too extraordinary for me to comprehend.

The power of the nil.
Negate, dismiss, reject…laugh.

The formula works for you.

The inclination towards authoritarianism is genetic. Yet, genetic inheritance can be cultivated or allowed to atrophy - Nurture/Nature.
An inherited weakness can be cultivated.

Semites inherit that weakness.

Yup. The other day some guy tried to tell me two plus two equals five. I disagreed. And do you know that guy had the nerve to call me a nihilist? I told him ‘yeah, I’mma nihilist, but not because two plus two doesn’t equal five.’

There ya go.
It’s been working for you.