These are not universal truths...

Note to others:

Nothing new here is there? Just one more Kid reconfiguring ILP into their own personal rendition of “social media”.

Sure, those of us who do take philosophy seriously may disagree regarding what that means. And, as well, some no doubt will point the finger at me in that regard. I’m part of the problem too.

But you either respect the intelligence of others or you don’t. And there was once a time when I had considerable respect for the intelligence of those who often disagreed with my own narrative here. In particular with respect to “I” in the is/ought world. But they’re all gone. von rivers, moreno, only_humean, statiktech, lizbethrose, volchok, omar etc.

Instead, in their place are the screeching Kids.

Though, sure, admittedly, that is no less an existential contraption all my own.

So, sure, my point will either resonate or it won’t.

Back to the poem.

You were begging for Aegean to come here so that you could make a fool of him.

He’s here. You have your public.

Go ahead and begin.

I thought I already had. :wink:

That was it?


That’s all he was worth. :wink:

A Kid has to earn my contempt. :laughing:

After all those years of talk. UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE. #-o

On the other hand, I’m always disappointing you.

But, rest assured, your own intelligence is A-Okay in my book.

You know, if you’re willing to accept that as, say, a compliment. :wink:

He wanted to sing his poem in my face….expecting a magical effect.

He’s a troubled mind…waiting for Godot.
Like so many on ILP…a bit fucked-up in the head.
More annoying than anything.
It’s the repetition that can become tiresome…and his interpretation of this frustration as a ‘victory’. His effect.

But is he the only one who is insane and full of self-aggrandizing delusions, on ILP?
Here it’s practically the norm.

Oh, this’ll be good. So what’s sane? I know I’m sane. I’m curious with what and how you disagreeing with me and others in all that diversity makes you sane.

So what’s sane?

He’s the one who is constantly quoting you, “analyzing” your posts and begging for the opportunity to engage with you directly.

But of course. :-"

Was he?
I bet he selected what he brought over.
What he means by ‘engage’ is the opportunity to repeat the poems he learned and have served him well, until Godot cums.
Isolating him was devastating. He wanted centre stage…for his poem to have its greatest impact.

Let me see if I can recall one of his early work"
I was born to a middle-class whore…blah, blah
All that to say that we are born blank slates and are programmed to judge according to the culture we are born into.
Nurturing 101.
All memes, no genes.
If absolute evidence is not offered, then negation will erase it, automatically.

The only acceptable answer…all are equally ignorant…so why not compromise and reach some mutually beneficial agreement to live in peace with our lies.
Its textbook Marxism.
Let’s share the costs of our shared ignorance.

I have a definition of sanity: Non contradiction. I’m less contradictory than others, which makes me MORE sane.

Everyone uses that definition of sanity… even this new dude. He’s trying to use the law of non-contradiction to establish his sanity.

You know… people on this board give me WAY to little credit.

Don’t all insane people think they are sane?

But, let’s be honest…how many sane people are on ILP?
One claims to be a trime traveler repairing consent violations; another that his posts are read and used to form geopolitics; another claims have solved the mysteries of existence…and on and on.
So many messiahs, and geniuses, on ILP…of all places. A shit hole…in the middle of cyber-nowhere.

This is more like an asylum of lost souls.

That’s crazy.

I rest my case.

Now try to talk sense to that.

You and ambiguous share too much in common. Make your argument. Are you scared? I make ALL of my arguments!!

Ecmandu is “special”.

Iambig doesn’t seem to have that specialness so something else is going on in him. I have my theories but I said that I wouldn’t psychoanalyze him again.

Disillusionment with Abrahamism and then Marxism, made him lose his trust in his own judgments.
He began to feel like all human theories were baseless and equally founded on words, referring to more words.
He rejects anything that goes off that nihilistic conclusion.
His ego could not accept the possibility that it was his gullibility and feebleness that attracted him to Christianity and then to Marxism.
He could not accept that other minds were not as gullible or feeble.
The idea frightened him. the superior can enslave and exploit the inferior…and he will not allow this to occur. So he must seed doubt and mistrust in one’s own judgments and awareness…so as to bring about the Utopian Marxism of peaceful coexistence. A world where the superior and the inferior agree that they are equally ignorant and products of their environment, and make concessions.
Equally distributing the costs and the benefits.
He will only accept parity of outcome.