These are not universal truths...

I rest my case.

Now try to talk sense to that.

You and ambiguous share too much in common. Make your argument. Are you scared? I make ALL of my arguments!!

Ecmandu is “special”.

Iambig doesn’t seem to have that specialness so something else is going on in him. I have my theories but I said that I wouldn’t psychoanalyze him again.

Disillusionment with Abrahamism and then Marxism, made him lose his trust in his own judgments.
He began to feel like all human theories were baseless and equally founded on words, referring to more words.
He rejects anything that goes off that nihilistic conclusion.
His ego could not accept the possibility that it was his gullibility and feebleness that attracted him to Christianity and then to Marxism.
He could not accept that other minds were not as gullible or feeble.
The idea frightened him. the superior can enslave and exploit the inferior…and he will not allow this to occur. So he must seed doubt and mistrust in one’s own judgments and awareness…so as to bring about the Utopian Marxism of peaceful coexistence. A world where the superior and the inferior agree that they are equally ignorant and products of their environment, and make concessions.
Equally distributing the costs and the benefits.
He will only accept parity of outcome.

I know what special in quotes means. It means mentally handicapped.






People often say that the universe doesn’t give a fuck. The law of non contradiction rules us all. That’s my higher power. Because that’s my higher power, I have ascended beyond you… you’re all just trying to get laid again. You chose the wrong side. You folks are SICK, really fucking SICK.

Sorry. That should have been : Ecmandu is special.


You could have said “ecmandu has a point”. But as a god believer you can’t stand the self empowerment of analyzing your personal consent being violated to disprove it. So, you throw me under the bus. Do you have any clue how much I’ve suffered all of you trying to make this knowledge public? It’s VERY intense suffering!

I give Ecmandu my consent for him to insult me brutally, until I cry.

You claim to have interacted with deities/gods. How can you disprove their existence? :astonished:

I can disprove their supremacy! They hate me for it, and for some bizarre reason, humans want to be seen as gods too, and even the humans hate me for this.

So gods exist but they are not supreme?

Oh yes. They definitely exist.

Let me explain existence to you for a bit:

Your God (even unbeknownst to you), may be some girl you knew in grade school… she calls all the shots in your life here. What I’m trying to say is that it’s more complicated than people make it out to be. The famous Gods get accessed more often… but the heart is a very interesting thing… you may think your God is Jesus, but your heart made some child a Shriners hospital your god. You think it’s Jesus, but it’s not.

So, how do you center? You ask, “Is anyones consent being violated?” If it is, then it is not the supreme god.

I have to say, to add to my last post. You folks really underestimate me. I have suffered more than all of you combined, and I am wiser than all of you combined. I know a shitton about existence. My throw-away sentences display (at times) more wisdom than your treatises.

Why you folks don’t appreciate my contributions more is sad.

Do you really get off on calling me deranged or special?

It’s just so sad.

I’m saner than all of you. I don’t want your adulation, I just want you to acknowledge truth when it hits you like a sledge hammer.

I have forgotten more than you will ever learn.

Top that!

I already have. I taught you things you never even imagined, axioms of philosophy to boot. Sorry you forgot that recipe for custard.

Narcissism, unearned arrogance, self-aggrandizement. Yes. the Modern disease is flourishing on ILP.

A well-spring of inane insanity, overcompensating for what has been lost.

indeed, but i had already known it. i just hadn’t yet seen it happen with such persistence and success. i mean the minor schizophrenia produced by the interplay of philosophy, western culture, and capitalist economy. what is remarkable is the ability for you to maintain this division and still ‘hold it down’ in your practical life. which is to say, you’re still a fully functioning individual despite the absolute intellectual and emotional mayhem you are suffering. and i say this is possible because the intellectual part, the ‘philosophy’, is a kind of vestigial nonsense that neither helps or hurts you. like a by-product of what happens when an above average IQ participates in very complicated language games they’ve learned in their philosophical studies, which don’t directly interfere with their actual, practical life. it isn’t that the philosophy produces the emotional turmoil - as if you’ve found some profound truth which states as a matter-of-fact that you should be miserable - but rather that the emotional turmoil accrues to the philosophy and finds expression through it.

so in the end we have an individual shaped and corrupted by these three prevalent forces (mentioned above), who then seeks solace and guidance in one of the very things that aided in his ruin. like i said, pretty remarkable.

Yeah…but I knew it all before any of you.
I was first.

Don’t blame me…blame the cosmos that made it so.
Fate. It can be so unfair.
I’m just the fortunate recipient of greatness. What can I say?
I’m trying to be humble, but it’s hard when it’s so obvious.

well you can’t ‘blame’ the cosmos because the cosmos isn’t an intentional director or determiner of events. you can, however, allocate various causes to specific features about the cosmos, but none of this can be understood in the anthropomorphic terms we use in our language.

the difficult part is extracting out of the language about causation, the anthropomorphic concepts we’ve imported into it after centuries of developing and practicing the conceptual confusions produced by the theory of freewill that we employ in our practical discourse. words like ‘blame’, ‘fault’, ‘responsibility’, are packed with connotations that are erroneously applied to an indifferent causality. and if you aren’t careful, you’ll start to not only ‘blame’ the cosmos like you would a neighbor who broke your gas grill when he borrowed it, but also call the cosmos ‘unfair’ as well, like the neighbor who refuses to fix the grill.

it’s the confusions inherent to the illest-freewillist’s language that leads him to be only able to understand the determinist’s ideas about causality in the same way he understands the moral language he uses to describe the behaviors of people.

if and when you come to understand that belief in causality, and lack of belief in an immaterial, cartesian model that defines the self as a causal agency, are results of reason alone and not some ill-advised emotional attempt to avoid culpability, will it begin to make sense to you. until then, you will only be able to understand the determinist as someone who attributes to the cosmos those erroneous terms you attribute to what you perceive is the free agent. ergo; when a determinist denies freewill, he must be trying to dodge responsibility. he couldn’t possibly deny freewill only because it makes no sense.

now as obvious as this is, the freewillist can’t afford to admit it. he will by any means necessary hold on to his argument to avoid facing his own confusion.


I don’t have a personality disorder.


You really knew that you could disprove gods by analyzing that if anyones consent is being violated, that it’s a false god, but NEVER SAID IT?

WOW you’re a jerk!!

Here’s the deal. Yes, I hear voices. The voices tell me what’s going to happen in the future, and they’re never wrong. They wanted me to know that they’re real, and they proved their point. I actually try using all my spiritual power to change timelines so that they’re wrong. Time will tell. What’s a joke about labeling people as schizophrenic is the question “Do you hear or see things nobody else hears or sees?” Of course not! At a minimum, the entities involved see and hear it too. Often times, I’m called into “spiritual conference calls”, I"m a highly sought after soul for these cosmic discussions. Like I’ve stated before… I’m like the grand central station of the spirit world. My council is sought after and included for very big discussions about existence.

Yes, it is an absolute miracle that I come across as a normal person. In my life, I’m actually seen as simply charismatic … normal. Because the web allows for in depth conversations, you all get a peek into my truer self (not that I don’t have people I discuss these things with in life outside the net) People just usually don’t bother to get to know me that well. Which is fine by me.