The Philosophers

Greed is good.
In Chinese, “rice”=“meal”.

I gather that his desire to copulate with his own mother and replace the shame of his father that he universalized into a universal psychosis is something you can relate to?

Aegean, you know, with all due politeness,

Who the hell says copulate?

Oh sorry…right.
I forgot who I was around.

Freud wanted to fuck his own mother and replace his shameful father.
Avid cocaine user. It is said he…FUCKED his sister-in-law, instead.
Some have speculated that his shame about his daddy, was due to an incident where he gave way to goy…or that his father sexually abused him.
The entire family was sexually degenerate. Typical of the chosen ones that have given up their Judaic, faith.
A mind that could think of fucking his own mother, was not a healthy one.

Yeah that’s a lot better.

Lol. Copulate. With the -type females. No not even the. With - type females.

Blegh lol.


This is why caste-systems will always exist - untouchable human filth exemplified in this flaccid quasi entity which now disgraces the name “Aegean” as he has soiled so many names, will always attempt to creep up to approach some form of actual being.

It is a cell without a core; all that it is is membrane, responsiveness, neurosis. Look at how it types.

I suppose your attempts to congregate with it on its own level are to be lauded as a charitable kind of initiative. But… wash your hands.

So much unnecessary gibberish to say he doesn’t like me.

Pretention thou name is …Iakob.

Value is the wrong term, boy.
You used it for effect.
It is inappropriate when speaking of lifeless matter to use words that imply consciousness and intent.
You are no Nietzsche. Nietzsche, the way you’ve inflated him in your adolescent impressionable psychology, is not Nietzsche.
You are just a man who wants to prove to his family that he is not insane, and worthless.

Id say “begone slave” but you don’t even make a proper slave. Just no qualities at all.
Anyway, this will be the last attention I grant you today. Savour it.

One day you’ll know.
What a delusional clown you are.
ILP is perfect, for your kind.
Where else will your self-proclaimed ‘greatness’ not be laughed to silence, but in a circus, where laughter is the norm?
Chosen one.

I love how you post, pilling your idiocy, and then you edit it all away, before it becomes obvious.

A moron who comes to ILP to declare himself some kind of world changing prophet…is truly delusional.

Do you know how much laughter you gave me over the years?
Thank you clown.
Loved the vids.
So deep and full of profound meaning…for the few chosen ones.

It is not entirely without value, the chandala’s appearance here to try and touch VO, as it shows the power of this philosophy. Which other philosophy causes such passions? None.

Not since Ancient Greece did philosophy cause such a stir in people that they cant resist agitating on its account.

How much shit are you full of, boy?

You agitate with your pompous underserving arrogance, and your grandiosity, begging pleasing for attention…imbecile.
Your philosophy is a repackaged word-salad with no nutritional value…only innuendoes, the ‘few gifted ones’, can appreciate.
You, in short, are a joke…so ILP is perfect for you.

I thought I would not be receiving your glorious offering of attention, oh master of mental masturbation.

You covet, boy…you covet what you fail to produce.
You need. Need/desire drowns you in self0indulgent idiocy.
That makes you a bad thinker.

Here’s how VO works as a selecting and organizing, ranking mechanism;

All except true philosophic royalty are threatened by it.
The relatively noble seek to challenge it and in the process learn much about themselves, are ennobled and rise, not to the top but to positions of philosophic aristocracy nonetheless.
The ignoble seek to refute it by throwing feces, and thereby reveal their ignobility, and get locked at the bottom.
The ordinary, un philosophic simply enact the principle, are neither ennobled nor disgraced, and sit comfortably atop he lowest layer and below the relatively noble-and-rising.

It actually works. I know its annoying if you’re not a lord, but …c’est la vie.

Show me clown.
What has VO accomplished, other than seduce a few imbeciles you flatter and inflate into sycophants.
You are a joke.
do you understand?

You simply declare and they justify with nonsensical prose, using words inappropriately to produce vacuous sentences. You feed on need/desire to sell fantasies.
VO is repacked vomit of last centuries undigested crap.
It pretends to be saying something deep, and it is saying nothing.

In general, nobility can be defined only in terms of a capacity for valuing.

Alexander, perhaps noblest of all, was the greatest valuator. He thereby was able, as a mere kid, to forge an unlikely yet rock solid political alliance of powerful lords - he knew what value he had there, and was able to designate it its justified places. Philosophers in general are noble, one can to philosophize without a great deal of reverence for oneself, to begin with and for the powers of the mind in general.

The very lowest beings creeping in the pits of the human species are entirely only able to value the excrement that is dropped in front of them, dump from higher beings as their only means of sustenance - and their whole valuing apparatus consists simply of valuing themselves equally as all else in terms of the waste they feed on.

Between these two extremes is an elegant rank order of increasing capacity for valuing and thus increasing structural integrity of self-valuing. A hierarchy approaching the pure ontos at he top, the human Atoms, philosopher-kings, who set the terms for the entirety of the human species.

You are a self-deluded feeble psychology full of self-enlarging defensive myths.
You live in your own mind.

Good luck to you. Such psychosis do not have a happy endings.

This pyramid logic incidentally shows us that Hitler was indeed nothing more than a chandala; his valuing of high things was only envy, proven by his attempt to blow up the Notre Dame before withdrawing from Paris. His soldiers burdened with that task were of nobler ilk, and simply refused to carry out the order.

Hitlers lowness, his panicky egotism, was what led to his strategic failures. He had none of the grandeur of Napoleon, who when crossing Egypt with his army and moving below the pyramids heard his men babble, said be silent and aware, ten thousand years are looking down on you.

Stalin on the other hand and the USSR he left behind was, though untenably harsh, very noble indeed - Marx himself was of course ignoble, his writing is nothing besides a system of envious wishes, yet Lenin and Stalin were both, even though clearly very “evil”, of a deeply noble nature. Then again they were Russians, so that does somewhat speak for itself.

“Marx never came to the luminious ideas of attribution general value to the process of production. He thence never even considered the angle of justification.”